Evan Tries An O Level Words Meaning in Hindi


 Evan Tries An O Level Words Meaning in Hindi

By : Colin Dexter

Evan Tries An O Level Words Meaning in Hindi

Evan Tries An O Level Words Meaning in Hindi


Provide (प्रोवाइड) = give (देना, प्रदान करना)

Slightly (स्लाईटली) = a little (थोड़ा-सा )

Unusual (अनयूज्वल) = extraordinary (असाधारण)

Chap (चैप) = (here) a man (आदमी, छोकरा )

Dear keen ( डियर कीन) =very anxious/eager (बहुत इच्छुक)

Sort of (सॉर्ट आफ) = kind of (प्रकार की)

Academic (एकेडेमिक) = (here) educational (शैक्षिक)

Cost a packet (कॉस्ट ए पैकेट) = cost a lot of money (काफी पैसे लगते)

Jolly (जॉली) = very pleasant (बहुत बढ़िया, प्रफुल्ल)

Procedure (प्रोसि- जर) = set of rules (प्रणाली/नियमावली)

Stuff (स्टफ) = things (चीजें)

Sounded (साऊन्डेड) = (here) looked (प्रतीत होता था)

Grand (फ्रेंड) = glorious ( शानदार )

Violent (वायलेंट) = (here) very aggressive (उग्र ),

 Criminal record (क्रिमीनल रिकॉर्ड) = record of crimes (अपराधिक दस्तावेज)

Bit (विट) = a little (थोड़ा-सा)

Card (कार्ड) = (here) unusual person, odd person (अजीव आदमी)

Concert (कनसर्ट) = musical programme (संगीत सभा)

Imitations (इमिटेशन्स) = copies of something (नकल)

Congenital (कॉन्जेनाइटल ) = inborn (जन्मजात )

kleptomaniac (क्लेप्टोमेनिएक) = one who suffers from the hobby of stealing (चीजें चुराने की लत वाला व्यक्ति)

Tempted (टेम्प्टेड) = enticed (प्रलोभित )

Presumably (प्रिज्यूम्बली) = likely, probabliy (संभवत: शायद )

Cell (सेल) = (here) a small room in a prison (कोठरी)

Parsons (पर्सन्स) = priests (पुरोहित / पादरी)

Invigilate (इनविजिलेट) = supervise (निरीक्षण करना)

Lot of (लॉट ऑफ) = many (बहुत से)

Chuckled ( चकल्ड) = suppressed laugther (दबी हुई हँसी)

Incommunicado (इनकम्यूनिकेडो) = kept in a place where you cannot see or talk to anyone (ऐसी जगह रहना जहाँ आप किसी को मिल या बात नहीं कर सकते)

Reiterated (रिट्रेटेड) = repeated (दोहराया)

Cradled (क्रेडल्ड) = placed down (नीचे रख दिया)

Thrice (थ्राईस) = three times (तीन बार)

Escaped (इसकेप्ड) = ran away (भाग गया)

Recent (रिसेंट) = of now (ताजा)

Unrest (अनरेस्ट) = restlessness (बेचैनी)

Security (सिक्योरिटी) safety (सुरक्षा)

Establishments (इसटेबलशमेंट) institutions (संस्थाएँ)

Gracing (ग्रेसिंग)- here glorifying = (शान बढ़ाना)

Premises (प्रेमाइसेस) house and grounds, campus (परिसर)

Absolutely (एब्सोल्यूटली) = comp- letely (पूर्ण रूप से)

Certain (सरटेन) definite (निश्चित)

Disgracing (डिस्प्रेसिंग) - insulting (अपमान करना)

persistent (परसिस्टेंट) - continuous (लगातार)

Nagging (नैगिंग) - troubling (परेशान करने वाला)

Presence (प्रेसेंस) = being there ( मौजूदगी)

Besides (विसाईट्स)  in addition to (के अतिरिक्त)

Genuinely (जेन्यूनली) - really (वास्तव में)

Guarded (गार्डड) protected, kept watch (पहरा लगा हुआ)

Recreational (रिक्रिएशनल) - related to entertainment (मनोरंजक)

Guten gluck (म्यूटेन ग्लक) = good luck (अच्छी किस्मत)

Pardon (पार्डन) = excuse (क्षमा करना)

Getting through (गेटिंग श्रृ) = pass (उत्तीर्ण होना)

Tucked (टक्ड) = (here) put inside (दूंसी)

Grubby (ग्रुबी) = (here) dirty (मैली)

Bunk (बंक) = a narrow fixed bed (शाकिया, सोने का स्थान )

cheerfully (चियरफूली) = happily (प्रसन्नता से)

Burly (बल) = stout Surly (स्योरली) = rude, bad tempered (रूखा, बदमिजाज)

Recruited (रिक्रूटेड) = appointed ( नियुक्त किया गया है)

Profession ( प्रोफेसन) = job (धंधा)

nodded (नॉडेड) = shook head (सिर हिलाया)

Curtly (कर्टली) | = and dry (संक्षिप्त / रूखा)

Unshaven ( अनशेवन) = without a shave ( बिना हजामत के)

Filthy (फिल्दी) = dirty/ugly (गन्दी)

Bobble hat (बॉबल हैट) = a woolen hat, a hat with a woollen ball (ऊनी हैट, ऊनी गोला लगा हुआ हैट)

Bust in (बस्ट इन) = came suddenly (धम्म से आ गये)

Scrapping (स्क्रेपिंग) = rubbing (साड़ना)

Do......a favour (डू ए फेवर) = (here) help (सहायता करेगा)

Ramrod (रैमरॉड) = standing stiff (अकड़े शरीर से खड़ा हुआ)

Straight (स्ट्रेट) = upright (सीधा )

String (स्ट्रिंग) = fine cord (डोरी)

Paraded (परेडेड) = demons- trated (प्रदर्शित किए गए)

Smouldered (स्मोल्डर्ड) = burnt (जल रही थी)

Leaned (लीन्ड) = bent (झुका)

Leered (लीयर्ड) ) = saw bitterly (कटु दृष्टि डाली)

Harsh (हार्श ) = rough/hard (कठोर)

Contemptuous (कंटेम्प्टूअस) : = hateful (घृणास्पद्)

Whisper (व्हिस्पर) = a low voice (कानाफूसी)

Shrugged (नग्ड) = shook/jerked (हिलाए /उचकाए),

 Lightly (लाईटली) = softly (हौले से)

Crisis (क्राइसिस) =trouble/time of difficulty (), 

Smarten (H) = make smart (सजने के लिए), Charm (चार्म) 

magic (जादू)

Burried (बरीड) = (here) lying deep (दबा पड़ा था)

Tiny (टाईनी) little Core (कोर) = (here) heart (दिल/ हृदय)

Compassion (कम्पैशन) = pity (दया)। 

Glossary Loathed (लोथेड) = hated (घृणा करती थी)

Wavy (वेवी) = waving in the air (लहराते हुए)

Reverend (रिवरेंड) = respected ( श्रद्धेय)

Stepped out (स्टेप्ड आऊट) = came out (बाहर आये)

Briskly (ब्रिस्कली) = fast (तेजी से)

Considerably (कंसिडरेबली) = enough (काफी)

Shallow (शैलो) = not deep (कम गहरा)

Clerical (क्लेरि- कल) = priestly (पादरी का)

Protection (प्रोटेक्शन) = safety (बचाव)

Steady (स्टडी) = regular (नियमित)

Drizzle (ड्रिजल) = to rain slightly/lightly (बूंदाबांदी होना)

Set in (सेट इन) = started (शुरू हो गयी)

Spattered (स्पैटर्ड) = sprinkled (छिड़क दी, छींटे लगे)

Sealed (सील्ड) = closed with seals (सील बंद)

Invigilation (इनविजिलेशन) N supervision (निरीक्षण)

Authentication (अथेंटिकेशन) = proving that something is real (प्रमाण कार्ड)

Guild (गिल्ड) = association (संघ)

Scheduled (शेड्यूल्ड) = fixed (नियत था)

Lathering (लेदरिंग) = foaming (झाग उठाना)

Vigorously (विगरसली) = briskly (तेजी से)

Distempered (डिस्टेम्पर्ड) = painted (with distemper ) (पुती हुई)

Battered (बैटर्ड) = broken (टूटी हूई)

Brief (ब्रीफ) = short (संक्षिप्त)

Laddy (लेडी) = boy (लड़का)

Pin-ups (पिन -अप्स ) = photographs of sexually attrac- tive (दीवार पर लटके हुए कामोत्तेजक चित्र)

Quitely (क्वाईटली) = silently (चुपके से)

Swath (स्वाथ) = a line (कतार/रेखा)

Bug (बग) = (here) spy (जासूसी करना)

Vaguely (वेगली) = not clearly (अस्पष्ट रूप से)

Neat (नीट) = clean (साफ)

Conceded (कनसीडेड) = (here) confessed (स्वीकार किया)

Taking no chances (टेकिंग नो चांसेस) = (here) taking no risk, taking all precautions (कोई भी खतरा न उठाते हुए सभी सावधानी लेते हुए)

In his senses (इन हिस सेंसेज) = consciously (होश-हवाश में)

Chance (चांस) = (here) risk (खतरा)

Trust you a bloody inch (ट्रस्ट यू ए ब्लडी इंच) = no trust at all (जरा सा भी विश्वास नहीं करता)

Hawk (हाक) ) = a bird of prey (बाज एक शिकारी पक्षी)

Folded (फोल्डेड) = put in fold ( ment et gé), Lodge (I)= (here) living place, house (, ),

Thence (थेन्स) = after that (उसके बाद)

Greeted (ग्रीटेड) = welcomed (स्वागत किया)

Unlocked (अनलॉक्ड) opened lock (ताला खोला गया)

Murmured (मर्मर्ड ). = muttered (बुड़बुड़ाया)

Skinned (स्किन्ड) = (here) fixed (जमा कर रखना)

Clanging (क्लैंगिंग) = sound of ringing (टनटनाते हुए)

Peep-hole (पीप-होल) = a small hole for peeping inside (अन्दर झांकने का सुराख),

Farther (फार्दर) from (), Riveted (fate) = fixed (g), 

Elementary (feet) = primary, basic (प्राथमिक)

Sprang back (स्प्रंग बैक) = jumped back (उछल कर पीछे आया), T

hudded (थडेड) = made a (thudded) sound of something falling (धम से गिरी)

Metallic (मैटे- लिक): ) = of metal (धातु की)

Twang (ट्वांग) = sound of bow string (टंकार)। 

Instructed (इन्सट्रक्टेड) (here) given orders (आदेश दिया)

Temporary (टेंपरेरी) = for a short time (अस्थायी)

Fair (फेयर) = just (उचित, सही)

Spot. it (स्पॉट) = locate it/search it (ढूँढ लेना)

Theatical (थिएटिकल) = dramatic (नाटकीय)

Anxious (एंग्सियस) = eager (इच्छुक)

Alert (एलर्ट) = on watch, cautions (सर्तक)

Haystack (हेस्टेक): ) = a large pile of hay (भूसे (सूखी घास) का ढेर)

Invigilator (इन्विजिलेटर) = one who supervises at an examination (निरीक्षक)

Ensure (एन्स- योर) = make sure (निश्चित करना)

Strictest (स्ट्रिकटेस्ट) = very strict (बहुत सख्त)

Observed (ऑब्जवर्ड) = (here) kept, maintained (रखी जाये)

Advantage (एडवांटेज) = benefit (फायदा)

Smuggle in (स्मगल इन) = bring in secretly (चोरी से अन्दर लाना)

Chisel (चिसल) = a carpenter's tool (छेनी)

Sharply (शार्पली) = (here) attentively, alertely (चौकसी से)

Potential (पोटेंशियल) = (here) likely (संभावित)

Unwittingly (अनविटिंगली) follishly (मुर्खतावश)

Jack-knife (जैक नाइफ)= knife with a blade (ब्लेड याला चाकू)

Hostage (होस्टेज) = kept as a prisoner by the enemy (),

Examinee (एक्सामिनी) = one who appears in the examination, a candidate (r), Patiently (t) = with patience (a), 

Frisked (fi) = jerked (झटका मारा, फटकारा)

Reassured (रिएश्योर्ड) gave assurance again (दोबारा विश्वास दिलाया)

Thumb- flicked (थंब फ्लिक्ड) = opened with the jerks of the thumb (अंगुठे के झटके से खुलना)

Catches (कैचेज) (here) hooks (खटके, हुक)

Picked up (पिक्ड अप) lifted up (ऊपर उठाए)

Palms ( पाम्स) = Inner surface of hands (हथेलियाँ)

Riffled (रिफल्ड) = quickly turned over the pages, browsed (2), 

Cursorily (करसल) = casually (सरसरी तौर पर)

Puzzling (पजलिंग) - confusing (विचलित करने वाली)

Sorely (सोरली) = (here) badly (gut), Semi-inflated (-s) =half-swollen (at e g), Hithertoo (feet)= before this (इससे पहले)

Amiable (एमिएबल) = friendly (मैत्रीपूर्ण)

Demeanour (डीमेनर) = behaviour ( आचरण, व्यवहार)

Ruffled (रफल्ड) = disturbed (भंग कर दिया, विचलित कर दिया)

Tasteless (टेस्टलेस) = unpleasant (असुहावनी)

Pleasantry (प्लीसेन्ट्री) = courtacy (शिष्टाचार)

Sourly (सोरली) = bitterly (कटुता से)

Ye (ये) = you (तुम)

Haemorrhoids (हेमोरोईड्स) = piles (बवासीर)

Emba- rrassment =(here) an awkward situation (परेशानी)

Reddening (रेडनिंग) = making red (लाल कर रहा था)। 

Strict (स्ट्रिक्ट) = hard (कठोर)

Instruction (इंस्ट्रक्शन्स) = directions, orders (हिदायतें)

Concentrate (कन्सेन्ट्रेट) = fix attention on (ध्यान केन्द्र करना)

Breathin (ब्रेथइन) = breathing (साँस लेते हुए)

Overdoing (ओवरड्रग) doing in excess (अति कर रहे हैं). 

Exchanges (एक्सचेंजेस) - (here) give and take of words (वार्तालाप, लेनदेन)

Clang (क्लंग) - sound of ringing (टनटनाहट)

Package (पैकेज) packet (पैकेट)

Fake (फेक) not real (नकली)

Immediately (इमिडिएटली) at once 200 (एकदम)

Staccato (स्टेकैटो) short and uneven notes (छोटे और रूक-रूककर आने वाला स्वर),

Bleeps ( ब्लीप्स) = high electronic sound (उंचे फोन की आवाज)

Engaged ( इंगेज्ड) = (here) busy (व्यस्त )

Whispered (व्हिप्सर्ड) = in a low voice (कानाफूसी में)

Wee While (वी व्हाइल) - for a short time (थोड़ी देर के लिए)

Agreements (एग्रीमेंट्स) = matching (मेल खाना)

Pornunciation (प्रोन- न्सिएशन) = the way of speaking (उच्चारण) 

Impressive (इम्प्रेसिव) effective ( प्रभावशाली) 

Remand (रिमान्ड) = return a prisonner to custody for further enquiries ( हवालात वापिस भेजना)

Hoax (होएक्स) = a false warning (झूठी चेतावनी)

Silly (सिल्ली) foolish (मूर्ख)

Run = riot (रन रायट) = run wild (बौखला गया)

Peered through (पियर्ड थ्रू) = peeped through (ताका)

Staring (स्टेरिंग) = looking intently (घूरते हुए)

Seeking ( सिकिंग) = finding/searching (ढूँढ़ते हुए)

Askew (एस्क्यू) = slanting (टेढ़ा, तिरछा)

Profile (प्रोफाइल) = outline (पार्श्वचित्र/ रूप रेखा)

Amateurishly (एमॅट्यूरिशली) = not professional (शौकीन, अव्यवसायी)

Clipped (क्लिप्ड) = tore/cut (कुतरा / काटा)

Pretty (प्रीटी) = enough (काफी), Closely (क्लोसली) - near (समीप)

Scalp (स्काल्प) = head's skin with hair (खोपड़ी / सिर की खाल)

Index finger (इंडेक्स फिंगर) = finger next to the thumb (तर्जनी/अंगुठे से अगली ऊँगली),

Beneath (विनिध) = under, (नीचे)

Meticu- lously (मेटीकुलसली) = very (अति सावधानी से)

Manicured (मेनिक्योर्ड) - cut and polished nails (नख- प्रसाधन किया)

Stroking (स्ट्रोकिंग) = thumping (थपथपाते हुए)

Crackled (क्रेकल्ड) = made a crackling (चटचटाया / चरचराया)। 

A bit (ए बिट) = a little (थोड़ी सी )

Parky (पार्की) = (here) cold (ठंड)

Ere (एर) = here (यहाँ)

Regulation blanket (रेगूलेशन ब्लेंकेट) | = blanket given officially (सरकारी ब्लैंकेट),

Draped (ड्रैप्ड) = wrapped round/covered round (चारों ओर लपेटा हुआ)

Frowned (फ्रॉन्ड) = showed signs of anger (त्यौरी चढ़ गयी)

Vacantly (वैकेन्टली) = blankly (शून्यता से)

Irregularity (इरेग्युिलिरिटी) = contrary to rules (अनियमितता )

Fishy (फिशी) = Shady, doubtful (सन्देहजनक)

Suffocate (सफोकेट) = make someone die by preventing him from breathing, stifle (दम घोटना)

Chilly (चिली) = (here) very cold (बहुत ठंडी)

Gnawed (ग्नोड) = bit hard (काटा/कुतरा)

Corridor (कोरिडोर) = a long narrow passage between two rows of rooms (गलियारा),

Apprehensively (एप्रिहेंसिवली) = fearing (डरते हुए)

Rapidly (रेपिडली) = fast (तेजी से )

In order (इन आर्डर) = properly/at the right place (ठीक जगह)

Get on (गेट ऑन) = fared/performed (किया)

Distinguished (डिस्टींग्वीस्ड) = (here) very good and special (बहुत बढ़िया एवं विशिष्ट),

Scots (स्कॉट्स) = Scottish (स्कॉटलैंड की)

Accent (एसेन्ट) = pronunciation (उच्चारण)

Fostered (फोस्टर्ड) = supported, patronised (पोषित करता 2), 

Illusion (R) = misunderstanding (if), 

Slimmer (स्लिमर) = thinner (पतला)

Belated (बिलेटेड) = late (देरी में)

Sprawled (स्प्रॉल्ड) = spreading out/ lying stretched (अंग फैला कर पसरा हुआ था),

Semi (सेमि) = half (आधा)

Cropped (क्रॉप्ड) = cut (काटे हुए)

Irregularly (इरेग्यूलरली) = not regular (बेतरतीब ) 

Tufted (टफ्टेड) = bunched (गुच्छेदार)

Awash (अवॉश) = wet with (गीले हुए)

Fierce (फियर्स) violent/terrible = (प्रचण्ड)

Dripped (ड्रिप्ड ) = falling drop by drop (टपकता हुआ)

Horribly (हॉरिबली) = terribly (भयानक रूप से)। 

Shouted (शाउटेड) cried (चिल्लाया)

Wildly (वाइल्डली) = loudly (like a mad man), savagely (जंगली की तरह)

Penetrate (पेनिट्रेट) pierce through (छेदकर गुजरना, पार होना)

Veiled (वेल्ड) = covered (ढँका हुआ)

Minister (मिनिस्टर) = (here) clergy (पादरी)

Feebly (फीबली) = weakly (कमजोरी से)

Seeping (सीपिंग) = leaking (रिसना)

Moan (मोन) = cry of pain (कराहा)

trailed away (ट्रेल्ड अवे) = (here) left back (पीछे छूट गया)

Despatched (डिस्पेच्ड) = (here) sent (भेजा) 

Squelchy (स्क्वेल्वी) = a sucking sound by walking in soft wet mud (फच फच करने की आवाज )

Wodge (वोज) = a thick solid piece (ठोस टुकड़ा)

Twisted (ट्विस्टेड) = (here) distorted (विकृत हो गया)

Splashed (स्पलेश्ड) = spread over (फैला हुआ था)

Grasped (ग्रेस्प्ड) = held tightly (मुट्ठी में कसकर पकड़ना)

Bloodstained (ब्लड = stained with blood (खून से सना हुआ)

Barked (बार्ड) = spoke loudly like dogs (भाँके)

Puzzled (पजल्ड) confused (परेशान हुए), = 

Banged (बैंग्ड) = a sudden loud noise (अचानक धम्म की आवाज)

Bolted (बोल्टेड) = closed/shut (बंद कर दी)

Streaked (स्ट्रिक्ड) = (here) lined with blood (खून की लकीर से भरा )

Greeted (ग्रिटेड) = welcomed (स्वागत किया)

Perplexed (परप्लेक्सड) = confused (परेशान)

Grim (ग्रिम) = serious (गम्भीर) 

Awkwardly (ऑकवर्डली) = in rough manner (भद्दे ढंग से)

Superimposed (सुपरिम्पोज्ड) = placed over another thing (अध्यारोपित किया)

Trailed off (ट्रैल्ड ऑफ) - petered out, diminished (खत्म हो गयी, कम हो गयी),

Dredging (लिंग) pulling up from the bottom (नीचे से उपर निकाला)

Vital (वाईटल) (here) very important (अति आवश्यक)

Approaching (एप्रोचंग) - coming near (नजदीक आना)

Wailed (वेल्ड) - (here) making a weeping/crying sound (ferent wit marer), 

Crescendo ( क्रिसेन्डो) = (here) in a very loud and rising voice cried (उत्तरोत्तर उच्च स्वर में)

Squealed (स्क्वेल्ड) = cried (चीखा)

Jerky (जर्की) = not smooth/with a jerk, (झटके के साथ)

Swung (स्वंग) = (here) jumped aside (कुद के आया)

Imprint (इमप्रिंट) print/sign of hand (हाथ के निशान) 

Tarnished (टारनिश्ड) = made dirty (बदरंग/मलिन बनाया हुआ)

Crimson (क्रिमसन) = dark red (fifirat), Leaped away (feras art)-jumped away (छलांग लगायी)

Spurt (स्पर्ट) raced quickly = (तेज गति से गई)

Gravel (प्रेवल) pebble (ड़), = Involved (इनवॉल्वड) = joined in (शामिल था )

Scathing (स्केथिंग) = very harsh (अत्यंत कठोर)

Con-tempt (कंटेम्प्ट) hate/dislike, (घृणा), (मोरोन्स) - = stupid person/slow mind (मंद बुद्धि/मूर्ख)

Stammered (स्टैम्ड) = could not speak properly/spoke jerkingly (haltingly) (हकलाया),

Sworn (स्वोर्न) = taken an oath (कसम खायी) 

Whisplash (व्हिस्पलैश) sharp like a whip (चाबुक की तरह तीखी)

Blithering (ब्लिदरिंग) - contemptible (घृणा से भरा हुआ)

Idiot (इडियट ) = stupid (मूर्ख)

Despair (डिस्पेयर) = disappointment (निराशा)

Pretending (प्रिंटेंडिंग) = showing off (दिखावा कर रहे हो)

Skull = (here) brain (खोपड़ी, दिमाग)

Confide- ntly (कॉनफिडेंटली) = in confidence (विश्वसनीय रूप से)

Conceal (कन्सिल) hide (सुपाना)

Dogcollar (डॉग = कॉलर) = stiff round white collars worn by preists (पादरियों द्वारा पहनी गई, जकड़ी हुई सफेद कॉलर)

Parapher- nalis (पेराफेरनालिया personal belongings/equip- ) ments (साज-सामान/निजी सामान)

Blow (ब्लो) = hard hit (वार, प्रहार)

Probably (प्रोबेबली) = perhaps (शायद), Pretty (fr)-(here) enough (wit) 

Rapped (रैप्ड) = uttered noisily (जोर/ शोर से बोला)

Erupted (इरप्टेड) = burst out (फूट पड़ा)

Strident (स्ट्रीडेंट) = loud (तेज)

Burst (बर्स्ट) = rang loudly (जोर से फूट पड़ा)

Spotted (स्पॉटेड) = found out, 

located (पता लगाया / ढूंढ़ा)

Chase (चेज) = to run (पीछा करना)

Good-for-a-giggle (गुड फॉर ए गिगल) good for (child's) laughing (बच्चों की हँसी के लायक)

Gullible (गलीयल) simpleton (भोला-भाला)

Managed (मैनेज्ड) = succeeded (सफल हुआ)

Groggy (ग्रोगी) weak and unable to walk (कमजोर और चलने में अयोग्य)

Vanished (वेनिश्ड) = disappeared (गायब हो गया)

Impact (इम्पेक्ट) = one thing hitting another (टक्कर)

Securely (सेक्योरली) safely (सुरक्षित)

Bound (थाड) + tied (बंधा हुआ)

Gagged (गैण्ड) = mouth blocked (मुँह दूँसा हुआ)

Impersonating (इम्परसोनेटिंग) = appearing for other (दूसरे की जगह लेते हुए),

Delicious (डिलिसियस) = tasty (स्वादिष्ट), Gentle जेंटल) light (हल्का)

Stroll (स्ट्रॉल)-walk (सैर), Concealed (नसिल्ड) - hid (छुपा रखा था)

Wreckage (रैकेज) = rubble (मलबा, भग्नावशेप)

Regain (रिगेन) = get back (वापस आना, प्राप्त करना)

Former (फॉर्मर) - previous (पहले वाली)

Pinched (पिन्ड) = (here) sqeezed (दवायी)

Tricky (ट्रिकी) = deceitful/ticklish (कपटी/नाजूक) 

Phew (फ्यू) an expression of dislike (जीसी) 

Allergic (एलर्जिक) - having an allergy (एलर्जी होना/न सहन कर पाना ) 

Irritatingly (इरिटेटिंगली) = in an irritating/ angry way ( खिन्नता से)

Sore (सोर) - painful (दुखती हुई)

Receptionist ( रिसेप्श 'निस्ट) = =a person employed to receive clients and guests (स्वागती, अभ्यर्थक)

Bothering (बॉदरिंग) = troubling, caring for (परेशान करना, परवाह करना)

Stud (स्टड) = button (बटन)

Panicky (पेनिकी) = confusing (विचलित करने वाला)

Evan Tries An O Level Words Meaning

Secretary: assistant
Unusual: strange
Governor: chief, administrator

Academic: educational
Qualification: completion of some course
cost him a packet: to cost a lot of money
grand: royal
Procedure: method, process
Concert: Musical Performance
card: a witty or eccentric person
Imitation: copying
Congenital: Natural, inherited
Kleptomania: a very strong wish to steal that you cannot control
kleptomaniac: a person suffering from kleptomania
Tempted: have an urge to do something

Presumably: to assume, believe
Cell: lockup
Objections: complaint
Parsons: Churchman, priest
St. Mary Mags: St. Mary’s Magdalene, a church in England
Invigilate: supervise
Chuckled: laughed quietly
Incommunicado: not able to or allowed to communicate with other people
Reiterated: repeated
Cradled: rested, placed back

Escape: run away, get free
Establishment: setting up, building
Grace: bring honour or credit to (someone or something) by one’s attendance or participation.
Premises: building, site
Persistent: continuous
Nagging: here, irritation
Genuine: real, actual
Recreation: relaxation, fun
Guten gluck: German language word for ‘good luck’
herr: German language word for ‘mister
pardon: a request to a speaker to repeat something because one did not hear or understand it.
Danke Schon: German language word for ‘Thank you very much’ or ‘Thank you kindly’

haven’t a cat in hell’s chance: to be completely unable to achieve something

Tucked: push
Grubby: dirty
Bunk: narrow bed attached to the wall
Burly: large and strong man
surly: bad-tempered and unfriendly.
recruited: appointed
Curtly: short, brief
Filthy: dirty

Scraping: to remove unwanted covering, here shaving
mug: a person’s face
Ramrod: here, a strict supervisor
Paraded: here, lined
nail scissors: nail cutter

Smouldered: here, glowed with anger
Leaned: bent
Leered: watched, stared
Contemptuous: disrespectful
Shrugged:disregarded, dismiss
Compassion: pity, sympathy

Shirley temple: An actress famous for her wavy hair
Loathe: hate
Reverend: a member of the church
Drizzle: light shower of rain
Spattered: splash, spray
Authentication: verify
paper knife: blunt knife for cutting paper
Guild: association

scheduled: planned or fixed
Lathering: to form foam with soap
Vigorously: strongly
distempered: painted with distemper
Battered: worn out

Swath: a broad strip or area of something
bug: a small microphone
vaguely: roughly

Conceded: admit
laddy: referred to boy
hawk: a bird of prey with broad rounded wings and long tail

Lodge: gate house, cottage
Murmur: whisper
keep one’s eyes skinned: be on the alert; watch carefully or vigilantly for something
Clanging: make a sound
Peep hole: keyhole, opening

Rivet: here, fixed
Sprang: past of spring
thudded: strike something with a heavy sound
twang: a strong ringing sound
Haystack: a packed pile of hay (dried grass)

Smuggle: to take someone or something illegally
Chisel: a long bladed hand tool
Potential: possible
Unwittingly: unknowingly
Jack-knife: a large knife with a folding blade
Hostage: captive

Frisk: check, search
Riffle: turning pages quickly
Sorely: with a great intensity, strongly

haemorrhoids: a swollen vein or a group of veins
Semi inflated: half filled with air
Hitherto: earlier, previous
Amiable: friendly
Demeanour: manner, attitude
ruffled: disarrange
Pleasantry: joke, a stuff to laugh
Embarrass: unease, awkward

Staccato: a short musical note
Scots: another term for scottish

Magistrate: civil officer who administers law
hoax: prank

Stare: gaze
Askew: tilted, angled
Semi profile: partly turned
Amateurish: beginner
Meticulously: carefully
Manicured: well cared, tidy

crackled:crack, sizzle

Frowned: make a face
 doubtful thing
 return to

Apprehensive: worried, anxious

Scraping:the sound of an action of rubbing
 mirage, imagination

Belated:late, overdue

Sprawl:lie back
flooded, covered
 face covering
 a soft sucking sound made when pressure is applied to liquid or mud

Splash: A dashing sound of liquid
 hold, grip
 massive, enormous

Awkward: uneasy
 place over another

Crescendo: the loudest point of a sound
 cry, scream
 supervisor, manager

Tarnished: stained
 a rich red color turning purple
 jump over

Scathing contempt: severe disrespect
 sudden movement
 long-winded talk with no real substance

Despair: hopelessness
 things, stuff

Erupt: flare up
Good for a giggle:
 for a laugh
 over trustful


bound: tied up
 pretend to be another person

stroll: walk
 small ball attached to a hat

Allergic: sensitive
 concerned about

Panic: fear, alarm
petty annoying thing
 here thought or planned for

Glimpse: quick look
 moved quickly

Shaken: disturbed

Spanner: a sharp tool
 confuse, jumble
unit of liquid



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