Note Making MP Board Solution


 Note Making  MP Board Solution

What is Note Making

Note-making is a process of creating a record of important details from sources such as passages, paragraphs etc. Note-making means recording the essence of information that is crucial.

Format Of Note Making

Note making follows a fixed and particular format. Refer to some note making samples to know the good note-making formats. Here is one of the best formats of note-making.

·         Heading: Like every article, note-making should also have a title related to the topic.

·         Subheadings: In note-making, the main points can be portrayed very well by adding subheadings.

·         Points: Note the subheadings. Note making samples include points to highlight the principal themes of the note.

·         Keywords: Keywords are the backbone of any article. In note-making, keywords help to ensure a clear understanding of the topic.


Format Of Note Making

Question 1.

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow

A- On the basis of your reading of the Below  passage, make notes   (Marks 5)

B-  Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made. (Mark 3)



Despite all the research every one of us catches cold and most of us catch it frequently. Our failure to control one of the commonest of all ailments sometimes seems ridiculous. Medical science regularly practises transplant surgery and has rid whole countries of such killing diseases as Typhus and the Plague. But the problem of common cold is unusually difficult and much has yet to be done to solve it. It is known that a cold is caused by one of a number of viral infections that affect the lining of the nose and other passages leading to the lungs but the confusing variety of viruses makes study and remedy very difficult. It was shown in 1960 that many typical colds in adults are caused by one or the other of a family of viruses known as rhinoviruses, yet there still remain many colds for which no virus has as yet been isolated.

There is also the difficulty that because they are so much smaller than the bacteria which cause many other infections, viruses cannot be seen with ordinary microscopes. Nor can they be cultivated easily in the bacteriologist’s laboratory, since they only grow within the living cells of animals or plants. An important recent step forward, however, is the development of the technique of tissue culture, in which bits of animal tissue are enabled to go on living and to multiply independently of the body. This has greatly aided virus research and has led to the discovery of a large number of viruses. Their existence had previously been not only unknown but even unsuspected.

The fact that we can catch a cold repeatedly creates another difficulty. Usually, a virus strikes only once and leaves the victim immune to further attacks. Still, we do not gain immunity from colds. Why? It may possibly be due to the fact that while other viruses get into the bloodstream where anti-bodies can oppose them, the viruses causing cold attack cells only on the surface. Or it may be that immunity from one of the many different viruses does not guarantee protection from all the others. It seems, therefore, that we are likely to have to suffer colds for some time yet.


Answer: (a)  Note


No Control over Common Cold


1. How to control com. cold:

1.1 No cure to control it

1.2 Cure avail, for Typhus & Plague

1.3 Prob. of com. cold not yet solved

2. Reasons for cold:

2.1 It is a viral infec. that affects nose-lining

2.2 Caused by fmly. of viruses called Rhinoviruses

2.3 For certain colds no viruses hv yet bn isolated

3. Prob. of identifying viruses:

3.1 Smaller than bacteria so can’t be seen with ordinary microscopes

3.2 Cannot be easily cultivated in bacteriologists lab.

4. Div. of tissue culture aided by:

4.1 bits of animal tissue go on living

4.2 multiply independently off the body

4.3 has led to the discovery of large no. of viruses



com. – common

avail. – available

prob. – problem

infec. – infection

lab. – laboratory

Dev. – development



(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made.


Summary: Despite having the cure to killing diseases like Typhus and Plague it seems ridiculous that medical science has not done much yet to solve the problem of common cold. This is because the study of viruses remains confusing as they cannot be seen with ordinary microscopes. Now with the development of the technique of tissue culture a large number of viruses have been discovered whose existence was earlier unknown

Meaning of Note-making:

Note-making (otherwise called note-taking) is the act of retaining the documentation from various sources. By taking notes, an individual can store the embodiment of the data, liberating their wits from reviewing everything. Notes are ordinarily extracted from a short source, for example, a talk or an oral conversation at a gathering or a conference wherein the notes might be the main record of the occasion or from a long substance. Note-making isn’t only recording all that you peruse or hear, but additionally, a course of orchestrating and looking into thoughts from reading or from one’s talks.

Methods of Note-taking:

Listed below are a few methods of note-making.

The Outlining Method.

The Mapping Method.

The Sentence Method.

The Cornell Method.

The Charting Method.


Formats of Note-making:

A note-making design includes the choosing, examination, outlining, and association of data. There are distinctive note-production designs. Allow us to make you acquainted with them.

Graph or Pattern design (A visual note-making design strategy):

In this technique, the data is presented by a chart. Related thoughts associate the fundamental subject. This technique is outwardly more clear.

Mind Map (A visual note-making strategy):

Here, the central matters and all the related focuses are introduced through a guide or a map. It contains text and pictures. For an unmistakable agreement, the data is connected in the appropriate grouping.

Layout or Outline Format (A visual note making design technique):

Here, the data is introduced as a blueprint. Appropriate titles and captions are numbered in like manner for this blueprint.

Question and Prompt Format (A visual strategy):

Here, the central matters are featured as a progression of inquiries with suitable replies. It helps in rapidly going through the notes.

Split Page Format (A descriptive form of note-making technique):

In this strategy, the page is partitioned into two sections. The primary section has the standard notes. The subsequent segment will have a rundown or a summary. This is the most widely recognised arrangement for jotting down in a meeting or lecture notes.

Benefits of Note-making:

Given below are the benefits of note-making:

It is a record of the primary concerns of a lecture, meeting, or study for later use.

It helps in keeping the data convenient at whatever point we require it.

Note-making helps in remembering and reviewing the previous occasions, said or heard.

It helps in comprehension, thinking, and gives a super-lasting record.

The arrangement assists an essayist with going through massive archives quicker.

It helps in understanding an idea effectively if the notes are in a way that would sound natural to you.

It assists with recognising the central issues and subtleties.

It has extraordinary significance in tests or scholastic composition.


Definition of Note-making 

Note-making is a process of creating a record of important details from sources such as passages, paragraphs etc. The source can also be written documents or oral communication. Note-making means recording the essence of information that is crucial.

Benefits of Note Making

Some of the benefits that the process offers are mentioned below.

1.      It plays a major role while you are taking an exam or academic assessment

2.      It helps capture the idea in a more effective way, especially if the notes made are easier for you to understand

3.      It also helps in fast thinking, and comprehension, memory retention, and prepares an ever-lasting record

4.      It maintains a primary record of lectures, meetings or studies for later use by students

5.      Furthermore, note-making helps in summarising and overviewing a group of information which lends a hand in recognising central issues

Note Making Format

Note making is an art. Be it for article writing, jotting down ideas for an essay on environment, story writing, or for competitive exams, you need to have an outline so as to avoid missing any important detail. Here is a rough format you can follow to solve note making questions for exams:


This is the starting section of your note which must convey the central idea of the passage. Various sub-headings and points hereon elaborate on this heading. It must be short, clear and crisp.


Points, and Sub-points– Subheadings are fundamental components of a passage which further contain important information that needs to be delineated into points and subpoints.

Abbreviations and Symbols–

 In order to shorten long words, it is common and permitted to use abbreviations. However, make use of abbreviative forms judiciously and remember to provide a key at the end of your note, listing all the full forms. Common symbols like  ‘&, @,#, %, etc are also permitted.

Strategies Of Note Making

While making a note, you should be careful about your writing style, and you should have a strategy to write a note accurately. You may follow writing notes tips.

Title: Before starting note-making, go through the source material twice or thrice to have a good understanding of the topic. Then select a suitable title because the title of the note makes the first impression.

Content: While writing the body, focus on the content you are adding in. Try to put as much information as you can. Never add your beats in a note.

Readability: Include subheadings, bullet points, numberings to make it good to read. Do not use unnecessary, confusing elements. Try to maintain a particular font style and size.

Advantages Of Note Making

There are some advantages of note-making, and these are as follows.

Personalized: Notes made by a person make it unique, and the writer is free to personalize it.

Reversible: We can write notes on a descriptive article to compress it. However, from a note, we can write a brief description as well.

Alternate: With time, you can make changes in your notes conveniently.

Quick Learning: Notes help us to absorb a topic faster.

Procedure Of Note Making

First, go through the topic again and again.

Highlight the important parts you want to mention in the note.

Make a rough note and organize them correctly.

Use the correct format of note-making, by referring to some note-making samples.

Do not miss out on the main extract of the source material.

Writing Notes Tips

Here are some common tips for writing notes.

Do not use any sentence as a title.

Avoid less important information.

Give brief, specific, and to the point description.

Do not lose the main message.

Do not put your own opinions.

Add abbreviations, proper indentation, and logical sequences.

Design the note with your style with colours and symbols.

Put clear and straight-forward points.

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