Should Wizard Hit Mommy Word Meaning in Hindi
Should Wizard Hit Mommy Word Meaning in Hindi
Nap = दोपहर के समय ली जाने वाली छोटी-सी नींद, झपकी
Custom = practice, प्रथा
Slight = a little bit, थोड़ा-सा
Variation = different form, अलग रूप
Chipmunk (चिपमंक)= North American ground squirrel, उत्तरी अमेरिका में पायी जाने वाली गिलहरी |
Wizard (विजःड) = magician, जादूगर ।
Performed (प:फॉ:म्ड) = spelt, करता था ।
Magic spell (मैजिक स्पेल)= magical formula, जादू का मंत्र ।
Directing (डिरेक्टिंग)= showing the direction, दिशा दिखाना, निर्देश देना।
Supper (सपर)= last meal of the day, रात्रि का भोजन ।
Working his way (:किंग हिज़ वे)= moving forward, आगे बढ़ते हुए ।
Scheme (स्कीम)= plan, योजना |
Fatiguing (फटीगिंग)= causing tiredness, थकाऊ |
Rite (राइट)= customary activity, परम्परागत प्रक्रिया ।
Futile (फ्यूटाइल) = worthless, व्यर्थ ।
Bumps (बम्प्स) = temporary pits made by bouncing, किसी के उछलने से कुछ क्षण के लिए बने गड्ढे ।
Sifting (सिफ्टिंग)= passing in small quantity, छनकर आती हुई |
Shades (शेड्ज़)= curtains, पर्दे ।
Fantastic (फैन्टेस्टिक)= worth imagination, कल्पना के योग्य |
Occur (अॅकर)= happen, घटित होना ।
Infant (इन्फैन्ट)= a very small baby, शिशु |
Squeezed (स्क्वीज्ड)= compressed, दबाईं, भींची ।
Blue (ब्लू) = trouble, परेशानी।
Skunk (स्कंक)= a cat-sized fish-eating mammal that
emits a very bad smell, एक बिल्ली के आकार का, मछली खाने वाला, बदबू छोड़ने वाला
जानवर ।
Firmly (फ:म्लि)= with conviction, दृढ़ता से ।
Momentarily (मॉमण्टरिलि)= for that moment, उस क्षण के लिए |
Stirred (स्टर्ड)= aroused, उत्तेजित कर दिया ।
Creative (क्रिएटिव)= that makes something new, रचनात्मक ।
Enthusiasm (इन्थ्यूज़िऐज़म्)= zeal, excitement, उत्साह ।
Deep (डीप)= (here) thick, (यहाँ) घना ।
Woods (वुड्ज़)= forest, जंगल |
Tiny (टाइनि)= small, छोटा-सा
Woodland (वुडलैण्ड)= forest, जंगल ।
Solemnly (सॉलेम्लि )= seriously, गम्भीरता से ।
Foreseen (फोरसीन)= thought in advance, पहले से सोचा।
Zest (जेस्ट)= enthusiasm, उत्साह ।
Certain (स:टन)= some chosen ones, कुछ चुनिदा ।
Humiliations (ह्यूमिलिएशन्ज़)= insults, अपमान |
Stinky (स्टिंकि)= smelling foul, बदबूदार ।
Drooped (डूप्ट)= hung, लटक गये ।
Bent (बेन्ट)= झुक गया ।
Traced (ट्रेस्ड) = made a sign, निशान बनाया ।
faintly (फेट्लि )= dimly, हल्की -सी ।
Tug (टग)= pulled, खिंचा हुआ ।
Switched (स्विट)= moved up and down, ऊपर-नीचे हिलीं ।
Pleased (प्लीज़्ड)= happy, प्रसन्न |
Scraped (स्क्रप्ट)= made a grating noise, खड़खड़ाहट की
आवाज की ।
Tiptop (टिपटॉप)= hollow area in the trunk of a tree, कोटर ।
Enormous (इनॉ:मस) = very big, बहुत बड़ा ।
Spilled (स्पिल्ड)= fell, गिर पड़ी ।
Relapsed (रीलैप्स्ट)= sank again into, फिर से धंस गई ।
Phase (फेज़)= condition, stage, अवस्था ।
Spiders (स्पाइडॅ:ज़)=
मकड़ियाँ ।
Bugs (बग्ज़)= insects, कीट |
Insisted (इन्सिस्टिड)= asked again and again, आग्रह किया ।
Sly (स्लाइ)= clever, चतुर।
Curtly (कॅट्लि )= briefly, संक्षिप्त रूप से ।
Miss a beat (मिस अ बीट)= forget a small part, थोड़ा-सा भाग भूल जाना ।
Swamp (स्वॉम्प)= marsh, दलदल ।
Crick (क्रिक)= a little river, एक छोटी-सी नदी ।
pretty soon (प्रिटि सून)= early enough, शीघ्र ही।
Rapped (रैप्ट)= knocked, खटखटाया।
Sill (सिल):: a narrow shelf at the base of a window, चौखट ।
Clenched (क्लेन्ट)= (here) came together, (यहाँ) सिमट गई ।
Infantile (इन्फैन्टाइल)= of a baby, बच्चे के ।
Thrill (थ्रिल) = excitement, रोमांच, उत्तेजना ।
Tiny (टाइनि)= of a short height, नाटा-सा ।
Beard (बिअ:ड)= hair on the chin, दाढ़ी।
whatzis (व्हॉटज़िस) = what is, क्या है |
whatcher want (व्हॉट्शर वान्ट)= what do you want, तुम क्या चाहते हो ।
Awful (ऑफल)= terrible, भयानक ।
scrunching up (स्क्रन्चिग अप)= (here) shrinking, (यहाँ) सिकोड़कर ।
whining (व्हिनिंग)= showing complaint with anger, गुस्से में शिकायत का प्रदर्शन करते हुए ।
interval (इन्ट:वल)= pause, थोड़ा-सा विराम |
rheumy (ह्यूमि)= pain, कष्ट |
jumbled (जम्बल्ड)= muddled, अस्त-व्यस्त ।
heap (हीप)= pile, ढेर ।
rummaged (रमेज्ड)= searched carelessly, लापरवाही से ढूँढा ।
wand (वॉण्ड)= stick, छड़ी |
smugly (स्मग्लि)= with satisfaction, सन्तुष्ट होकर ।
trance (ट्रान्स)= a situation where during thinking one forgets everything around one, समाधि ।
gaze (गेज)= intent look, गहरी नजर |
chanted (चान्टिड) = spelled out, पढ़ा, बोला ।
irritable (इरिटेब्ल) = annoying, चिड़चिड़ी ।
paused (पॉज़्ट)= stopped for a while, हल्का -सा रुका |
rapt (रैप्ट) = engrossed, तल्लीन ।
expression (इक्स्प्रे शन)= the way of expressing, अभिव्यक्ति ।
widened out (वाइडेन्ड आउट) = came out suddenly, फूट पड़ी ।
grin (ग्रिन)= smile, मुस्कुराहट ।
startled (स्टा:टल्ड)= surprised, भौचक्का ।
recognise (रेकग्नाइज़)= पाना, पहचानना ।
feigning (फेनिंग)= making false show, दिखावा करना ।
whispered (विस्पर्ड)= said in a hushed tone, धीरे-से कहा ।
cranky (कि)= whimsical, सनकी ।
trace (ट्रेस)= sign, चिह्न |
sincerity (सिन्स्यरिटि)= honesty, ईमानदारी ।
annoyed (अनॉयिड) = made angry, गुस्सा दिला दिया ।
rumbled (रम्बल्ड)= made a thundering sound, गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज की |
pregnant (प्रेगनेन्ट)= expecting a baby, गर्भवती ।
lane (लेन)= street, गली |
gathered (गैदड)= stood together, इकट्ठे हो गये ।
tag (टैग)= a game of chasing, पकड़ा-पकड़ाई का खेल ।
lacrosse (लैक्रोस)= a game played on a field by two teams
with long sticks, दो टीमों द्वारा लम्बी छड़ियों के साथ मैदान में खेला जाने
वाला एक खेल ।
fuss (फस)= (here) show unnecessary activity, (यहाँ) बिना बात के हिलाना ।
crack (कैक)= narrow line, पतली-सी लकीर ।
took anything for granted (टुक एनीथिंग फॉ ग्रैण्डिट)= took anything to be true in all cases, किसी बात को पत्थर की लकीर मान लेती थीं ।
apprehensive (एप्रीहेन्सिव)= expressing curiosity, उत्सुकता व्यक्त करने वाली ।
hanging on (हैंगिंग ऑन)= waiting, प्रतीक्षा करना ।
of all the nerve (ऑव् ऑल द न:व)= without being scared, बिना डरे ।
dabbling (डैबलिंग)= throwing, फेंकते हुए
genuine (जेन्युइन)= real, वास्तविक |
fright (फ्राइट)= fear, डर ।
skittered of (स्किटर्ड ऑव)= ran away quickly, तेजी से भागे |
underbrush (अण्ड:ब्रश)= low bushes, छोटी-छोटी झाड़ियाँ ।
agitation (एजिटेशन)= (here) excitement, (यहाँ) उत्तेजना ।
inspiration (इस्पिरेशन्) = प्रेरणा ।
astounded (एस्टाउण्डिड)= greatly surprised, हैरान ।
lima beans (लीमा बीन्ज़)= beans grown in tropical America, अमेरिकी सेमफली ।
celery (सेलेरी)= a vegetable with long pale green stems, अजमोदा ।
mashed (मैश्ट)= boiled and crushed, उबालकर मसले हुए I
dessert (डिज़ट)= sweet dish, मीठा व्यंजन |
hugged (हग्ड) = embraced, गले लगाया
eventually (इवेन्चुअलि)= ultimately, अन्ततः ।
used to (यूज्ड टु)= was habitual, आदी, अभ्यस्त ।
did not mind (डिड नॉट माइण्ड)= did not object, ऐतराज नहीं करते थे ।
rare (रेअर)= very occasional, दुर्लभं, मुश्किल से ही कभी होने वाला ।
emphasis (इम्फेसिस)= stress, जोर ।
defending (डिफेन्डिंग)= (here) supporting, (यहाँ) समर्थन कर रहा ।
odd (ऑड)= strange, अजीब ।
tiptoed (टिप्टोड)= went on toes, पंजों के बल गया
pretense (प्रिटेन्स)= showing off, दिखावा ।
crouching (क्राउचिंग)= bending, झुकी हुई ।
staring (स्टेअरिंग)= looking without a blink, घूर रही ।
bounced (बाउन्स्ड)= jumped, उछली |
gingerly (जिन्:लि)= with hesitation and fear, संकोच व डर के साथ ।
plump (प्लम्प)= round and fleshy, गोल-मटोल |
chopped (चॉप्ट) = hit, प्रहार किया ।।
heave (हीव) = a rising and falling movement, उछल-कूद |
smock (स्मॉक) a long loose shirt, महिलाओं द्वारा पहने जाने वाला ढीला कुरता |
stroking (स्ट्रोकिंग)= thumping, थपथपा रही।
vibrated (वाइब्रेडिट)= moved, कम्पन हुआ ।
spank (स्पैंक)= hit, पिटाई करना ।
hesitated (हेजिटेटिड)= (here) stopped, (यहाँ) रुक गये |
utter (अटॅ)= total, पूर्ण ।
weariness (वेअरिनेस)= tiredness, थकान ।
moldings (मोल्डिंग्ज़)= decorative lines of wood around a piece of furniture, किसी फर्नीचर पर चारों ओर सजावटी लकड़ी की लाइन ।
tan (टैन) = leather, चमड़ा ।
ivory (आइवरि)= hard and smooth substance attained
from tusks, हाथी दाँत ।
Should Wizard Hit Mommy Word Meaning:
Nap- a short sleep, especially during
the day.
Custom: tradition, trend
Wizard- a man who has magical powers.
Magic Spell- a form of words used as
a magical charm .
Pennies- a small sum of money.
Supper- an evening meal, typically a
light or informal one.
Fatiguing- cause (someone) to feel
Rite- a social custom, practice, or
conventional act.
Futile- pointless.
Shone- past participle of shine.
Skunk- A small cat sized animal.
Stirred- move or cause to move
Woodland- land covered with trees.
Solemnly- with deep sincerity.
Foreseen- be aware of beforehand
Zest- great enthusiasm and energy.
Humiliation- make (someone) feel
ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and pride.
Stinky- having a strong or unpleasant
Tensely- unable to relax because of
nervousness, anxiety, or stimulation.
Scraped- drag or pull a hard or sharp
Enormous- very large in size
Eager- keenly expectant or
Narrative- a story.
Swamp- an area of low-lying,
uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh.
Crick- A small river.
Rapped- strike (a hard surface) with
a series of rapid audible blows, especially in order to attract attention.
Relapsed- return to a less active or
a worse state.
Curtly- rudely brief in speech or
abrupt in manner
Sill- a shelf or slab of stone, wood,
or metal at the foot of a window opening or doorway.
Clenched- closed into a tight ball.
Infantile- childish.
Scrunching- make a loud crunching
Whining- the making of a long,
high-pitched cry or sound.
Rheumy- watery
Jumbled- mix up in a confused or
untidy way
Heap- objects placed haphazardly on
top of each other
Rummaged- search unsystematically and
untidily through something.
Smugly- in a way that shows excessive
satisfaction or pride in oneself.
Trance- a half-conscious state
Gaze- look steadily and intently
Chanted- say or shout repeatedly in a
sing-song tone
Rapt- completely fascinated or
absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing.
Nostrils- either of two external
openings of the nose.
Grin- smile broadly.
Cranky- bad-tempered; irritable.
Rumbled- make a continuous deep
Fuss- to show excessive excitement
Apprehensive- fearful that something
bad or unpleasant will happen.
Awful- very bad or unpleasant.
Fright- a sudden intense feeling of
Skittered- move lightly and quickly
Underbrush- shrubs and small trees
Agitation- anxiety or nervous
Astounded- shock or greatly surprise.
Lima Beans- an edible flat whitish
Celery- a cultivated plant of the
parsley family
Eventually- in the end, finally
Rare- not occurring very often.
Emphasis- special value given to
Tiptoed- walk quietly
Pretense- an attempt to make
something that is false, to appear true.
Gingerly- in a careful or cautious
Heave- produce a sigh.
Stroking- move one’s hand with gentle
Spank- slap with one’s open hand
Weariness- extreme tiredness