On the Face of It Word Meaning in Hindi


 On the Face of It  Word Meaning in Hindi

On the Face of It  Word Meaning in Hindi

Occasional = happening off and on, रुक-रुक कर होने वाली ।

Rustling = rubbing together (of leaves), (पत्तियों की) सरसराहट  

tentatively  = cautiously, सतर्कता से 

pauses (= stops for a while, एक क्षण के लिए रुकता है 

screen = पर्दा

 at hand)= near, पास 

is startled = gets suddenly surprised, अचानक चौंक उठता है

 mind = (here) willing, (यहाँ) इच्छुक होना, चाहना

crab  = small, hard and sour, छोटे, कड़े और खट्टे 

mind = (here) take care, (यहाँ) ध्यान रखना 

windfalls=  हवा के कारण पेड़ से गिरे हुए फल 

trip  to hit something with the foot, पैर से टकराना 

empty = deserted, सुनसान 

panic = alarm, अचानक घबराहट

on my account = due to me, मेरे कारण 

lads (लैड्ज़)= boys, लड़के 

scrump = enjoy the taste, स्वाद का आनन्द लेना

 pretend (प्रिटेण्ड) = make show, दिखावा करना

terrible  = fearful, भयानक

a bit  = a little, थोड़ा-सा, कुछ 

ripe (राइप) = पके हुए 

picked (पिक्ट) = lifted up, उठा लिया जाना 

in case (इन केस) = what if, क्या हो यदि 

mind (माइण्ड) = (here) feel bad, (यहाँ) बुरा लगना 

upset (अप्सेट) = disturbed, परेशान

plenty (प्लेण्टि)= many, बहुत से 

beside = by the side, बगल में, पास में

rubbish = trash, useless things, कचरा 

stuff = here) useless things, (यहाँ) बेकार चीजें

weeds  = wild vegetation, खरपतवार 

herbs  = medicinal plants, औषधीय गुण वाले पौधे । 

Borts = types, प्रकार। 

blown of  = destroyed by an explosion, धमाके में उड़ गई

lamey = lame, लंगड़ा |

put on = wear, पहनना

relative  = comparative, तुलनात्मक 

beast = wild animal, जंगली जानवर 

monstrous  = huge, दैत्याकार

 hurt = cause pain, दर्द पहुँचाना

now and then (नाउ एन् देन) (idiom) = sometimes, कभी कभी  

signify (सिग्निफाई)= किसी चीज का महत्व होना 

blinded (ब्लाइण्डिड)= unable to see, अन्धा  

daft (डैफ्ट) = mad, पागल 

dribble (ड्रिब्ल) = to drop saliva, लार टपकाना 

whispered (व्हिस्पर्ड) = said very slowly, बहुत धीरे से कहा, फुसफुसाई 

terrible (टेरिब्ल)= horrible, भयावह

peculiar (पिक्यूलिों ) = strange, विचित्र, अजीब

Hive (हाइव) = मधुमक्खियों का छत्ता 

buzz (बज़) = sound of bees, मधुमक्खियों का भिनभिनाना

hum (हम) = गुनगुनाना

trespassing (ट्रेस्पासिंग) = illegal entry, गैरकानूनी प्रवेश

laugh their heads off  = बहुत देर तक जोर-जोर से हँसना

fond of  = having a liking for, किसी चीज का शौकीन होना 

get on  = move ahead, आगे बढ़ना 

all the rest  = all other, अन्य सभी

oncerned  = related, सम्बन्धित 

particulars = detailed information, विस्तृत विवरण 

filing box  =  कागजों को व्यवस्थित ढंग से रखने का बॉक्स

make out  = understand, समझना 

Bother= परेशान होना 

moved = gone, (यहाँ) गया हूँ । 

 miserable = that arouses pity, दयनीय 

daft = silly in a way that is amusing, भोंदू 

crazy (क्रेज़ी) = whimsical, सनकी

excuse (एक्सक्यूज़) = बहाना

frightened (फ्राइटण्ड)= afraid, भयभीत 

devil (डेविल)= an evil person, शैतान 

Fade = get dim, मन्द पड़ जाती हैं

On the Face of It  Word Meaning

Occasional: sometimes

Rustling: whisper, low sound

Tentatively: hesitantly, without confidence

Startled: feeling a sudden shock

Word Meaning:

Occasional: sometimes

Rustling: whisper, low sound

Tentatively: hesitantly, without confidence

Startled: feeling a sudden shock

Word Meaning:

Occasional: sometimes

Rustling: whisper, low sound

Tentatively: hesitantly, without confidence

Startled: feeling a sudden shock

Crab apples: a small sour apple

Windfalls: unexpected gain, jackpot

Scrump: steal from garden

Pretend: to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not

Underneath: directly below

Weed: unwanted plant

Stare: to look at

Monstrous: horrible Signify: be a sign of

Daft: silly, foolish

Dribble: to fall slowly

Whispered: To say something very slow

Peculiar: strange, unusual

Hive: dome-shaped structure in which bees live

Trespassing: enter without permission

Strike; hit

Fuss: show of anger, worry

Steady: stable

Creak: a harsh sound of wood

Swish: a hissing sound

Panting: quick breaths     

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