The Rattrap NCERT 12Th Word Meaning in Hindi


The Rattrap NCERT 12Th Word Meaning in Hindi

The Rattrap NCERT 12Th Word Meaning in Hindi

The Rattrap NCERT 12Th Word Meaning in Hindi

Rattraps (रैट्रेप्स) = Equipments for catching rats (चूहे पकड़ने की चूहेदानियाँ)

Odd (ऑड) = occasional/not regular (कभी-कभी )

Material (मटेरियल) = things (सामान, चीजें )

Farms (फर्स) = farmhouse (फार्म हाऊस)

Especially (इस्पेशली ) particularly (विशेष रूप से)

Profitable (प्रॉफिटेबल) earning profits (फायदेमंद) 

Resort to ( रेसॉर्ट टू ) = forced to (बाध्य होना)

Petty (पेट्टी) = small (छोटी)

Thievery (धीवेरी) = theft (चोरी)

Keep body and soul together = to survive/ live (जिंदा रहने के लिए)

Rags (रैग्स) = old torn clothes (फटे पुराने (चीथड़े) कपड़े)

Sunken (संकन) = hollow and falling inward ( धँसे हुए)

Gleamed ( ग्लिम्ड) = shone (चमकती थी),

Monotonous (मोनोटोनस) = (here) dull (नीरस)

Vagabond (वेगाबोंड) = vagrant / wanderer ( आवारा / = घुमक्कड़)

Plods) = trudges, walk slowly with heavy steps ( पाँव घसीटता है, कठिनाई के साथ भारी कदमों से चलता है)

Meditations (मेडिटेशन्स) = thinking deeply in silence (मनन, चिन्तन)

Entertaining ( एंटरटेनिंग ) amusing (मनोरंजक)

Struck (स्ट्रक) = suddenly came ( अचानक आना)

About him (एबाउट हिम) = around him (चारों ओर)

Existed ( एग्जिस्टेड) = remained (मौजूदा रहा)

Purpose (परपस ) = aim (उद्देश्य)

Set baits (सेट बेट्स) = to place food on a hook, etc., in order to catch an animal (चारा लगाना जानवर फँसाने के लिए जाल में)

Riches ( रिचेस) = wealth ( धन-सम्पत्ति)

Shelter (शेल्टर) = refuge (शरण)

Pork (पोर्क) = meat from a pig (सुअर का गोश्त)

Tempted (टेम्पटेड) = lured/ enticed (प्रलोभित होना)

Unwanted (अनवांटेड) = unaccustomed (अनभ्यस्त )

Ill (इल) = (here) bad, evil ( बुरा )

Cherished  = held dear/clung to (हृदय में बनाए रखना, संजोए रखना)

Pastime (पास्टाईम) = entertainment (मनोरंजन)

Dreary (ड्रीयरी) = dull (नीरस ) 

Ploddings (प्लडिंग्स) = wanderings

Snare (स्नेयर) = trap (फंदा)

Bait (बेट) = food as lure (चारा ),

Trudging (टूडिंग) = wandering (भटकते हुए)

Sour (सॉर) = (here) unpleasant (अप्रिय)

Immediately (इमिडिएटली) | = at one (एकदम ) 

Porridge (पॉरिज़)  = oat meal (दलिया)

Supper ( सपर) = the last meal of the day (दिन का आखिरी खाना),

Carved off) = cut (काटी)

Slice ( स्लाईस) = piece (फाँक, कतला)

Pack (पैक) = packet (गड्डी),

Mjolis (मजोलिस) = a game of cards played in Sweden (स्वीडन में खेला जाने वाला ताशों का एक खेल) । 

Generous ( जेनेरस) =kind / large-hearted (उदार दिल, दयालु)

Confidences (कॉन्फिडेंसेस) =  taking into confidence or talking even secret things ( विश्वास में लेना )

Prosperity (प्रास्परेटी) = during prosperous days (समृद्धशाली समय में)

Crofter (क्रॉफ्टर) = one who rents a farm (जमीन किराये पर देने वाला, बेड़े का मालिक),

Creamery (क्रीमेरी) = a place where milk and cream are made into butter and cheese (जहाँ दूध/ क्रीम से मक्खन और पनीर बनाए जाते हैं)

Kronor (क्रोनोर) the unit of money in Sweden ( स्वीडन का करैंसी (मुद्रा))

Incredulous (इनक्रेडूलस) = unbelievable (अविश्वसनीय) 

Pouch (पाऊच) = small bag (थैली)

Wrinkled (रिंकल्ड) =  not smooth ( मुड़े - तुड़े)

Nodding (नॉडिंग) = shaking the head (सिर हिलाना)

Stuffed ( स्टफ्ड ) = filled tightly (ठूंस दिए)

In good season ( इन गुड सीज़न) =  happily (मस्ती में, प्रसन्नतापूर्वक)

Probably (प्रॉबेबली)= perhaps (शायद)

Gotten up (गॉटन अप) = woken up (जागा हुआ था)

Peddler (पेडलर) = vendor (फेरीवाला)

Smashed (स्मेश्ड) = broke into pieces (चकनाचूर किया)

Pane (पेन) = (here) window pane/ glass (खिड़की का शीशा)

Stuck (स्टक) = (here) thrust in (डाला, ठूंसा )

Got hold (गॉट होल्ड) = caught hold ( पकड़ा ),

Thrust (थ्रस्ट) = push forcefully ( धकेला) 

Quite (क्वाईट) = a lot (काफी)

Smartness (स्मार्टनेस) = (here) cleverness (चतुराई),

Public highway (पब्लिक हाईवे) = main road ( मुख्य सड़क),

Caused (कॉज्ड) = produced (पैदा की)

Gotten into (गॉटन इनट) = fallen into, trapped (फंस गया था)

Definite (डेफिनेट) - certain (निश्चित),

Twisted (ट्विस्टेड) = curved (चूम / मूड़ जाता था)

Recalled (रिकॉल्ड) = remembered (याद किए )

Fooled (फूल्ड) = (here) Deceived (धोखा खाने दिया),

Trunks (ट्रॅक्स) = stems (तने )

Thickets (थिकेट्स) = a group of bushes growing closely (झुरमुट, झाड़िया)

 Logs (लॉग्स) = big pieces of wood (लक्कड़),

Impenetrable (इमपेनिट्रेबल) = that can't be crossed (अभेद्य)

Descending (डिसेंडिंग) = coming down (नीचे आती हुई )

Gloom ( ग्लूम) = sadness (उदासी)

Despair (डिस्पेयर) = disappointment (निराशा) 

Sank down (संक डाउन)  = fell down ( धम्म से गिर गया)

Thumping (थम्पिंग) thudding sound ( थप्प थप्प की आवाज)

Hammer strokes (हैमर स्ट्रोक) = sound of hammer striking (हथौड़ के चोटों की आवाज )

Summoned ( समंड) = (here) gathered (बटोरी, इकट्ठी की)

Staggered (स्टैगर्ड) = walked unsteadily (लड़खड़ाता चला)

Smelter (स्मेल्टर) =  melting of iron, one who melts iron = (लोहा) पिघलाने वाला,

Rolling mill (रोलिंग मिल) = a factory that produces flat sheets of metal (वह मिल, जहाँ धातु की चादर बनती हो )

Forge (फोर्ज) = furnace, hearth (भट्ठी)

Barges (बार्जेस) boats (नौकाएँ)

Scows (स्काऊज) = flat bottomed boats (चपटे - तल वाली नौकाएँ)

Slid (स्लिड) = sailing down ( तैरती हुई)

Sifted (शिफ्टेड) = separated (छनता हुआ)

Charcoal (चारकोल) = coal made from wood (काठ- कोयला, कच्चे कोयले ) 

Crates (क्रेट्स) = baskets (टोकरे) 

Master (मास्टर) = expert (माहिर )

Pig iran (पिंग आयरन) raw-iron (कजा लोहा) 

Anvil (अनविल) an iron block on which a blacksmith hammers things ( निहाई / सन्दान / अहरन )

Stir (स्टिर) = (here) move a little ( हिलाना, कुरेदना ) 

Glowing (ग्लोइंग) = shining ( चमकता हुआ)

Mass ( मॉस) = lump (पिण्ड)

Bar (बार) - (here) iron rod (छड़ी)

Dripping (ड्रिपिंग) =wetting/ falling in drops (टपकता हुआ)

Perspiration (पर्सपिरेशन) sweat (पसीना ) 

Bellows (बिल्लोस) = pipes that blow air ( धौंकनी)

Groan (ग्रोन) = (here) sound of bellowing (धौंकनी की आवाज)

Cracked (क्रेक्ड) = spattering sound of charcoal (चटकने की आवाज ) 

Shovelled (शोवेल्ड) = put through shovels (कुदालों या फावड़ों से भरना ) 

Maw (माँ) = (here) like a big mouth / stomach (उदर, पेट)

Great deal (ग्रेट डील) = lot of (काफी) 

Clatter (क्लैटर ) = a loud noise (खड़खड़ाने की आवाज )

Roared (रोर्ड) = made a roaring sound, thundered (दहाड़ने की आवाज)

Wipped (व्हिप्ड) = sharp blowing or thrusting (आघात करती हुई/फटकारती हुई) 

On account of (ऑन एकाऊंट ऑफ) due to (के कारण)

Unusual (अनयुज्वल) = -- uncommon (असाधारण )

Escaped (इस्केप्ड) = went out ( बाहर निकल जाती थी) 

Sootypanes (सूटी पेन्स) = (here) glass panes covered with smoky dust (कालिख लगे हुए खिड़कियों के शीशे ) 

Glanced (ग्लेंस्ड) = looked (नजर उठायी, देखा) 

Casually (कैजुअली) = not intently (सरसरी नजर से), आकस्मिक

Indifferently (इनडिफरेन्टली) without caring (ध्यान न देते हुए) 

Intruder (इनटूडर) = = one who entered without permission ( घुसपैठिया)

Ragged (रैग्ड) = (here) torn and old clothes (फटे- जीर्ण कपड़े )

Bunch (पंच) = a cluster (गुच्छा)

Dangling (डेंगलिंग) = hanging down (लटकता हुआ) 

Haugty (हाटी) = arrogant (घमंडी)

Consent (कंसेंट) = agreement ( स्वीकृति)

Tramp (ट्रम्प) = wandered ( आवारा) 

 Prominent (प्रॉमिनेंट) = distinguished /famous (प्रसिद्ध)

Snip out (स्निप आउट) = shape out s way (तराशना)

Ragamuffin (रैगमफीन) = wearing rags (गुदड़िया 

Eased his way (इज्ड हिज वे ) = made his easily (आसानी से रास्ता बना लिया)

Deigned (डीन्ड) (here) bother (परवाह की/कृपा की)

Tore off (टोर ऑफ) = (here) exposed/ turned up (उघाड़ा, ऊपर किया)

Slouch (स्लाइश) = (here) not straight / bending (झुका हुआ)

Acquaintance (एक्वेन्टेंस) = well-known/familiar with (जाना-पहचाना, परिचित)

Undeceive (अनडिसिव) = not to deceive (धोखा न देना) 

Downhill (डाऊनहिल) (here) fall in fortune (किस्मत में गिरावट)

Manor (मैनोर) = farmhouse ( जमींदारी - भवन )

Regimental (रजिमेंटल) = of the same. regiment (उसी फौज की टुकड़ी का)

Comrade (कॉमरेड) colleague (साथी)

Alarmed ( एलाई) = (here) frightened (डरा हुआ)

Voluntarily (वॉलेंटरिली) = (here) willingly (स्वेच्छा से) 

Den (डेन) = cave (गुफा)

Sncak away (स्निक अवे) = run / go away silently (चुपके से खिसक जाना

Inconspicuously (इनकॉन्सिपिकसली) = (here) without being noticed (बिना नोटिस में आए )

Assumed (एस्यूम्ड) = (here) supposed ( अन्दाजा लगाया ) 

Embarrassed (एमबैरेस्ड) = (here) feeling uneasy, in an awkward situation (बेचैनी अनुभव करना, भद्दी अवस्था में ),

Miserable (मिज़रेबल) = (here) pitiable ( दयनीय),

Abroad (एब्रॉड) = in some foreign country ( विदेश में),

Disappear (डिसएपियर) = (here) consumed ( खत्म करना),

Faster (फास्टर) = quickly ( जल्दी से ) 

Give in (गिव इन) = surrender (हार मानना ) 

Preferred (प्रिफर्ड) = showed priority (प्राथमिकता दी है) 

Turned on his heel (टर्न्स ऑन हील) = ran away (भाग गया)

Apparently (एटली) (बाहरी रूप से)

Persuasion ( परसुएशन) = bringing round outwardly (मनाना) 

Valet (वेलेट) = attendant, servant (टहलवानौकर).

Pretty (प्रिंटी) = attractive / beautiful = ( आकर्षक सुन्दर) 

Modest (मोडेस्ट) = gentle (विनम्र )

Apprentice (एप्रेंटिस ) = trainee / helper ( सहायक )

Glowed (ग्लोड) = brunt with a shine (सुलगते हुए) 

Stretched (स्ट्रैच्ड) = spread out (फैल गया),

Lifted ( लिफ्टेड) = picked up उठाया)

Evidently (एविडेंटली) = clearly (स्पष्ट रूप से), 

Abruptly (एबरप्टली) = suddenly (अचानक ) 

Frightened (फ्राइटेंड) = scared ( डरा हुआ था )

Compassionately (कम्पैशनेटली) = sympathetically ( सहानुभूतिपूर्ण ढंग से), 

Noticed (नोटिस्ट) = took notice of (ध्यान किया)

Bother (बदर) = worry (परेशान होना)

Bow (बो) = salute by bending low ( झुक कर प्रणाम करना)

Granting (प्रेंटिंग) = offering ( देना )

Astonished ( एसटोनिश्ड ) = surprised (हैरान)

Glance (ग्लांस ) casual look (झलक )

Forcbodings == (फोरबोडिंग्स) = (here) coming events (आगे घटने वाली (चीजें ) 

Had run across (हैड रन एक्रास) = had come across (अचानक मिल गया था)

Flesh (फ्लैश) = meat (मांस)

Queer (क्वीयर) = strange (विचित्र, अजीव )

Fall away (फाल अवे) = go away (दूर चले जाएँगें/खत्म हो जाएँगें)

Starched (स्टार्ड) · = washed and starched ( ( धुला) कलफ लगा हुआ)

Groomed ( ग्रूम्ड) = (here) well dressed and made up (तैयार, श्रृंगार किया)

Pukered (पक्कर्ड) = wrinkled (शिकन वाला)

Uncertain (अनसरटेन) = (here) not clear (अस्पष्ट)

Attempt (अटेम्प्ट) = trial/effort (प्रयत्न)

Dissimulate (डिसिमुलेंट) = hide (छिपना)

Splendour (स्प्लेंडर) = grandeur (वैभव )

Pretended (प्रिंटेंडेड) = to give a false show (बहाना करना)

Pleaded ( प्लीडेड) = requested ( याचना की),

Interceded (इंटरसीडेड) = meditated = (मध्यस्थता की थी)

Chased away (चेस्ड अवे) = driven away (भगा दिया जाता है)

Cross-examined (क्रॉस- एग्जामिंड) = questioning (पूछ-ताछ)

Mumbled (मम्बल्ड) = murmured (बुड़बुड़ाया)

Cheer (चीयर) = joy (खुशी)

Preach ( प्रीच) = sermonise (प्रवचन देती हो )

Parson (पारसन) = (here) priest (पादरी ) ।

Crazy (क्रेजी) = mad (पागल/सनकी)

One stretch (वन स्ट्रेच) = only for one time (एक ही बार)

Fare (फेयर) = (here) festivity (उत्सव)

Quietly (क्वाईटली) = (here) peacefully (शांति से)

Blinking (ब्लिंकिंग) winking rapidly (पलक मारते हुए, आँखें पिचकाते हुए)

Hurt (हर्ट) = trouble (परेशान करती थी)

Aroused (एराउन्ड) = woken up (जगा दिया गया)

Intention (इंटेशन) == (herce) desire (इच्छा)

Stared (स्टेयर्ड) = looked intently (घूर के देखना )

Boundless (बाउंडलेस) = endless (असीमित), 

Amazement (अमेजमेंट) = surprise (हैरानी )

Dejectedly (डिजेक्टिड्ली) = disappointed ( हताशा में )

Done up (डन अप) = finished (पूरा किया)

Contents (कंटेंट्स) = things (inside ) ( चीजें (अंदर की ) 

View (व्यू) = sight (नजारा )

Jagged (जैग्ड) = (here) rough ( भद्दे)

Characters (कैरेक्टर्स) = writing/letters (लेखा/ अक्षरों में ) 

Chapter 4 The Rattrap

Acquaintance: associate

Alarmed: Frighten

Amazement: wonder

Anvil: a heavy iron block with a flat top and concave sides

Apprentice: learner

Astonished: greatly surprised

Bait: Food placed on a hook to trap a rat, here it is referred to the comforts of life, which is offered to trap someone

Barge: a long flat-bottomed boat for carrying freight on canals and rivers.

Bellows: air bag that emits a stream of air used for blowing air into a fire.

Bossy: Latin word ‘bos’ used for a cow

Boundless: limitless

Carved off: to divide something into parts

Cherished: to love, protect

Clatter: bang

Compassionately: showing sympathy for others

Comrade: A fellow soldier

Confidences: Secrets

Creamery: A factory that produces cheese and cream

Crofter: A person who works on a rented farm

Deigned: do something that one considers to be beneath one’s dignity

Despair: hopelessness

Dissimulate: pretend

Downhill: worst

Dreary: dull

Embarrassed: awkward, shy

Fist: A person’s hand bent 

Flesh on his bones: here it means that the seller should eat good food to gain some flesh on his body

Forebodings: a foretelling

Forge: A shop where metal is heated

Generous: liberal

Gleamed: Shone

Gloom: dark

Groomed: ready

Haughty: arrogant

Hesitating: to be reluctant

Impenetrable: impassable

In a good season: early enough

Inconspicuously: invisible or which is not noticeable

Incredulous: unbelieving

Interceded: intervened

Kronor: Currency of Sweden

Manor house: A large country house

Maw:  jaws

Mjolis: a game played with playing cards

Modest: humble

Monotonous: boring

Odd Moments: A short period of free time.

Parson: Churchman

Peddler: seller

Perspiration: sweat

Ploddings: walk heavily

Plods: walks heavily

Preach: advice

Prominent: Important

Prosperity: riches

Puckered: wrinkle

Queer: strange

Ragamuffin: A person in rags

Regiment: unit in the army or defence forces

Rolling mill: machine to roll metal into sheets

Scow: a flat-bottomed boat used for transporting cargo to and from ships in harbor.

Sheriff: chief executive officer of crown (in England)

Shoveled: move

Sifted: descended lightly or sparsely as if sprinkled from a sieve

Slouch hat: hat bend on one side of the head.

Smashed: badly broken

Smelter: A machine in which metal is melted to form into a shape

Snare: trap

Sooty panes: window panes covered in soot ( black powder produced when coal, wood etc is burned.

Splendor: luxury

Stagger: To walk with difficulty

Starched collar: Starch is the stuff that makes your shirt collar look crisp and fresh. 

Stuffed: to fill up with something

Summoned: gathered

Sunken: lowered

Tempted: convinced

Thickets: A dense group of bushes

Thumping: the sound of some heavy object beating

Thundered: make a loud noise

Tramp: vagabond, wanderer

Trudging: walking slowly

Undeceive: to tell someone that his belief is mistaken

Vagabond: wanderer

Valet: personal attendant

Whipped: beaten with a whip, here to hit something

Whole shoes: Proper fitted shoes

Wretch: miserable person

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