A roadside stand Word Meaning in Hindi
Out = (here) extended outside, बाहर की तरफ बढ़ा हुआ।
Shed = छप्पर
Edge = border, किनारा।
Traffic sped = यातायात तेज गति से चलता था।
Pled = made a request, निवेदन करता था।
Not be fair = it would not be just to say, यह कहना उचित
नहीं होगा |
Dole of bread = (here) donation, खैरात या भिक्षा
The flower of cities = best things of the city, शहर की सबसे
बढ़िया वस्तुएँ।
Sinking = ruin, बर्बादी।
withering = drying and shrinking, कुम्हलाते हुए ।
faint = lifeless, अशक्त या बेहोश या अचेत
Polished = refined, परिष्कृत या शिष्ट।
mind ahead = (here) going straight forward, सीधा आगे बढ़ना।
Aside = on one side, एक तरफ/किनारे
Out of sorts = irritated, not feeling well, खिन्न होते हुए।
landscape = site of the land, भूदृश्य।
Marred (मार्ड) = spoiled, खराब या नष्ट किया।
Artless = clumsy, भद्दा।
wild = of the forest, जंगली।
berries = a small round fruit growing on wild bush, बेर।
wooden = made of wood, लकड़ी से बने।
Quarts = containers, (यहाँ) डिब्बे ।
crook-necked = bent necked, मुड़ी हुई गर्दन
squash = gourd, like pumpkin, कुम्हड़ा, लौकी जैसी सब्जी।
silver warts = hard lumps, चाँदी जैसी
कीलकें (छोटी गाँठे)।
mean = (here) miser, कंजूस।
go along = move forward, आगे बढ़ना।
hurt = harm, नुकसान ।
unsaid = not said, नहीं कहे गये, अनकहे ।
scenery = landscape, भूदृश्य |
expand = (here) develop, विस्तार करना, विकास करना ।
pitiful = deserving pity, दया के पात्र।
kin = relatives, सम्बन्धी।
Mercifully = having mercy, दयापूर्ण ढंग से।
gathered (गैदर्ड) = assembled, एकत्रित हो गये
greedy good-doers = greedy persons who pretend to do
good, लालची व्यक्ति जो अच्छाई करने का बहाना करते हैं।
Beneficient (बेनिफिशन्ट) = लाभ उठाने वाले ।
Beasts of prey = violent meat eating animals like
lions etc, हिंसक जानवर या पशु।
Hardly = with difficulty, मुश्किल से।
Bear (बेअर) = tolerate, सहन करना।
Bhildish = (here) immature, अपरिपक्व।
Longing = strong desire, प्रबल या तीव्र इच्छा।
In vain (इन वेन) = without any use, व्यर्थ।
lurks (ल:क्स) = lies hidden, छुपी पड़ी है।
squeal (स्क्वील) = screams, चीखें (यहाँ)
ब्रेकों की आवाज ।
selfish cars (सेल्फिश का ज़)= selfish car owners, स्वार्थी कार
just (जस्ट) = only, मात्र ।
inquire (इन्क्वायर) = to get information, पता लगाना, पूछताछ करना।
plow up (प्लो अप) = turn over, उलटना।
yard (या:ड) = open space, आंगन।
bound (बाउन्ड) = leading to, जाना।
This crossly = they refuse in angry mood, गुस्से की मुद्रा में वे इंकार करते हैं ।
scale (स्केल) = measurement, पैमाना।
Gain (गेन) = progress, विकास।
Requisite (रिक्विज़िट)= desired, अधिक, अपेक्षित।
lift of spirit = encouragement, प्रोत्साहन।
country (कन्ट्री) = rural side, ग्रामीण क्षेत्र।
Seems (सीम्ज) = appears, दिखती है।
Complain (कम्प्लेन) = शिकायत।।
owning (ओनिंग) = confessing, स्वीकार करना।
relief (रिलीफ) = comfort, चैन, राहत।
At one stroke = with one blow, एक झटके में।
sane = balanced, संतुलित।
wonder (वंडर) = think, सोचना।
S.No. Word Meanings Meanings (in hindi) Synonyms 1 Sped Crossing with high speed तेज दौड़ dash, speed 2 Pathetically Earnestly आग्रहपूर्वक sincerely, intently 3 Pled Pleaded, Requested निवेदन करना submit, tender, address 4 Dole Gift, Free of cost बांटना dispense, distribute 5 Sinking Drowning डुबकी dip, plunge, submersion 6 Withering Decay, Getting Bad नष्ट होते destroy, ruin 7 Faint Unconscious मूर्च्छित होना ill-defined 8 Polished Beautiful विनीत respectful, gentle 9 Landscape Scenery परिदृश्य Topography, View 10 Marred Disturbed आघात aggression 11 Artless Ugly अनाड़ी clumsy, talentless, awkward 12 Wild berries Berries grown in jungle जंगली जामुन ……………… 13 Quarts Container पात्र character, vessel, personage 14 Crook-necked Having long neck क्रूक गर्दन …………. 15 Mean Selfish तुच्छ insignificant, measly 16 Hurt Insult, Disappointed चोट crista, dint, concussion 17 Crossly Being angry गुस्सा होना violently. 18 Trusting Believing विश्वास करना rely, realize 19 Expand Grow, Become rich बढ़ना proceed, increase, surmount 20 Pitiful Showing pity रहमदिल merciful, clement, soft-hearted 21 Kin Family members रिश्तेदार relative 22 Gas Fuel ईंधन combuatible 23 Beneficent Charitable, Helping दयालु compassionate, Benignant,
accommodating 24 Swarm To make a group दल party, batch, gang 25 Soothe Reduce the problem पीड़ा कम करना conciliate 26 Wits Being alert and active सक्रिय होना intelligent, cleverness 27 Bear Tolerate सहना endure, suffer, last 28 Longing Desire, Wish मुराद purport, object, tenor 29 In vain Not successful बेकार waste, worthless 30 Lurks Spreads, Moves close by घूमता है travel 31 Squeal A sharp sound चिल्लाहट outcry, shouting, scream 32 Plow up to turn मुँह फेरना break, furrow