Should Wizard Hit Mommy Word Meaning in Hindi


 Should Wizard Hit Mommy Word Meaning in Hindi

Should Wizard Hit Mommy Word Meaning in Hindi

Should Wizard Hit Mommy Word Meaning in Hindi

Nap = दोपहर के समय ली जाने वाली छोटी-सी नींद, झपकी

Custom = practice, प्रथा

Slight = a little bit, थोड़ा-सा

Variation = different form, अलग रूप  

Chipmunk (चिपमंक)= North American ground squirrel, उत्तरी अमेरिका में पायी जाने वाली गिलहरी

Wizard (विजःड) = magician, जादूगर । 

Performed (प:फॉ:म्ड) = spelt, करता था ।

Magic spell (मैजिक स्पेल)= magical formula, जादू का मंत्र । 

Directing (डिरेक्टिंग)= showing the direction, दिशा दिखाना, निर्देश देना। 

Supper (सपर)= last meal of the day, रात्रि का भोजन । 

Working his way (:किंग हिज़ वे)= moving forward, आगे बढ़ते हुए । 

Scheme (स्कीम)= plan, योजना

Fatiguing (फटीगिंग)= causing tiredness, थकाऊ

Rite (राइट)= customary activity, परम्परागत प्रक्रिया । 

Futile (फ्यूटाइल) = worthless, व्यर्थ ।

Bumps (बम्प्स) = temporary pits made by bouncing, किसी के उछलने से कुछ क्षण के लिए बने गड्ढे । 

Sifting (सिफ्टिंग)= passing in small quantity, छनकर आती हुई

Shades (शेड्ज़)= curtains, पर्दे । 

Fantastic (फैन्टेस्टिक)= worth imagination, कल्पना के योग्य

Occur (अॅकर)= happen, घटित होना । 

Infant (इन्फैन्ट)= a very small baby, शिशु

Squeezed (स्क्वीज्ड)= compressed, दबाईं, भींची । 

Blue (ब्लू) = trouble, परेशानी। 

Skunk (स्कंक)= a cat-sized fish-eating mammal that emits a very bad smell, एक बिल्ली के आकार का, मछली खाने वाला, बदबू छोड़ने वाला जानवर ।

Firmly (फ:म्लि)= with conviction, दृढ़ता से । 

Momentarily (मॉमण्टरिलि)= for that moment, उस क्षण के लिए

Stirred (स्टर्ड)= aroused, उत्तेजित कर दिया । 

Creative (क्रिएटिव)= that makes something new, रचनात्मक । 

Enthusiasm (इन्थ्यूज़िऐज़म्)= zeal, excitement, उत्साह । 

Deep (डीप)= (here) thick, (यहाँ) घना । 

Woods (वुड्ज़)= forest, जंगल

Tiny (टाइनि)= small, छोटा-सा

Woodland (वुडलैण्ड)= forest, जंगल । 

Solemnly (सॉलेम्लि )= seriously, गम्भीरता से । 

Foreseen (फोरसीन)= thought in advance, पहले से सोचा। 

Zest (जेस्ट)= enthusiasm, उत्साह । 

Certain (स:टन)= some chosen ones, कुछ चुनिदा । 

Humiliations (ह्यूमिलिएशन्ज़)= insults, अपमान

Stinky (स्टिंकि)= smelling foul, बदबूदार । 

Drooped (डूप्ट)= hung, लटक गये । 

Bent (बेन्ट)= झुक गया । 

Traced (ट्रेस्ड) = made a sign, निशान बनाया । 

faintly (फेट्लि )= dimly, हल्की -सी । 

Tug (टग)= pulled, खिंचा हुआ । 

Switched (स्विट)= moved up and down, ऊपर-नीचे हिलीं । 

Pleased (प्लीज़्ड)= happy, प्रसन्न

Scraped (स्क्रप्ट)= made a grating noise, खड़खड़ाहट की आवाज की ।

Tiptop (टिपटॉप)= hollow area in the trunk of a tree, कोटर । 

Enormous (इनॉ:मस) = very big, बहुत बड़ा । 

Spilled (स्पिल्ड)= fell, गिर पड़ी । 

Relapsed (रीलैप्स्ट)= sank again into, फिर से धंस गई । 

Phase (फेज़)= condition, stage, अवस्था । 

Spiders (स्पाइडॅ:ज़)= मकड़ियाँ ।

Bugs (बग्ज़)= insects, कीट |

Insisted (इन्सिस्टिड)= asked again and again, आग्रह किया । 

Sly (स्लाइ)= clever, चतुर। 

Curtly (कॅट्लि )= briefly, संक्षिप्त रूप से । 

Miss a beat (मिस अ बीट)= forget a small part, थोड़ा-सा भाग भूल जाना । 

Swamp (स्वॉम्प)= marsh, दलदल । 

Crick (क्रिक)= a little river, एक छोटी-सी नदी ।

pretty soon (प्रिटि सून)= early enough, शीघ्र ही। 

Rapped (रैप्ट)= knocked, खटखटाया। 

Sill (सिल):: a narrow shelf at the base of a window, चौखट । 

Clenched (क्लेन्ट)= (here) came together, (यहाँ) सिमट गई । 

Infantile (इन्फैन्टाइल)= of a baby, बच्चे के ।

Thrill (थ्रिल) = excitement, रोमांच, उत्तेजना । 

Tiny (टाइनि)= of a short height, नाटा-सा । 

Beard (बिअ:ड)= hair on the chin, दाढ़ी। 

whatzis (व्हॉटज़िस) = what is, क्या है

whatcher want (व्हॉट्शर वान्ट)= what do you want, तुम क्या चाहते हो । 

Awful (ऑफल)= terrible, भयानक ।

scrunching up (स्क्रन्चिग अप)= (here) shrinking, (यहाँ) सिकोड़कर । 

whining (व्हिनिंग)= showing complaint with anger, गुस्से में शिकायत का प्रदर्शन करते हुए । 

interval (इन्ट:वल)= pause, थोड़ा-सा विराम

rheumy (ह्यूमि)= pain, कष्ट

jumbled (जम्बल्ड)= muddled, अस्त-व्यस्त । 

heap (हीप)= pile, ढेर ।

rummaged (रमेज्ड)= searched carelessly, लापरवाही से ढूँढा । 

wand (वॉण्ड)= stick, छड़ी

smugly (स्मग्लि)= with satisfaction, सन्तुष्ट होकर । 

trance (ट्रान्स)= a situation where during thinking one forgets everything around one, समाधि । 

gaze (गेज)= intent look, गहरी नजर

chanted (चान्टिड) = spelled out, पढ़ा, बोला । 

irritable (इरिटेब्ल) = annoying, चिड़चिड़ी ।

 paused (पॉज़्ट)= stopped for a while, हल्का -सा रुका |

rapt (रैप्ट) = engrossed, तल्लीन । 

expression (इक्स्प्रे शन)= the way of expressing, अभिव्यक्ति । 

widened out (वाइडेन्ड आउट) = came out suddenly, फूट पड़ी । 

grin (ग्रिन)= smile, मुस्कुराहट । 

startled (स्टा:टल्ड)= surprised, भौचक्का । 

recognise (रेकग्नाइज़)= पाना, पहचानना । 

feigning (फेनिंग)= making false show, दिखावा करना । 

whispered (विस्पर्ड)= said in a hushed tone, धीरे-से कहा । 

cranky (कि)= whimsical, सनकी । 

trace (ट्रेस)= sign, चिह्न |

sincerity (सिन्स्यरिटि)= honesty, ईमानदारी । 

annoyed (अनॉयिड) = made angry, गुस्सा दिला दिया । 

rumbled (रम्बल्ड)= made a thundering sound, गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज की

pregnant (प्रेगनेन्ट)= expecting a baby, गर्भवती । 

lane (लेन)= street, गली

gathered (गैदड)= stood together, इकट्ठे हो गये । 

tag (टैग)= a game of chasing, पकड़ा-पकड़ाई का खेल । 

lacrosse (लैक्रोस)= a game played on a field by two teams with long sticks, दो टीमों द्वारा लम्बी छड़ियों के साथ मैदान में खेला जाने वाला एक खेल ।

 fuss (फस)= (here) show unnecessary activity, (यहाँ) बिना बात के हिलाना । 

crack (कैक)= narrow line, पतली-सी लकीर । 

took anything for granted (टुक एनीथिंग फॉ ग्रैण्डिट)= took anything to be true in all cases, किसी बात को पत्थर की लकीर मान लेती थीं । 

apprehensive (एप्रीहेन्सिव)= expressing curiosity, उत्सुकता व्यक्त करने वाली । 

hanging on (हैंगिंग ऑन)= waiting, प्रतीक्षा करना । 

of all the nerve (ऑव् ऑल द न:व)= without being scared, बिना डरे । 

dabbling (डैबलिंग)= throwing, फेंकते हुए 

genuine (जेन्युइन)= real, वास्तविक |

fright (फ्राइट)= fear, डर । 

skittered of (स्किटर्ड ऑव)= ran away quickly, तेजी से भागे

underbrush (अण्ड:ब्रश)= low bushes, छोटी-छोटी झाड़ियाँ । 

agitation (एजिटेशन)= (here) excitement, (यहाँ) उत्तेजना । 

inspiration (इस्पिरेशन्) = प्रेरणा । 

astounded (एस्टाउण्डिड)= greatly surprised, हैरान । 

lima beans (लीमा बीन्ज़)= beans grown in tropical America, अमेरिकी सेमफली । 

celery (सेलेरी)= a vegetable with long pale green stems, अजमोदा । 

mashed (मैश्ट)= boiled and crushed, उबालकर मसले हुए

dessert (डिज़ट)= sweet dish, मीठा व्यंजन

hugged (हग्ड) = embraced, गले लगाया

eventually (इवेन्चुअलि)= ultimately, अन्ततः । 

used to (यूज्ड टु)= was habitual, आदी, अभ्यस्त । 

did not mind (डिड नॉट माइण्ड)= did not object, ऐतराज नहीं करते थे । 

rare (रेअर)= very occasional, दुर्लभं, मुश्किल से ही कभी होने वाला । 

emphasis (इम्फेसिस)= stress, जोर । 

defending (डिफेन्डिंग)= (here) supporting, (यहाँ) समर्थन कर रहा । 

odd (ऑड)= strange, अजीब । 

tiptoed (टिप्टोड)= went on toes, पंजों के बल गया ।

pretense (प्रिटेन्स)= showing off, दिखावा । 

crouching (क्राउचिंग)= bending, झुकी हुई । 

staring (स्टेअरिंग)= looking without a blink, घूर रही । 

bounced (बाउन्स्ड)= jumped, उछली

gingerly (जिन्:लि)= with hesitation and fear, संकोच व डर के साथ । 

plump (प्लम्प)= round and fleshy, गोल-मटोल

chopped (चॉप्ट) = hit, प्रहार किया ।।

heave (हीव) = a rising and falling movement, उछल-कूद |

smock (स्मॉक) a long loose shirt, महिलाओं द्वारा पहने जाने वाला ढीला कुरता |

stroking (स्ट्रोकिंग)= thumping, थपथपा रही। 

vibrated (वाइब्रेडिट)= moved, कम्पन हुआ । 

spank (स्पैंक)= hit, पिटाई करना । 

hesitated (हेजिटेटिड)= (here) stopped, (यहाँ) रुक गये

utter (अटॅ)= total, पूर्ण । 

weariness (वेअरिनेस)= tiredness, थकान ।

moldings (मोल्डिंग्ज़)= decorative lines of wood around a piece of furniture, किसी फर्नीचर पर चारों ओर सजावटी लकड़ी की लाइन । 

tan (टैन) = leather, चमड़ा । 

ivory (आइवरि)= hard and smooth substance attained from tusks, हाथी दाँत ।

Should Wizard Hit Mommy  Word Meaning:

Nap- a short sleep, especially during the day.

Custom: tradition, trend

Wizard- a man who has magical powers.

Magic Spell- a form of words used as a magical charm .

Pennies- a small sum of money.

Supper- an evening meal, typically a light or informal one.

Fatiguing- cause (someone) to feel exhausted.

Rite- a social custom, practice, or conventional act.

Futile- pointless.

Shone- past participle of shine.

Skunk- A small cat sized animal.

Stirred- move or cause to move slightly.

Woodland- land covered with trees.

Solemnly- with deep sincerity.

Foreseen- be aware of beforehand

Zest- great enthusiasm and energy.

Humiliation- make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and pride.

Stinky- having a strong or unpleasant smell.

Tensely- unable to relax because of nervousness, anxiety, or stimulation.

Scraped- drag or pull a hard or sharp implement

Enormous- very large in size

Eager- keenly expectant or interested..

Narrative- a story.

Swamp- an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh.

Crick- A small river.

Rapped- strike (a hard surface) with a series of rapid audible blows, especially in order to attract attention.

Relapsed- return to a less active or a worse state.

Curtly- rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner

Sill- a shelf or slab of stone, wood, or metal at the foot of a window opening or doorway.

Clenched- closed into a tight ball.

Infantile- childish.

Scrunching- make a loud crunching noise.

Whining- the making of a long, high-pitched cry or sound.

Rheumy- watery

Jumbled- mix up in a confused or untidy way

Heap- objects placed haphazardly on top of each other

Rummaged- search unsystematically and untidily through something.

Smugly- in a way that shows excessive satisfaction or pride in oneself.

Trance- a half-conscious state

Gaze- look steadily and intently

Chanted- say or shout repeatedly in a sing-song tone

Rapt- completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing.

Nostrils- either of two external openings of the nose.

Grin- smile broadly.

Cranky- bad-tempered; irritable.

Rumbled- make a continuous deep sound.

Fuss- to show excessive excitement

Apprehensive- fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

Awful- very bad or unpleasant.

Fright- a sudden intense feeling of fear.

Skittered- move lightly and quickly

Underbrush- shrubs and small trees

Agitation- anxiety or nervous excitement.

Astounded- shock or greatly surprise.

Lima Beans- an edible flat whitish bean.

Celery- a cultivated plant of the parsley family

Eventually- in the end, finally

Rare- not occurring very often.

Emphasis- special value given to something.

Tiptoed- walk quietly

Pretense- an attempt to make something that is false, to appear true.

Gingerly- in a careful or cautious manner.

Heave- produce a sigh.

Stroking- move one’s hand with gentle pressure

Spank- slap with one’s open hand

Weariness- extreme tiredness

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