Indigo word Meaning Hindi English MP Board Solution
Indigo word Meaning Hindi English MP Board Solution
Convention: agreement
Delegates: Representatives
Peasant: small farmer
Emaciated: thin
Champaran: A place in Bihar
Sharecroppers: a tenant farmer who gives a part of each crop
as rent.
Resolute: determined
Committed: dedicated
Accompanied: go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or
Cawnpore: British name for the city of Kanpur
Tenacity: determination
Haunches: thighs
Boarded: get on, enter
Yeoman: a man who cultivates a small piece of land
Pestered: bother, harass
Permitted: allowed
En route: on the way
Imparting: pass on, giving
Extraordinary: exceptional, remarkable
Harbour: here, entertain
Sympathy: support, pity
Advocate: supporter, protector
Advent: arrival
Conveyance: transportation
Chided: criticize, scold
Conclusion: result, end of something
Fear stricken: afraid
Arable: land suitable for farming
Tenants: occupants paying rent in cash or kind
Estate: property
Compelled: forced
Surrendered: to give in
Contract: agreement
Indigo: plant that produces a blue color
Concrete: solid
Hitherto: Earlier, Previously
Dreaded: regarded with great fear or apprehension
Unquestioned: not examined or inquired into
Baffled: confused
Prosecutor: Lawyer or barrister
Postpone: delay
Apparently: seemingly, evidently
Protested: objected, disapproved
Pleading: the action of making an emotional or earnest appeal
to someone
Guilty: at fault
Conflict: to be against someone
Humanitarian: Concerned with human welfare
Conscience: sense of right and wrong
Magistrate: civil officer who administers law
Pronounce: declare or announce
recess: break
bail: an amount of money that a person who has been accused
of a crime pays to a law court so that they can be released until their trial.
Reconvened: to start again after a small break
Liberty: free
Prominent: Important, well known
Conferred: granted
Injustice: unfairness
Withdrew: left
Upshot: result, conclusion
Consultations: discussion
Desertion: action of leaving a place, organization etc
Lieutenant-Governor: deputy governor
Province: region, territory
Civil Disobedience: peaceful form of political protest
Triumphed: won
Grievances: complaints
Depositions: a formal written statement
Evidence: proof
Throbbed: produced a lot of vibrations due to a huge crowd
Investigators: the inspectors
Vehement: showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or
Summoned: called
Leading: prominent, popular
Associates: supporters
Protracted: lasting for a long time or longer than expected
or usual.
Representative: spokesperson, agent
Initial: at the start
Uninterrupted: continuous
Entreaty: an earnest or humble request
Assembled: gathered
Deceitfully: dishonestly
Extorted: took forcibly
Adamant: firm
Amazement: surprise
Obliged: required, made legally bound to do something
Deadlock: a situation in which no progress can be made
Unanimously: without opposition
Prestige: honour, esteem
Defenders: protector
Justified: marked by a good or legitimate reason
Abandoned: deserted, inhibited
Estates: property
Reverted: returned
Contented: willing to accept something, satisfied
Miserable: unhappy, sad
Volunteer: a person who offers his service free of cost
Eruptions: here, a spot, rash, or other mark appearing
suddenly on the skin.
Instructions: orders, commands
Residents: locals
Defiance: opposition
Alleviate: uplift
Distress: torture
Intertwined: twisted, braided, knitted
Abstractions: something which exists only as an idea.
Pacifist: Peace maker
Vehemently: in an intense manner
Self Reliance: self sufficiency, self support
prop: support
Indigo word Meaning Hindi
visit (विज़िट) = go to meet, मिलने जाना।
central (सेन्ट्रल) = in the centre, मध्य।
happen (हैपन) = occur, take place, घटित होना।
decide (डिसाइड) = make up one’s mind, निश्चय करना।
urge (अ:ज) = recommend, संस्तुति करना, आग्रह करना।
departure (डिपा:चर) = leaving, प्रस्थान, गमन।
annual (एन्युअल) = yearly, वार्षिक।
convention (कन्वेंशन) = conference, सम्मेलन।
delegate (डेलिगेट) = representative, प्रतिनिधि।
visitors (विज़िट:ज़) = those who come to see, मिलने वाले या दर्शक ।
proceedings (प्रसीडिंग्ज़) = a series of planned activities, कार्यवाही।
recount (रिकाउन्ट) = teil, कहना।
peasant (पेज़न्ट) = farmer, किसान।
emaciated (इमेशिएटिड) = thin and weak, दुबला-पतला।
foothills (फुहिल्ज़) = bottom of hills, तराई।
towering (टाउअरिंग) = very high, बहुत ऊँचा, भव्य
kingdom (किंग्डम) = empire, राज्य।
ancient (एन्शन्ट) = very old, बहुत पुराना।
arrangement (अरेन्जमन्ट) = agreement, समझौता।
sharecropper (शेअॅक्रॉपर) = a farmer who gives part of his/her crop as rent to the owner of the land, बँटाईदार ।
illiterate (इलिटरट)= uneducated, अशिक्षित, निरक्षर ।
resolute (रेजल्यूट)= determined, दृढ़- निश्चयी।
session (सेशन) = a formal meeting, सम्मेलन, बैठक।
complain (कम्प्ले न) = to say that you are annoyed, शिकायत करना।
injustice (इन्जस्टिस) = unfair treatment, अन्याय।
landlord (लैन्लॉड) = land owner, जमींदार।
system (सिस्टम) = arrangement, व्यवस्था।
probably (प्रॉबब्लि)= perhaps, शायद।
appointment (अपॉइन्ट्मन्ट) = formal arrangement to meet somebody, मिलने की योजना।
committed (कमिटिड) = willing to give one’s time and energy to something, समर्पित, वचनबद्ध।
accompany (अकम्पनि)= to travel with somebody, साथ जाना।
follow (फॉलो)= to go after somebody, अनुगमन करना, पीछे-पीछे चलना।
beg (बेग) = request, प्रार्थना करना।
impressed (इम्प्रेस्ट) = influenced, प्रभावित होकर।
tenacity (टनैसटि) = persistence, लगन।
haunches (हॉन्चिज़) = the tops of legs and buttocks, कूल्हे।
appointed (अपॉइन्टिड) = planned, नियत।
spot (स्पॉट) = place, स्थान। board (बो:ड) = get into, चढ़ना।
led (लेड) = took, ले गये।
yeoman (यऊमन) = in Britain, in the past, a farmer who
owned the land on which he worked, भूतकाल में ब्रिटेन में छोटा कृषक जो अपनी
स्वयं की भूमि पर काम करता था ।
pester (पेस्टर)= to annoy somebody by asking him something many times, एक ही बात को बार-बार पूछ-पूछ कर परेशान करना।
let (लेट) = allow, (करने) देना ।
took to be = समझा था ।
later (लेटर)= afterwards, बाद में ।
companion (कम्पैन्यन)= friend, साथी ।
draw (ड्रॉ)= take out, निकालना |
pollute (पॅल्यूट) = to add dirty substance, प्रदूषित करना ।
entire (इन्टाइअर)= whole, सम्पूर्ण, पूरा ।
source (सोर्स)= origin, स्रोत।
untouchable (अन्टचेब्ल) = of so called low caste, अछूत ।
en route to (एन् रूट टु) = on the way to, रास्ते में।
obtain (अब्टेन) = get, प्राप्त करना।
complete (कम्प्लीट) = exhaustive, पूरी।
impart (इम्पा:ट) = to pass information to other people, अन्य व्यक्ति को जानकारी पहुँचाना ।
(अकॉडिग्लि) = for
that reason, therefore, अतः।
seen (सीन)= met, मिल चुके थे।
body (बॉडि) = group, समूह।
extraordinary (इक्स्ट्रॉ :डत्रि) = unusual,comment (a z)= to express an opinion about something, Fouquit करना।
harbour (हा:बर)= to give shelter, शरण देना, आश्रय देना, ठहराना।
locality (लोकलटि)= settlement, बस्ती।
sympathy (सिम्पथी)= fellow feeling, सहानुभूति।
advocate (एड्वोकेट) = champion, पक्षधर।
homerule (होम रूल)= own government, स्व-शासन ।
advent (एड्वेन्ट) = arrival, आगमन।
nature (नेचर)= basic quality, मूल प्रकृति।
spread (स्प्रेड) = फैल गया ।
conveyance (कन्वेअन्स) = a vehicle, वाहन।
champion (चैम्पिअन) = advocate, पक्षधर।
called on (कॉल्ड ऑन) = came to meet, मिलने आये।
brief (ब्रीफ) = to impart information in a nutshell, संक्षिप्त जानकारी देना।
frequently (फ्रीक्वट्लि ) = often, अक्सर, प्रायः।
reported (रिपोर्टिड)= told, बताया।
size of their fee = फीस का आकार (कि मुकदमा लड़ने की कितनी फीस लेते थे)।
chide (चाइड)= scold, फटकारना।
crushed (क्रश्ट) = downtrodden, कुचले हुए।
fear-stricken (फ़िअर-स्ट्रिकन) = frightened, भयभीत।
relief (रिलीफ) = comfort, राहत।
arable (ऐरबल) = cultivable, कृषि योग्य।
estate (इस्टेट) = a large area of land, जागीर।
own (ओन) = to have, अधिकार में रखना।
tenant (टेनन्ट) = a person who pays rent for the use of land, काश्तकार।
chief (चीफ) = main, मुख्य।
commercial (कमशल) = of cash, व्यावसायिक।
crop (क्रॉप) = harvest, फसल। indigo (इन्डिगो) = नील ।
compel (कम्पेल) = to force, मजबूर करना।
three twentieths (थ्री ट्वेन्टिअथ्स) = 3/20, बीस में तीन भाग।
holdings (होल्डिंग्ज़) = amount of property that is owned by a person, सम्पत्ति, यहाँ जमीन।
surrender (सरेन्डर) = relinquish, त्यागना।
long term (लॉन्ग ट:म) = for a long time, दीर्घकालिक।
contract (कॉन्ट्रैक्ट) = a written agreement, समझौता ।
develop (डिवेलप) = to grow bigger, तरक्की करना, विकास करना।
synthetic (सिन्थेटिक) = chemically prepared, संश्लेषित।
thereupon (देअअपॉन)= immediately after the situation mentioned, इस पर।
obtain (अब्टेन)= get, प्राप्त करना।
compensation (कम्पेन्सेशन) = क्षतिपूर्ति ।
release (रिलीज़) = to make free, मुक्त करना।
arrangement (अरेन्जमन्ट) = agreement, समझौता।
irksome (अ:कसम) = annoying, irritating, tiresome, परेशानी भरा।
willingly (विलिंग्लि ) = with one’s own will, जानबूझकर, स्वेच्छा से।
resist (रिजिस्ट) = oppose, विरोध करना।
engage (इंगेज) = employ, लगाना।
hire (हाइअर) = employ, लगाना, किराये पर रखना।
thug (ठग) = a criminal, अपराधी।
meanwhile (मीन्वाइल) = in the meantime,
arrive (अराइव) = to reach, पहुँचना।
fact (फैक्ट) = true information, तथ्य।
association (असोसिएशन) = organisation, संगठन।
outsider (आउटसाइडें) = बाहरी व्यक्ति।
call on (कॉल ऑन) = meet, मिलना।
commissioner (कमिश्नर) = आयुक्त।
lay (ले) = situated, पड़ता था।
proceed (प्रसीड) = come forward, आगे बढ़ना।
bully (बुलि) = to give threat, डराना, धमकाना।
forthwith (फो:श्विथ) = without delay, immediately, शीघ्र, बिना देर किये।
instead (इन्स्टेड) = in lieu, के बजाय।
multitude (मल्टिट्यूड) = crowd, भीड़।
greet (ग्रीट) = welcome, स्वागत करना
investigation (इन्वेस्टिगेशन)= probe, जाँच।
maltreat (मैलट्रीट) = to treat badly, दुर्व्यवहार करना।
messenger (मेसेन्जर) = envoy, दूत, सन्देशवाहक।
overtake (ओवटेक) = वाहन, व्यक्ति आदि के पीछे से आकर आगे निकल जाना । carriage (कैरिज) = vehicle, वाहन।
comply (कम्प्लाइ) = to obey, आज्ञा मानना।
drove him = उन्हें गाड़ी में बैठाकर लाया।
served (सॅ:व्ड) = दिया ।
quit (क्विट) = to leave, छोड़ना।
disobey (डिस्ओ बे) =
आज्ञा न मानना।
in consequence (इन कन्सीक्वन्स) = as a result, परिणामस्वरूप।
received (रिसीव्ड) = got, प्राप्त किया।
summons (समन्ज़) = order of the court, कानूनी आदेश।
appear (अपिअर) = to be present, उपस्थित होना।
remained (रिमेइन्ड) = kept, रहे।
awake (अवेक) = without sleep, जगे हुए।
influential (इन्फ्लू अन्शल) = resourceful, प्रभावशाली।
instruction (इन्स्ट्रक्शन) = direction, हिदायत, निर्देश।
wired (वायर्ड) = sent through wire, तार द्वारा भेजी।
black with peasants = किसानों से भर गया ।
merely (मिअर्लि)= only, सिर्फ, केवल।
trouble (ट्रब्ल) = difficulty, परेशानी।
authorities (अथॉरिटीज़) = officials, अधिकारी लोग।
spontaneous (स्पॉन्टेन्यस) = natural, सहज।
demonstration (डेमॉन्स्ट्रेशन)= show, प्रदर्शन।
liberation (लिबरेशन) = freedom, स्वतन्त्रता, मुक्ति ।
co-operation (को-ऑपरेशन) = help, सहायता ।
regulate (रेग्यूलेट) = to control, नियन्त्रित करना।
concrete (कॉन्क्रीट) = solid, ठोस।
might (माइट) = power, शक्ति।
hitherto (हिदरटु) = till now, अब तक।
dreaded (ड्रेडिड) = that causes fear, डराने वाली |
unquestioned (अन्क्वे श्चन्ड) = unopposed, विरोधविहीन।
baffled (बैफ़ल्ड) = perplexed, चकरा गई ।
prosecutor (प्रोसिक्यूटर) = advocate to the plantiff, वादी/पक्षकार का वकील।
postpone (पोस्टपोन) = स्थगित करना।
trial (ट्राइअल) = hearing, सुनवाई।
apparently (एपारट्लि ) = obviously, स्पष्टतः।
consult (कन्सल्ट) = to take advice, सलाह-मशविरा करना, विचार-विमर्श |
superiors (सुपरिअज़) = higher officers, उच्चाधिकारी।
protest (प्रोटेस्ट) = oppose, प्रतिवाद करना, विरोध करना ।
delay (डिले) = period of wait, देरी।
plead guilty (प्लीड गिल्टि)= confess guilt, अपराध स्वीकार करना।
involved (इन्वॉल्व्ड) = taking part in something, लिप्त ।
conflict (कॉन्फ्लिक्ट) = situation of disagreement, विरोधाभास।
on the one hand (ऑन द वन हैण्ड) = एक ओर।
on the other hand
(ऑन दी अर्द्र हैण्ड) = दूसरी ओर ।
render (रेन्डॅ) = give, देना।
humanitarian (ह्यूमनिटेरिअन)= pertaining to human beings, मानवीय ।
disregard (डिस्त्रिगा:ड)= disobey, उल्लंघन करना।
want (वान्ट)= अभाव ।
obedience (ओबीडिअन्स)= willingness to do something, आज्ञाकारिता।
conscience (कॉन्शन्स)= the part of mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong, विवेक।
penalty (पेनल्टि) = punishment, दण्ड।
due (ड्यू) = reasonable, उचित।
announce (अनाउन्स) = proclaim, घोषित करना।
pronounce (प्रनाउन्स) = say, बोलना।
sentence (सेन्टन्स) = punishment, decision, दण्ड, निर्णय।
recess (रीसेस) = break, मध्यान्तर।
furnish (फ़:निश) = to provide, to supply, देना।
bail (बेल) = release, जमानत।
refuse (रिफ्यूज़) = to say no to something, मना करना।
reconvened (रीकन्वीन्ड) = started after a break, फिर से शुरू हुई ।
deliver (डिलीवर) = pronounce, सुनाना।
several (सेवरल) = a number of, कई।
liberty (लिब:टि) = freedom, स्वतन्त्र ।।
prominent (प्रॉमिनन्ट) = chief, प्रमुख।
confer (कन्फॅ) = to discuss, विचार-विमर्श-करना।
sentence (सेनटॅन्स) = punishment, सजा ।
prison (प्रिज़न) = jail, जेल।
demanded (डिमान्डिड) = asked, पूछा।
withdrew (विद्ड्र) = went back, पीछे हट गये।
upshot (अपशॉट) = outcome, परिणाम।
consultation (कन्सल्टेशन)= discussion, विचार-विमर्श
stranger (स्ट्रेन्ड) = outsider, बाहरी व्यक्ति ।
for the sake of (फ़ॉ द सेक ऑव) = के लिए।
resident (रेज़ीडन्ट) = dweller, निवासी।
adjoining (एड्जॉइनिंग) = nearly, आस-पास के।
claim (क्लेम) = boast, दावा करना।
shameful (शेम्फल) = that which makes somebody feel ashamed, शर्मनाक।
desertion (डिज़:शन) = leaving a place, पलायन, भाग जाना ।
accordingly (अकॉ:डिंग्लि ) = as per above mentioned plan, तदनुसार ।
battle (बैटल) = war, युद्ध, लड़ाई ।
exclaim (इक्स्क्ले म) = to say something in awe or amazement, विस्मय के साथ कहना । order (ऑ:डॅ) = sequence, क्रम । c
ourt arrest (को:ट अरेस्ट) = to offer to go in jail, गिरफ्तारी देना ।
communication (कम्यूनिकेशन)= message, संदेश ।
province (प्रोविन्स)= state, राज्य।
drop (ड्रॉप) = withdraw, समाप्त करना ।
civil disobedience (सिविल डिस्ऑबिडन्स) = सविनय अवज्ञा ।
triumphed (ट्राइअम्पट) = won, जीत हो गई थी ।
conduct (कन्डक्ट) = set up, बिठाना, करना ।
far flung (फार फ़्लंग) = व्यापक |
grievance (ग्रीवान्स) = complaints, शिकायत।
deposition (डिपोज़िशन) = a formal statement taken from somebody and used in court, बयान, साक्ष्य ।
notes (were) made = टिप्पणियाँ लिखी गईं ।
evidence (एविडन्स) = गवाही, बयान ।
document (डॉक्यूमन्ट)= official paper, अभिलेख ।
throb (थ्रॉब)= pulsate, कपित होना ।
activity (एक्टिविटि)= movement, हलचल, गतिविधि।
investigator (इनवेस्टिगइटें)= अन्वेषक, जाँच करने वाला ।
vehement (वेहमन्ट)= violent, उग्र ।
protest (प्रोटेस्ट)= opposition, प्रतिवाद, विरोध ।
was summoned to (वॉज़ समन्ड टु) = के पास बुलाया गया ।
leading (लीडिंग)= prominent, प्रमुख I
associate (असोशिएट) = assistant, सहयोगी ।
laid detailed plans = विस्तृत योजना बनाई ।
protracted (प्रोट्रेक्टिड) = lasting for a long time, prolonged, लम्बे समय तक चलने वाले। as a result = परिणामस्वरूप |
appointed (अपॉइन्टिड्) = नियुक्त किया ।
commission (कमिशन) = a group of officials, आयोग।
consist of (कन्सिस्ट ऑव) = made of, बना हुआ था/में शामिल थे ।
sole (सोल) = only, एकमात्र।
representative (रेप्रिजेन्टटिव)= delegate, प्रतिनिधि।
initial (इनिशल) = in the beginning, शुरु में।
uninterrupted (अन्इन्टेरप्टिड)
= without break, लगातार |
undertake (अण्ड:टेक्) = लेना, करना
I casually (कैशुअलि) = not seriously, बिना गम्भीरता के।
entreaty (इन्ट्रीटि) = request, प्रार्थना।
unlettered (अनलैटर्ड) = illiterate, अनपढ़।
expectation (इक्स्पे क्टेशन) = belief that something will happen, अपेक्षा. सम्भावना।
it would last a few days = इसकी कुछ दिन चलने की संभावना थी |
occupy (ऑक्युपाइ) = remaining busy doing something, समय लगाना।
assemble (असेम्बल) = gather, इकट्ठा करना।
crushing (क्रशिंग) = पूर्णतया या बुरी तरह से हराने वाले, ठोस।
evidence (एविडंस) = सबूत, साक्ष्य ।
mountain (माउन्टेन) = ढेर सारे ।
planter (प्लान्टर) = landlord, जमींदार।
in principle (इन प्रिन्सिपल) = theoretically, सिद्धान्ततः।
make refunds (मेक रिफन्ड्ज़ )=
to give back money, पैसा वापिस देना।
illegally (इलिगलि) without any legal base, गैर कानूनी।
deceitfully (डिसिट्फ़लि)= deceivingly, धोखे से।
extort (इक्स्टॉ :ट) = to take by force, छीनना, ऐंठना।
adamant (एडमन्ट) = stubborn, अडिग।
observed (ऑब्जव्ड) = noticed, देखा।
at close range (एट क्लोज़ रेन्ज) = closely, नजदीक से।
give way (गिव वे) = surrender, आत्म समर्पण करना, मनाना |
planters (प्लान्टज़) = जमींदारों।
extent (इक्स्टे न्ट)= limit, सीमा।
amazement (अमेज़मन्ट) = surprise, आश्चर्य।
took him at his word (Phrase) = (जमींदारों के प्रतिनिधि) के कथन से उसी को बाँध दिया अर्थात् उसी की बात पकड़ ली ।
deadlock (डेड्लॉक) = resistance, गतिरोध।
thus breaking the deadlock = इस प्रकार गतिरोध
को समाप्त कर दिया । settlement
(सैटल्मन्ट) = agreement,
adopt (अडॉप्ट) = take, लेना।
unanimously (यूनेनिमस्लि ) = without any opposition, निर्विरोध।
oblige (ऑब्लाइज़) = force, मजबूर करना।
surrender (सरेन्डर) = give in, आत्मसमर्पण करना।
prestige (प्रेस्टीज) = status, प्रतिष्ठा।
lords (लॉ:ड्ज़) = people of high social class, उच्चस्तर के व्यक्ति |
right (राइट) = a legal claim, अधिकार ।
defender (डिफेण्डर) = protector, रक्षा करने वाला।
courage (करिज) = valour, साहस ।
event (इवेन्ट) = a thing that happens, घटना।
justify (जस्टिफाई) = to show that something is reasonable, उचित ठहराना।
abandon (अबैन्डन) = to give up, त्यागना, छोड़ना।
revert (रिव:ट)= to return something to its original owner, मूल मालिक को लौटाना। disappeared (डिस्अपिअर्ड)= came to an end, समाप्त हो गई ।
content (कन्टेन्ट) = satisfy, सन्तुष्ट होना।
economic (इकॉनॉमिक) = connected with trade and wealth, आर्थिक।
solution (सलूशन) = a way of solving a problem, समाधान।
cultural (कल्चरल) = of culture, सांस्कृतिक।
backwardness (बेकवःड्नस) = the state of having made less progress,disciple = follower, frei volunteer (arstafesy) = to offer to do something, पेशकश करना।
distant (डिस्टन्ट) = remote, दूरवर्ती।
cleanliness (क्लीन्लिनस) = state of being clean, स्वच्छता।
community (कम्युनिटि) = a group of people, समुदाय।
sanitation (सेनिटेशन) = cleanliness, स्वच्छता।
miserable (मिज़रब्ल) = very unhappy, दयनीय, खराब।
volunteer (atcrest) = to offer to do
something without being forced to do or without being paid for it, स्वेच्छा से या
निःशुल्क सेवा करने के लिए प्रस्तुत होना ।
turning point (ट:निंग पॉइन्ट) = मोड़, महत्त्वपूर्ण घटना ।
defiance (डिफाइअन्स) = disobedience, अवहेलना।
alleviate (एलिविएट) = remove, हटाना, कम करना ।
distress (डिस्ट्रस) = trouble, परेशानी, कष्ट ।
typical (टिपिकल)= characteristic of, विशिष्ट ।
politics (पॉलिटिक्स)= राजनीतिक विचारधाराएँ ।
intertwine (इन्ट:ट्वाइन)= woven, गुंथी हुई ।
practical (प्रैक्टिकल)= pragmatic, व्यावहारिक।
loyalty (लॉयल्टि) = faithfulness, वफादारी।
abstractions (एब्स्ट्रै क्शन्ज़) = imaginary things , कल्पना की वस्तुएँ।
living (लिविंग) = not dead, सजीव।
moreover (मोरओवर) = and, इसके अलावा।
mould (मोल्ड) = form, बनाना, ढालना।
pacifist (पेसिफिस्ट) = a person who refuses to fight in a war, शांतिदूत।
devoted (डिवोटिड) = having great love for something, समर्पित।
follower (फॉलोअर) = one who follows, समर्थक, अनुगामी।
Bid farewell(बिड फ़ेवेल)= say good bye, विदा करना।
vehemently(वीअमटिल) = very strongly, पुरजोर ढंग से, सख्त।
unequal fight = गैर बराबरी की या असमान लड़ाई |
cause (कॉज़) = issue, मुद्दा ।
just (जस्ट) = fair, न्यायसंगत।
rely upon (रिलाइ अपॉन) = depend upon, निर्भर होना।
seek = ढूँढ़ना । prop (प्रॉप) = support, बैसाखी, सहारा।
happens to be = संयोग से हैं ।
self- reliance (सेल्फ-रिलायन्स) = self dependence, आत्म-निर्भरता, स्वावलम्बन ।
all bound together = सब एक-दूसरे से
जुड़े ।