The Voice of the Rain Word Meaning and Poetic Device With MCQ


The Voice of Rain Word Meaning and Poetic Device With MCQ

The Voice of the Rain Word Meaning and Poetic Device With MCQ


The Voice of Rain Word Meaning and Poetic Device With MCQ

Thou – you 

Soft-falling – dropping gently 

Shower – raindrops when they fall continuously on Earth 

Eternal – everlasting 

Impalpable – unable to be felt by touching 

Bottomless – very deep 

Upward – towards a higher level 

Whence – from where 

Vaguely – unclearly (Cloud)  

Descend – move of fall downwards 

Lave – wash 

Droughts – dry  

Atomies – very tiny particles 

Latent - dormant, inactive 

Origin - source 

Beautify - make beautiful 

Issuing - originating/starting 

Fulfilment - completing the cycle 

Wandering - moving from one place to another 

Reck’d - cared about 

Unreck’d - uncared for 

Duly - properly, rightly

The Voice of the Rain  Poetic Devices



The rain has been personified as it has been given a voice in the poem.


“I am the Poem of the Earth”. 

The poet uses a metaphor to compare how the rain leaves the ground to come back to the ground, giving back to it much like a person who leaves its home, only to come back after fulfilling its journey.


In the last two lines, the poet has drawn a parallel between the rain and the song of a poet.

Hyperbole: ‘

Bottomless sea’ is an example of hyperbole. The poet describes sea as bottomless which is an exaggerated statement to bring out the desired effect.


In the first line of the poem, ‘Soft-falling shower’ gives the reader an image of gentle rain or drizzle. During the dialogue between the poet and the rain, it creates an image of showers or drops of water falling down from the heavens to Earth and infusing it with greenery, purity, and beauty.


 The Voice of the Rain MCQ

Question 1. Who is I in the first line?

(a) The poet

(b) The land

(c) The sea

(d) The raindrops

Answer: (a) The poet


Question 2. What does the rain call itself? Why?

(a) The poet of the Earth

(b) The poem of the Earth

(c) The poem of the Sea

(d) The poet of the Sea

Answer: The poem of the Earth


Question 3. The word ‘thou’ in the extract is a ………. .

(a) noun

(b) verb

(c) preposition

(d) pronoun

Answer: (d) pronoun


II. Read the extract given below and answer any two of the questions that follow.


Eternal I rise impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea,

Upward to heaven, whence, vaguely Form’d, altogether changed, and yet the same,


Question 1. What does the use of word ‘eternal’ indicate here?

(a) It indicates the continual process of rain

(b) It indicates the continual process of nature

(c) It indicates the discontinuous process of rain

(d) It indicates the discontinuous process of nature

Answer: (a) It indicates the continual process of rain


Question 2. From where does ‘I’ rise and where does it go?

(a) It rises in the form of droplets and goes to the sea

(b) It rises in the form of clouds and goes to the sky

(c) It rises in the form of water vapour and goes to the land

(d) It rises in the form of water vapour and goes to the sky

Answer: (d) It rises in the form of water vapour and goes to the sky


Question 3. Which word in the extract means the same as “in a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear”?

(a) Eternal

(b) Impalpable

(c) Vaguely

(d) Bottomless

Answer: (c) Vaguely


III. Read the extract given below and answer any two of the questions that follow.


I descend to lave the droughts, atomies, dust-layers of the globe,

And all that in them without me were seeds only, latent, unborn;


Question 1. With what purpose does the rain descend from the sky?

(a) To trouble the creatures of the Earth

(b) To give life to the drought affected areas and plants

(c) To wash the dust layers enveloping the Earth

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Answer: (d) Both (b) and (c)


Question 2. What will happen if  it was not there?

(a) It would result in happiness on the Earth

(b) It would not matter to the residents of the Earth

(c) The seeds will remain as seeds and plants will not grow

(d) It would result in the rise of temperature on Earth

Answer: (c) The seeds will remain as seeds and plants will not grow


Question 3. ……….. is the opposite of ‘latent’.

(a) Inactive

(b) Manifest

(c) Dormant

(d) Resolute

Answer? (b) Manifest


IV. Read the extract given below and answer any two of the questions that follow.


And forever, by day and night, I give back life to my own origin,

And make pure and beautify it;


Question 1. In what way does the rain help its place of origin?

(a) By causing floods

(b) By providing water to the drought stricken areas

(c) By washing away impurities from the Earth

(d) Both (b) and (c)

 Answer: (d) Both (b) and (c)


Question 2. What is the importance of the word ‘forever’?

(a) It points to the everlasting features of artificial elements

(b) It points to the everlasting features of natural elements

(c) It points to the temporary features of natural elements

(d) It points to the temporary features of artificial elements

Answer: (b) It points to the everlasting features of natural elements


Question 3. ……….. in the extract is the opposite of ‘ending’.

(a) By

(b) Back

(c) Origin

(d) Beginning

Answer: (c) Origin


V. Read the extract given below and answer any two of the questions that follow.


(For song, issuing from its birthplace, after fulfilment, wandering Reck’d or Unreck’d, duly with love returns.)


Question 1. What is the similarity between a song and the rain?

(a) They return to their place of origin

(b) They are never ending

(c) They do not have any origin

(d) They are liked by one and all

Answer: (a) They return to their place of origin


Question 2. How has the poet been able to put his own reflections?

(a) By using quotation marks

(b) By using parenthesis or brackets

(c) By making notes in his diary

(d) By telling his friends about his experiences

Answer: (b) By using parenthesis or brackets


Question 3. For what purpose has the phrase ‘Reck’d’ or ‘Unreck’d’ used in the passage?

(a) For highlighting the author’s comments

(b) To indicate that rain or a song keep completing their life-cycle

(c) To indicate that rain or a song do not complete their life-cycle

(d) For making the poem interesting

Answer: (b) To indicate that rain or a song keep completing their life-cycle


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