Indigo word Meaning Hindi English MP Board Solution


 Indigo word Meaning Hindi English MP Board Solution

Indigo word Meaning Hindi English MP Board Solution

Indigo word Meaning Hindi English MP Board Solution 

Convention: agreement

Delegates: Representatives

Peasant: small farmer

Emaciated: thin

Champaran: A place in Bihar

Sharecroppers: a tenant farmer who gives a part of each crop as rent.

Resolute: determined

Committed: dedicated

Accompanied: go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort

Cawnpore: British name for the city of Kanpur

Tenacity: determination

Haunches: thighs

Boarded: get on, enter

Yeoman: a man who cultivates a small piece of land

Pestered: bother, harass

Permitted: allowed

En route: on the way

Imparting: pass on, giving

Extraordinary: exceptional, remarkable

Harbour: here, entertain

Sympathy: support, pity

Advocate: supporter, protector

Advent: arrival

Conveyance: transportation

Chided: criticize, scold

Conclusion: result, end of something

Fear stricken: afraid

Arable: land suitable for farming

Tenants: occupants paying rent in cash or kind

Estate: property

Compelled: forced

Surrendered: to give in

Contract: agreement

Indigo: plant that produces a blue color

Concrete: solid

Hitherto: Earlier, Previously

Dreaded: regarded with great fear or apprehension

Unquestioned: not examined or inquired into

Baffled: confused

Prosecutor: Lawyer or barrister

Postpone: delay

Apparently: seemingly, evidently

Protested: objected, disapproved

Pleading: the action of making an emotional or earnest appeal to someone

Guilty: at fault

Conflict: to be against someone

Humanitarian: Concerned with human welfare

Conscience: sense of right and wrong

Magistrate: civil officer who administers law

Pronounce: declare or announce

recess: break

bail: an amount of money that a person who has been accused of a crime pays to a law court so that they can be released until their trial.

Reconvened: to start again after a small break

Liberty: free

Prominent: Important, well known

Conferred: granted

Injustice: unfairness

Withdrew: left

Upshot: result, conclusion

Consultations: discussion

Desertion: action of leaving a place, organization etc

Lieutenant-Governor: deputy governor

Province: region, territory

Civil Disobedience: peaceful form of political protest

Triumphed: won

Grievances: complaints

Depositions: a formal written statement

Evidence: proof

Throbbed: produced a lot of vibrations due to a huge crowd

Investigators: the inspectors

Vehement: showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.

Summoned: called

Leading: prominent, popular

Associates: supporters

Protracted: lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.

Representative: spokesperson, agent

Initial: at the start

Uninterrupted: continuous

Entreaty: an earnest or humble request

Assembled: gathered

Deceitfully: dishonestly

Extorted: took forcibly

Adamant: firm

Amazement: surprise

Obliged: required, made legally bound to do something

Deadlock: a situation in which no progress can be made

Unanimously: without opposition

Prestige: honour, esteem

Defenders: protector

Justified: marked by a good or legitimate reason

Abandoned: deserted, inhibited

Estates: property

Reverted: returned

Contented: willing to accept something, satisfied

Miserable: unhappy, sad

Volunteer: a person who offers his service free of cost

Eruptions: here, a spot, rash, or other mark appearing suddenly on the skin.

Instructions: orders, commands

Residents: locals

Defiance: opposition

Alleviate: uplift

Distress: torture

Intertwined: twisted, braided, knitted

Abstractions: something which exists only as an idea.

Pacifist: Peace maker

Vehemently: in an intense manner

Self Reliance: self sufficiency, self support

prop: support

Indigo word Meaning Hindi 

visit (विज़िट) = go to meet, मिलने जाना। 

central (सेन्ट्रल) = in the centre, मध्य। 

happen (हैपन) = occur, take place, घटित होना। 

decide (डिसाइड) = make up one’s mind, निश्चय करना। 

urge (अ:ज) = recommend, संस्तुति करना, आग्रह करना। 

departure (डिपा:चर) = leaving, प्रस्थान, गमन। 

annual (एन्युअल) = yearly, वार्षिक। 

convention (कन्वेंशन) = conference, सम्मेलन।

delegate (डेलिगेट) = representative, प्रतिनिधि। 

visitors (विज़िट:ज़) = those who come to see, मिलने वाले या दर्शक । 

proceedings (प्रसीडिंग्ज़) = a series of planned activities, कार्यवाही। 

recount (रिकाउन्ट) = teil, कहना। 

peasant (पेज़न्ट) = farmer, किसान। 

emaciated (इमेशिएटिड) = thin and weak, दुबला-पतला। 

foothills (फुहिल्ज़) = bottom of hills, तराई। 

towering (टाउअरिंग) = very high, बहुत ऊँचा, भव्य 

kingdom (किंग्डम) = empire, राज्य।

ancient (एन्शन्ट) = very old, बहुत पुराना। 

arrangement (अरेन्जमन्ट) = agreement, समझौता। 

sharecropper (शेअॅक्रॉपर) = a farmer who gives part of his/her crop as rent to the owner of the land, बँटाईदार । 

illiterate (इलिटरट)= uneducated, अशिक्षित, निरक्षर । 

resolute (रेजल्यूट)= determined, दृढ़- निश्चयी। 

session (सेशन) = a formal meeting, सम्मेलन, बैठक।

complain (कम्प्ले न) = to say that you are annoyed, शिकायत करना। 

injustice (इन्जस्टिस) = unfair treatment, अन्याय। 

landlord (लैन्लॉड) = land owner, जमींदार। 

system (सिस्टम) = arrangement, व्यवस्था। 

probably (प्रॉबब्लि)= perhaps, शायद। 

appointment (अपॉइन्ट्मन्ट) = formal arrangement to meet somebody, मिलने की योजना।

committed (कमिटिड) = willing to give one’s time and energy to something, समर्पित, वचनबद्ध। 

accompany (अकम्पनि)= to travel with somebody, साथ जाना। 

follow (फॉलो)= to go after somebody, अनुगमन करना, पीछे-पीछे चलना। 

beg (बेग) = request, प्रार्थना करना।

 impressed (इम्प्रेस्ट) = influenced, प्रभावित होकर। 

tenacity (टनैसटि) = persistence, लगन। 

haunches (हॉन्चिज़) = the tops of legs and buttocks, कूल्हे। 

appointed (अपॉइन्टिड) = planned, नियत। 

spot (स्पॉट) = place, स्थान। board (बो:ड) = get into, चढ़ना। 

led (लेड) = took, ले गये। 

yeoman (यऊमन) = in Britain, in the past, a farmer who owned the land on which he worked, भूतकाल में ब्रिटेन में छोटा कृषक जो अपनी स्वयं की भूमि पर काम करता था ।

pester (पेस्टर)= to annoy somebody by asking him something many times, एक ही बात को बार-बार पूछ-पूछ कर परेशान करना। 

let (लेट) = allow, (करने) देना । 

took to be = समझा था । 

later (लेटर)= afterwards, बाद में । 

companion (कम्पैन्यन)= friend, साथी । 

draw (ड्रॉ)= take out, निकालना

pollute (पॅल्यूट) = to add dirty substance, प्रदूषित करना । 

entire (इन्टाइअर)= whole, सम्पूर्ण, पूरा । 

source (सोर्स)= origin, स्रोत। 

untouchable (अन्टचेब्ल) = of so called low caste, अछूत ।

 en route to (एन् रूट टु) = on the way to, रास्ते में। 

obtain (अब्टेन) = get, प्राप्त करना। 

complete (कम्प्लीट) = exhaustive, पूरी। 

impart (इम्पा:ट) = to pass information to other people, अन्य व्यक्ति को जानकारी पहुँचाना । 

accordingly (अकॉडिग्लि) = for that reason, therefore, अतः।

seen (सीन)= met, मिल चुके थे। 

body (बॉडि) = group, समूह। 

extraordinary (इक्स्ट्रॉ :डत्रि) = unusual,comment (a z)= to express an opinion about something, Fouquit करना। 

harbour (हा:बर)= to give shelter, शरण देना, आश्रय देना, ठहराना। 

locality (लोकलटि)= settlement, बस्ती। 

sympathy (सिम्पथी)= fellow feeling, सहानुभूति। 

advocate (एड्वोकेट) = champion, पक्षधर।

homerule (होम रूल)= own government, स्व-शासन ।

advent (एड्वेन्ट) = arrival, आगमन। 

nature (नेचर)= basic quality, मूल प्रकृति। 

spread (स्प्रेड) = फैल गया । 

conveyance (कन्वेअन्स) = a vehicle, वाहन।

champion (चैम्पिअन) = advocate, पक्षधर। 

called on (कॉल्ड ऑन) = came to meet, मिलने आये। 

brief (ब्रीफ) = to impart information in a nutshell, संक्षिप्त जानकारी देना। 

frequently (फ्रीक्वट्लि ) = often, अक्सर, प्रायः। 

reported (रिपोर्टिड)= told, बताया।

size of their fee = फीस का आकार (कि मुकदमा लड़ने की कितनी फीस लेते थे)। 

chide (चाइड)= scold, फटकारना। 

crushed (क्रश्ट) = downtrodden, कुचले हुए। 

fear-stricken (फ़िअर-स्ट्रिकन) = frightened, भयभीत। 

relief (रिलीफ) = comfort, राहत।

arable (ऐरबल) = cultivable, कृषि योग्य। 

estate (इस्टेट) = a large area of land, जागीर। 

own (ओन) = to have, अधिकार में रखना। 

tenant (टेनन्ट) = a person who pays rent for the use of land, काश्तकार। 

chief (चीफ) = main, मुख्य। 

commercial (कमशल) = of cash, व्यावसायिक। 

crop (क्रॉप) = harvest, फसल। indigo (इन्डिगो) = नील । 

compel (कम्पेल) = to force, मजबूर करना। 

three twentieths (थ्री ट्वेन्टिअथ्स) = 3/20, बीस में तीन भाग। 

holdings (होल्डिंग्ज़) = amount of property that is owned by a person, सम्पत्ति, यहाँ जमीन। 

surrender (सरेन्डर) = relinquish, त्यागना।

long term (लॉन्ग ट:म) = for a long time, दीर्घकालिक। 

contract (कॉन्ट्रैक्ट) = a written agreement, समझौता । 

develop (डिवेलप) = to grow bigger, तरक्की करना, विकास करना। 

synthetic (सिन्थेटिक) = chemically prepared, संश्लेषित। 

thereupon (देअअपॉन)= immediately after the situation mentioned, इस पर। 

obtain (अब्टेन)= get, प्राप्त करना। 

compensation (कम्पेन्सेशन) = क्षतिपूर्ति । 

release (रिलीज़) = to make free, मुक्त करना। 

arrangement (अरेन्जमन्ट) = agreement, समझौता।

irksome (अ:कसम) = annoying, irritating, tiresome, परेशानी भरा। 

willingly (विलिंग्लि ) = with one’s own will, जानबूझकर, स्वेच्छा से। 

resist (रिजिस्ट) = oppose, विरोध करना। 

engage (इंगेज) = employ, लगाना। 

hire (हाइअर) = employ, लगाना, किराये पर रखना। 

thug (ठग) = a criminal, अपराधी। 

meanwhile (मीन्वाइल) = in the meantime, 

arrive (अराइव) = to reach, पहुँचना। 

fact (फैक्ट) = true information, तथ्य। 

association (असोसिएशन) = organisation, संगठन। 

outsider (आउटसाइडें) = बाहरी व्यक्ति।

call on (कॉल ऑन) = meet, मिलना। 

commissioner (कमिश्नर) = आयुक्त। 

lay (ले) = situated, पड़ता था।

proceed (प्रसीड) = come forward, आगे बढ़ना। 

bully (बुलि) = to give threat, डराना, धमकाना। 

forthwith (फो:श्विथ) = without delay, immediately, शीघ्र, बिना देर किये। 

instead (इन्स्टेड) = in lieu, के बजाय। 

multitude (मल्टिट्यूड) = crowd, भीड़। 

greet (ग्रीट) = welcome, स्वागत करना 

investigation (इन्वेस्टिगेशन)= probe, जाँच।

maltreat (मैलट्रीट) = to treat badly, दुर्व्यवहार करना। 

messenger (मेसेन्जर) = envoy, दूत, सन्देशवाहक। 

overtake (ओवटेक) = वाहन, व्यक्ति आदि के पीछे से आकर आगे निकल जाना । carriage (कैरिज) = vehicle, वाहन। 

comply (कम्प्लाइ) = to obey, आज्ञा मानना। 

drove him = उन्हें गाड़ी में बैठाकर लाया। 

served (सॅ:व्ड) = दिया । 

quit (क्विट) = to leave, छोड़ना। 

disobey (डिस्ओ बे) = आज्ञा न मानना।

 in consequence (इन कन्सीक्वन्स) = as a result, परिणामस्वरूप। 

received (रिसीव्ड) = got, प्राप्त किया। 

summons (समन्ज़) = order of the court, कानूनी आदेश। 

appear (अपिअर) = to be present, उपस्थित होना। 

remained (रिमेइन्ड) = kept, रहे। 

awake (अवेक) = without sleep, जगे हुए। 

influential (इन्फ्लू अन्शल) = resourceful, प्रभावशाली। 

instruction (इन्स्ट्रक्शन) = direction, हिदायत, निर्देश।

wired (वायर्ड) = sent through wire, तार द्वारा भेजी। 

black with peasants = किसानों से भर गया । 

merely (मिअर्लि)= only, सिर्फ, केवल। 

trouble (ट्रब्ल) = difficulty, परेशानी। 

authorities (अथॉरिटीज़) = officials, अधिकारी लोग। 

spontaneous (स्पॉन्टेन्यस) = natural, सहज। 

demonstration (डेमॉन्स्ट्रेशन)= show, प्रदर्शन। 

liberation (लिबरेशन) = freedom, स्वतन्त्रता, मुक्ति । 

co-operation (को-ऑपरेशन) = help, सहायता । 

regulate (रेग्यूलेट) = to control, नियन्त्रित करना। 

concrete (कॉन्क्रीट) = solid, ठोस। 

might (माइट) = power, शक्ति। 

hitherto (हिदरटु) = till now, अब तक। 

dreaded (ड्रेडिड) = that causes fear, डराने वाली |

unquestioned (अन्क्वे श्चन्ड) = unopposed, विरोधविहीन। 

baffled (बैफ़ल्ड) = perplexed, चकरा गई । 

prosecutor (प्रोसिक्यूटर) = advocate to the plantiff, वादी/पक्षकार का वकील। 

postpone (पोस्टपोन) = स्थगित करना। 

trial (ट्राइअल) = hearing, सुनवाई। 

apparently (एपारट्लि ) = obviously, स्पष्टतः। 

consult (कन्सल्ट) = to take advice, सलाह-मशविरा करना, विचार-विमर्श

superiors (सुपरिअज़) = higher officers, उच्चाधिकारी।

protest (प्रोटेस्ट) = oppose, प्रतिवाद करना, विरोध करना । 

delay (डिले) = period of wait, देरी। 

plead guilty (प्लीड गिल्टि)= confess guilt, अपराध स्वीकार करना। 

involved (इन्वॉल्व्ड) = taking part in something, लिप्त । 

conflict (कॉन्फ्लिक्ट) = situation of disagreement, विरोधाभास। 

on the one hand (ऑन द वन हैण्ड) = एक ओर। 

on the other hand (ऑन दी अर्द्र हैण्ड) = दूसरी ओर ।

render (रेन्डॅ) = give, देना। 

humanitarian (ह्यूमनिटेरिअन)= pertaining to human beings, मानवीय । 

disregard (डिस्त्रिगा:ड)= disobey, उल्लंघन करना। 

want (वान्ट)= अभाव । 

obedience (ओबीडिअन्स)= willingness to do something, आज्ञाकारिता। 

conscience (कॉन्शन्स)= the part of mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong, विवेक। 

penalty (पेनल्टि) = punishment, दण्ड। 

due (ड्यू) = reasonable, उचित। 

announce (अनाउन्स) = proclaim, घोषित करना। 

pronounce (प्रनाउन्स) = say, बोलना।

sentence (सेन्टन्स) = punishment, decision, दण्ड, निर्णय। 

recess (रीसेस) = break, मध्यान्तर। 

furnish (फ़:निश) = to provide, to supply, देना। 

bail (बेल) = release, जमानत। 

refuse (रिफ्यूज़) = to say no to something, मना करना। 

reconvened (रीकन्वीन्ड) = started after a break, फिर से शुरू हुई । 

deliver (डिलीवर) = pronounce, सुनाना। 

several (सेवरल) = a number of, कई। 

liberty (लिब:टि) = freedom, स्वतन्त्र ।।

 prominent (प्रॉमिनन्ट) = chief, प्रमुख। 

confer (कन्फॅ) = to discuss, विचार-विमर्श-करना। 

sentence (सेनटॅन्स) = punishment, सजा । 

prison (प्रिज़न) = jail, जेल। 

demanded (डिमान्डिड) = asked, पूछा। 

withdrew (विद्ड्र) = went back, पीछे हट गये। 

upshot (अपशॉट) = outcome, परिणाम। 

consultation (कन्सल्टेशन)= discussion, विचार-विमर्श 

stranger (स्ट्रेन्ड) = outsider, बाहरी व्यक्ति ।

for the sake of (फ़ॉ द सेक ऑव) = के लिए। 

resident (रेज़ीडन्ट) = dweller, निवासी। 

adjoining (एड्जॉइनिंग) = nearly, आस-पास के। 

claim (क्लेम) = boast, दावा करना। 

shameful (शेम्फल) = that which makes somebody feel ashamed, शर्मनाक। 

desertion (डिज़:शन) = leaving a place, पलायन, भाग जाना ।

accordingly (अकॉ:डिंग्लि ) = as per above mentioned plan, तदनुसार । 

battle (बैटल) = war, युद्ध, लड़ाई । 

exclaim (इक्स्क्ले म) = to say something in awe or amazement, विस्मय के साथ कहना । order (ऑ:डॅ) = sequence, क्रम । c

ourt arrest (को:ट अरेस्ट) = to offer to go in jail, गिरफ्तारी देना ।

communication (कम्यूनिकेशन)= message, संदेश । 

province (प्रोविन्स)= state, राज्य। 

drop (ड्रॉप) = withdraw, समाप्त करना । 

civil disobedience (सिविल डिस्ऑबिडन्स) = सविनय अवज्ञा । 

triumphed (ट्राइअम्पट) = won, जीत हो गई थी । 

conduct (कन्डक्ट) = set up, बिठाना, करना ।

far flung (फार फ़्लंग) = व्यापक

grievance (ग्रीवान्स) = complaints, शिकायत। 

deposition (डिपोज़िशन) = a formal statement taken from somebody and used in court, बयान, साक्ष्य । 

notes (were) made = टिप्पणियाँ लिखी गईं । 

evidence (एविडन्स) = गवाही, बयान । 

document (डॉक्यूमन्ट)= official paper, अभिलेख । 

throb (थ्रॉब)= pulsate, कपित होना । 

activity (एक्टिविटि)= movement, हलचल, गतिविधि।

investigator (इनवेस्टिगइटें)= अन्वेषक, जाँच करने वाला । 

vehement (वेहमन्ट)= violent, उग्र । 

protest (प्रोटेस्ट)= opposition, प्रतिवाद, विरोध । 

was summoned to (वॉज़ समन्ड टु) = के पास बुलाया गया । 

leading (लीडिंग)= prominent, प्रमुख

associate (असोशिएट) = assistant, सहयोगी । 

laid detailed plans = विस्तृत योजना बनाई ।

protracted (प्रोट्रेक्टिड) = lasting for a long time, prolonged, लम्बे समय तक चलने वाले। as a result = परिणामस्वरूप

appointed (अपॉइन्टिड्) = नियुक्त किया । 

commission (कमिशन) = a group of officials, आयोग। 

consist of (कन्सिस्ट ऑव) = made of, बना हुआ था/में शामिल थे । 

sole (सोल) = only, एकमात्र। 

representative (रेप्रिजेन्टटिव)= delegate, प्रतिनिधि। 

initial (इनिशल) = in the beginning, शुरु में। 

uninterrupted (अन्इन्टेरप्टिड) = without break, लगातार |

undertake (अण्ड:टेक्) = लेना, करना 

I casually (कैशुअलि) = not seriously, बिना गम्भीरता के। 

entreaty (इन्ट्रीटि) = request, प्रार्थना। 

unlettered (अनलैटर्ड) = illiterate, अनपढ़। 

expectation (इक्स्पे क्टेशन) = belief that something will happen, अपेक्षा. सम्भावना।

it would last a few days = इसकी कुछ दिन चलने की संभावना थी

occupy (ऑक्युपाइ) = remaining busy doing something, समय लगाना।

assemble (असेम्बल) = gather, इकट्ठा करना। 

crushing (क्रशिंग) = पूर्णतया या बुरी तरह से हराने वाले, ठोस। 

evidence (एविडंस) = सबूत, साक्ष्य । 

mountain (माउन्टेन) = ढेर सारे । 

planter (प्लान्टर) = landlord, जमींदार। 

in principle (इन प्रिन्सिपल) = theoretically, सिद्धान्ततः। 

make refunds (मेक रिफन्ड्ज़ )= to give back money, पैसा वापिस देना।

 illegally (इलिगलि) without any legal base, गैर कानूनी। 

deceitfully (डिसिट्फ़लि)= deceivingly, धोखे से। 

extort (इक्स्टॉ :ट) = to take by force, छीनना, ऐंठना। 

adamant (एडमन्ट) = stubborn, अडिग। 

observed (ऑब्जव्ड) = noticed, देखा। 

at close range (एट क्लोज़ रेन्ज) = closely, नजदीक से। 

give way (गिव वे) = surrender, आत्म समर्पण करना, मनाना |

planters (प्लान्टज़) = जमींदारों। 

extent (इक्स्टे न्ट)= limit, सीमा। 

amazement (अमेज़मन्ट) = surprise, आश्चर्य। 

took him at his word (Phrase) = (जमींदारों के प्रतिनिधि) के कथन से उसी को बाँध दिया अर्थात् उसी की बात पकड़ ली । 

deadlock (डेड्लॉक) = resistance, गतिरोध। 

thus breaking the deadlock = इस प्रकार गतिरोध को समाप्त कर दिया । settlement (सैटल्मन्ट) = agreement, समझौता।

adopt (अडॉप्ट) = take, लेना। 

unanimously (यूनेनिमस्लि ) = without any opposition, निर्विरोध। 

oblige (ऑब्लाइज़) = force, मजबूर करना। 

surrender (सरेन्डर) = give in, आत्मसमर्पण करना। 

prestige (प्रेस्टीज) = status, प्रतिष्ठा। 

lords (लॉ:ड्ज़) = people of high social class, उच्चस्तर के व्यक्ति |

 right (राइट) = a legal claim, अधिकार । 

defender (डिफेण्डर) = protector, रक्षा करने वाला। 

courage (करिज) = valour, साहस । 

event (इवेन्ट) = a thing that happens, घटना। 

justify (जस्टिफाई) = to show that something is reasonable, उचित ठहराना। 

abandon (अबैन्डन) = to give up, त्यागना, छोड़ना। 

revert (रिव:ट)= to return something to its original owner, मूल मालिक को लौटाना। disappeared (डिस्अपिअर्ड)= came to an end, समाप्त हो गई । 

content (कन्टेन्ट) = satisfy, सन्तुष्ट होना। 

economic (इकॉनॉमिक) = connected with trade and wealth, आर्थिक। 

solution (सलूशन) = a way of solving a problem, समाधान।

cultural (कल्चरल) = of culture, सांस्कृतिक। 

backwardness (बेकवःड्नस) = the state of having made less progress,disciple = follower, frei volunteer (arstafesy) = to offer to do something, पेशकश करना। 

distant (डिस्टन्ट) = remote, दूरवर्ती। 

cleanliness (क्लीन्लिनस) = state of being clean, स्वच्छता। 

community (कम्युनिटि) = a group of people, समुदाय। 

sanitation (सेनिटेशन) = cleanliness, स्वच्छता। 

miserable (मिज़रब्ल) = very unhappy, दयनीय, खराब। 

volunteer (atcrest) = to offer to do something without being forced to do or without being paid for it, स्वेच्छा से या निःशुल्क सेवा करने के लिए प्रस्तुत होना ।

turning point (ट:निंग पॉइन्ट) = मोड़, महत्त्वपूर्ण घटना । 

defiance (डिफाइअन्स) = disobedience, अवहेलना। 

alleviate (एलिविएट) = remove, हटाना, कम करना । 

distress (डिस्ट्रस) = trouble, परेशानी, कष्ट । 

typical (टिपिकल)= characteristic of, विशिष्ट । 

politics (पॉलिटिक्स)= राजनीतिक विचारधाराएँ । 

intertwine (इन्ट:ट्वाइन)= woven, गुंथी हुई । 

practical (प्रैक्टिकल)= pragmatic, व्यावहारिक।

loyalty (लॉयल्टि) = faithfulness, वफादारी। 

abstractions (एब्स्ट्रै क्शन्ज़) = imaginary things , कल्पना की वस्तुएँ। 

living (लिविंग) = not dead, सजीव। 

moreover (मोरओवर) = and, इसके अलावा। 

mould (मोल्ड) = form, बनाना, ढालना। 

pacifist (पेसिफिस्ट) = a person who refuses to fight in a war, शांतिदूत। 

devoted (डिवोटिड) = having great love for something, समर्पित। 

follower (फॉलोअर) = one who follows, समर्थक, अनुगामी। 

Bid farewell(बिड फ़ेवेल)= say good bye, विदा करना।

vehemently(वीअमटिल) = very strongly, पुरजोर ढंग से, सख्त। 

unequal fight = गैर बराबरी की या असमान लड़ाई

cause (कॉज़) = issue, मुद्दा । 

just (जस्ट) = fair, न्यायसंगत। 

rely upon (रिलाइ अपॉन) = depend upon, निर्भर होना। 

seek = ढूँढ़ना । prop (प्रॉप) = support, बैसाखी, सहारा। 

happens to be = संयोग से हैं । 

self- reliance (सेल्फ-रिलायन्स) = self dependence, आत्म-निर्भरता, स्वावलम्बन । 

all bound together = सब एक-दूसरे से जुड़े ।


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