The Tiger king Word Meaning in Hindi


 The Tiger king Word Meaning in Hindi

The Tiger king Word Meaning in Hindi

The Tiger king Word Meaning in Hindi

Attitude  = मनोदृष्टि

Pretending = बहाना बनाना

Strategic  = रणनीतिक

Threat  = धमकी

Hasty = जल्दी

Retreat = वापस मुड़ना, पीछे हटना

Imperative = आवश्यक  

Disclose = उद्घाटित करना

of vital importance = अति महत्त्वपूर्ण

desire  = इच्छा

indomitable = अदम्य, अपराजेय  

abode  = निवास  

extraordinary  = असाधारण

revealed = प्रकट हुआ  

tale =. कहानी 

fantastic  = शानदार

aspect  = पक्ष

demise = मृत्यु

astrologers  = ज्योतिषी  

foretold  = भविष्यवाणी की

swallow  = निगलना

miracle (मिरॅक्ल) = चमत्कार  

phrase (फ्रेज) = पदबन्ध, वाक्यांश

emerged (इमॅजड) = दृष्टिगोचर होना

prophet (प्रॉफिट) = सन्त

transfixed (ट्रैन्सफिक्सट) = हक्का-बक्का होना

stupefaction (स्ट्यूपिफैक्शन) = जड़, स्तंभित

blinked (ब्लिंक्ट) = आँख मिचकाना, पलक झपकाना

infant (इनफॅन्ट) = शिशु  

enunciated (ननसिएटिड) = स्पष्ट रूप से उच्चारण करना

spectacles (स्पेकटॅकल्ज) = चश्मा  

intently (इन्टलि) = एकाग्रता से, ध्यान से

prediction (प्रिडिक्शन) = भविष्यवाणी

squeaky (स्क्वीकि) = चूं-चूं, चीं-चीं

incredible (इनक्रेडॅबल) = अविश्वसनीय

quake (क्वैक) = काँपना

pronounced (पॅनाउन्स्ट) = उच्चारण करना, घोषणा करना

growl (ग्राउल) = गुर्राना

terrifying (टेरिफाइंग) = भयभीत हो जाना

rife (राइफ) = फैली हुई

hindsight (हाइण्डसाइट) = घटित होने से समझना

-marked (माक्ट) = विशेष उपलब्धि  

nanny (नैनि) = धाय

tutored (ट्युटेंड) = शिक्षा दी गई

court of wards (कोर्ट ऑव वोड्ज) = संरक्षक

innumerable (इन्यूमॅरेबल) = अनगिनत  

self-defence (सेल्फ-डिफेन्स) = आत्मरक्षा  

beyond measure (बियोन्ड मेशर) = अपार, सीमा रहित  

drawled (ड्रोल्ड) = फुसफुसाया

incoherent (इनकउहिअरॅन्ट) = बेढंगापन  

onwards (ऑनड्ज) = आगे

proclamation (प्रॉक्लॅमेशन) = घोषणा

celebration (सेलिब्रेशन) = उत्सव

issued (इस्यूड) = जारी करना  

confiscated (कॉनफिसकेटिड) = सम्पत्ति पर कब्जा करना

vowed (वाउड) = प्रतिज्ञा, वादा

initially (इनिॉलि) = आरंभिक रूप से

ambition (ऐमबिशन) = महत्वाकांक्षा, इच्छा  

bullet (बुलिट) = बन्दूक की गोली

fond of (फॉण्ड ऑव) = शौकीन

resolve (रिजॉल्व) = निश्चय

organise (ओगॅनाइज) = संगठित करना, व्यवस्थित करना

carcass (काकस) = पशुओं का मृत शरीर  

relent (रिलेन्ट) = दया दिखाना

deliberations (डिलिबरेशन्ज) = विचार-विमर्श  

retain (रिटेन) = रखना, अधिकार में बनाए रखना

unforeseen (अनफोसीन) = पहले से जानकारी न होना, अप्रत्याशित

hurdle (हॅडल) = बाधा, अड़चन

extinct (इकस्टिक्ट) = लुप्त, दुर्लभ

committed (कॅमिटिड) = अपराध करना

harakiri (हैरॅकिरि) = आत्महत्या

aware of (अवेअ(र) ऑव) = सजग

brandishing (ब्रैन्डिशिंग) = गुस्से से डराने या धमकाने के लिए कुछ घुमाना  shuddering (शडरिंग्) = थरथराते हुए, कांपते हुए

idiot (इडिअट) = मूर्ख, बेवकूफ

babble (बैबल) = तुतलाना, बड़बड़ाना

ancestors (ऐनसेस्टॅज) = पूर्वज

crack (क्रैक) = (यहाँ-) खिलखिलाने की आवाज

rank (रेंक) = श्रेणी

statistics (स्टैटिसटिक्स) = आँकड़े

investigate (इनवेस्टिगेट) = छानबीन

anxiety (एग्ज़ाअटि) = worry, चिन्ता  

fever pitch (फीवर पिच) = very high level, चरम

remained (रिमेन्ड) = left, शेष बचा  

tally (टैली) = number, संख्या  

locate (लोकट) = find, पाना

altogether (ऑलट्गेदर) = completely, पूरी तरह से

extremely (इक्स्ट्रीलि ) = too much, बहुत अधिक

 beware of (बिवेअर ऑव) = be careful of, से सावधान रहना  

savage (सैवेज) = wild, जंगली

wary (वेअरि)= afraid, scared, डरा हुआ  

sunk (संक) = drowned, डूब गये  

gloom (ग्लूम) = sorrow, दु:ख

dispelled (डिस्पेल्ड)= made go away, दूर कर दिया  

disappear (डिस्प अर) = vanish. गायब हो जाना  

frequently (फ्रक्विटील)= very often, अक्सर

 was ascertained (वाज अस्स:टण्ड) = made sure सनिधिनता

famed (फेम्ड) = famous, प्रसिद्ध

swallow (स्वाला) = निगलना  

exemption (इग्ज़ैम्पशन) = छूट |

 rage (रेज) = anger, क्रोध  

discontented (डिस्कॉन्टेन्टिड) = dissatisfied, असन्तुष्ट  

prey (प्रे) = victim, शिकार  

convinced (कन्विन्स्ड) = sure, आश्वस्त  

catastrophic (कटेस्ट्रफिक)= causing disaster, संकट लाने वाले  

shoved (शोब्ड) = रूखेपन से धकेला  

launched (लान्च्ट) = प्रारम्भ किया

exhausted (इग्जोस्टिड) = बाहर निकाला

haul (होल) = घसीटना, खींचना

dragged (ड्रेग्ड) = pulled with force, घसीटा  

shoved (शव्ड) = pushed roughly, धकेल दिया  launched (लॉन्च्ट) = started, शुरू कर दिया  thoroughly (थॉरोलि) = completely, पूरी तरह से  exhausted

 (इग्ज़हॉस्टिड) = tired, थका हुआ  

efforts (एफट्स) = attempts, कोशिशें

haul (हॉल)= pull, खींचना

supplication (सप्लिकेशन) = सविनय निवेदन

crumpled (क्रम्पल्ड) = सलवटों में कुचला हुआ, सिकुड़ा हुआ

elation (इलेशन) = उल्लास, गौरव, प्रसन्नता  

procession (पॅसेसन) = जुलूस

bafflement (बैफलमॅन्ट) = घबराहट, व्याकुलता  

whizzing (विजिंग) = सनसनाहट, गोली की आवाज

tomb (ट्रम) = मकबरा

-celebrated (सेलिब्रेटिड) = मनायी गयी

entire (इनटाइअ(र)) = सम्पूर्ण  

spare (स्पेअ(र)) = अतिरिक्त  

crown prince (क्राउन प्रिंस) = सिंहासन का उत्तराधिकारी राजकुमार

searched (सॅच्ट) = तलाश किया

perfect (पॅफिक्ट) = उचित, ठीक

cost (कॉस्ट) = कीमत

quarter (क्वोटॅ(र)) = चौथायी

quoted (क्वउटिड) = कहा, बतलाया

low price (लउ-प्राइस) = कम-मूल्य

emergency (इमर्जेन्सि) = शाही नियम, आपातकाल

extremely (इक्स्ट्रीमलि) = बहुत अधिक

rare (रेअ(र)) = दुर्लभ

craftmanship (क्राफ्टमैनशिप) = शिल्पकला

bargain (बागेन) = सौदा

offering (ऑफॅरिंग) = भेंट

tiny (टाइनि) = बहुत छोटा

carved (काव्ड) = तराशा गया

sliver of wood (स्लि(र) आँव वुड) = लकड़ी के रेशे

quills (क्विल्ज) = काँटे

infection (इनफेक्शन) = संक्रमण

flared (फ्लेअड) = फैल गया

suppurating (सप्युरेटिंग) = जहर फैलना, घाव में मवाद आना

consultation (कॉनसलटेशन) = विचार-विमर्श  

operate (ऑपरेट) = शल्य क्रिया करना

surgeon (सॅजन) = शल्य चिकित्सक

performed (पॅफोम्ड) = पूरा किया

revenge (रीवेंज) = बदला

unskilled (अनस्किल्ड) = अकुशल  




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 Strategic - Calculated.

 Stuka bomber - A German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft.

 Hasty retreat - A quick withdrawal.

 Imperative - Extremely important; crucial.

 Indomitable - Impossible to overcome or defeat; invincible.



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 Final Abode - Final residence - heaven.

 Demise - A person's death.

 Compelled - Force or oblige someone to do something.

 Astonishing - Extremely surprising or impressive.

 Prophets - A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.

 Transfixed - To become motionless because of horror, wonder, or astonishment.

 Stupefaction - Astonishment and shock.

 Enunciated - Say or pronounce clearly.

 Intently - With great attention.

 Squeaky - Having or making a high-pitched sound or cry.

 Incredible - Unbelievable.

 Bulletins - A short official statement or broadcast summary of news.



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 Quake - To shake with fear.

 Growl - To make a low, rough sound, usually in anger.

 Terrifying - Causing extreme fear; very frightening.

 Beware - Be cautious and alert to risks or dangers.

 Rumour rife - A widespread story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.

 Hindsight - Understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed.

 Nanny - A person, typically a woman, employed to look after a child in its own home.

 Court of Wards - The Court of Wards was a legal body created by the East India Company whose purpose was to protect heirs and their estates when the heir was deemed to be a minor and therefore incapable of acting independently.

 Thrilled - Have a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure.

 Beast - An animal, especially a large or dangerous four-footed one.

 Drawled - Speak in a slow, lazy way with prolonged vowel sounds.



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 Tuft - A bunch or collection of hair, held or growing together at the base.

 Incoherent - Expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way.

 Proclamation - A public or official announcement dealing with a matter of great importance.

 Fling - Throw or hurl forcefully.

 Confiscated - Taken or seized with authority.

 Leapt - Jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.



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 Resolve - Decide firmly on a course of action; strong determination.

 Boar - A tusked Eurasian wild pig from which domestic pigs are descended.

 Dewan - A chief treasury official, finance minister, or prime minister in some Indian states.

 Durai - Chief; leader; conqueror.

 Carcass - The dead body of an animal.

 Relented - To act in a less severe way towards someone and allow something that you had refused to allow before.

 Deliberations - Long and careful consideration or discussion.

 Telegram - A message sent by telegraph and then delivered in written or printed form.

 Despatched - Send off to a destination or for a purpose.

 Forthwith - Immediately; without delay.

 Duraisani - Wife of the chief or leader.

 Retain - Continue to have; keep possession of.

 Unforeseen hurdle - Unpredicted problem or difficulty that must be overcome.

 Standstill - A condition in which all movement or activity has stopped.

 Extinct - No longer in existence.



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 Harakiri - Ritual suicide by disembowelment with a sword, formerly practised in Japan by samurai as an honourable alternative to disgrace or execution.

 Brandishing - To wave something in the air in a threatening or excited way.

 Shuddering - Characterised or accompanied by violent shaking or vibration.

 Summoned - Order someone to be present.

 Babble - Talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.

 Crack of laughter - To laugh with great enthusiasm; intense, uncontrollable laughter.

 Statistics - Collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities.

 Native states - The former semi- independent states of India, ruled by Indians but subject to varying degrees of British authority.

 Adorned - Make more attractive.



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 Fever pitch - A state of extreme excitement.

 Tally - Total; count.

 Savage - Fierce, violent, and uncontrolled.

 Wary - Cautious; careful.

 Gloom - A state of depression or despondency.

 Dispelled - Make disappear; banish.

 Ascertained - Find out for certain; make sure of.

 Wantonly - In a deliberate and unprovoked way.

 Flout - Openly disregard; defy.

 Fury - Wild or violent anger.

 Obstinacy - Stubbornness.

 Rage - Violent uncontrollable anger.

 Forthwith - Immediately; without delay.



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 Discontented - Dissatisfied.

 Catastrophic - Causing sudden great damage or suffering; disastrous.

 Shoved - Push roughly.

 Satyagraha - It is a particular form of nonviolent resistance or civil resistance.

 Haul - Pull or drag with effort or force.

 Wandered - Walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way.

 Supplication - The action of asking or begging for something humbly.

 Crumpled heap - Collapsed on the ground.

 Elation - Great happiness and excitement.

 Procession - A number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony; parade.

 Hastened - Move or travel hurriedly.\\

 Bafflement - A state of being utterly confused or bewildered.

 Whizzing - Move quickly through the air with a whistling or buzzing sound.



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 Tomb - A monument to the memory of the dead, erected over their burial place.

 Spare - Give to.

 Annas - A former monetary unit of India and Pakistan, equal to one sixteenth of a rupee.

 Craftsmanship - The quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry.



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 Carved - Cut or engraved to produce an object, design, or inscription.

 Carpenter - A person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures.

 Slivers - A small, thin piece of something cut or split off a larger piece.

 Quills - Any of the main wing or tail feathers of a bird, or the hollow sharp spines of a porcupine, hedgehog, or other spiny mammal.

 Pierced - To go into or through something.

 Suppurating sore - The formation of pus in the infected area.

 Consultation - The action or process of formally discussing.


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