Poets and Pancakes Word Meaning MP Board Solution


 Poets and Pancakes Word Meaning 

Poets and Pancakes Word Meaning MP Board Solution

Truck- loads– large amounts that could fill a truck

Stables– a building set apart and adapted for keeping horses

Remote corners– a place that is located away from the populated areas

Maiden– a young woman or an unmarried girl

Incandescent – emitting light as a result of being heated; burning

Fiery – red-hot; scorching

Misery – a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort

Integration- unification

Broadcasting- the transmission of programmes or information by radio or television

Hideous– extremely ugly

Crimson hue– deep red color

Potions– a liquid mixture

Hierarchy– A system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status or authority

French window – each of a pair of glazed doors in an outside wall, serving as a window and door, typically opening onto a garden or balcony

Cubicle– a small partitioned-off area of a room

Barge in- to walk into a room quickly, without being invited

Enlightened-having or showing a rational, modern and well-informed outlook

Epics– an exceptionally long and arduous task or activity

Perverts– a person whose sexual behaviour is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.

Covertly– secretly

Woes– distress

Ignominy– public shame or disgrace

Contrary– opposite in nature, direction or meaning

Virtue– behaviour showing high moral standards; here, good luck

Affluent– having a great deal of money; wealthy

Having a hand in – to be involved with something

Loyalty- a strong feeling of support for someone

Deliberately– on purpose

Overshadowed– was better than

Dwarfed– cause to seem small or insignificant in comparison

Literary – associated with literary works or other formal writing

Critic– a person who judges the merits of literary or artistic works

Refrain– lines that are repeated in poetry

Diction– the style of enunciation in speaking or singing; articulation

Sprawling– spreading over a large area, detailed

Deftly– effortlessly

Etched– here, defined, described

Devadasis – In South India, a devadasi is a girl “dedicated” to worship and serve a deity or a temple for the rest of her life. The system was outlawed in all of India in 1988.

Lead – main

Subsidiary- secondary, supporting

Main players – actors performing the main roles

Genuine– true

Conscious– aware

Improvident- a person who does not plan his expenses and ends up wasting money

Demeanour– manner; attitude

Sycophant- a person who acts obsequiously (excessively obedient) towards someone important in order to gain advantage

Direst- terrible

Temperamental – liable to unreasonable changes of mood.

Blew over– to pass by or to end

Incriminating- making someone appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.

Foul – bad

Tirade – a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation

Struck dumb – shocked

Countryside: from village

Sophistication – having a good understanding of the way people behave

Catapulted – move suddenly or at great speed

Unwittingly– unknowingly

Khadi – an Indian homespun cotton cloth

Dhoti – a garment worn by male Hindus, consisting of a piece of material tied around the waist and extending to cover most of the legs

Coat of mail – a protective garment made of linked metal rings (mail) or of overlapping metal plates

Cold logic – logic that fails to consider human factors such as culture, language, social dynamics, personality and emotion

Haunt – frequently visited by

Mess– a building or room providing meals

Prohibition– the act of forbidding something

Leisure– time when one is not working or occupied; free time

Prerequisite- a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist

Averse- having a strong dislike of or opposition to something

Communism– collectivism, socialism

Filial– relating to or due from a son or daughter.

Conjugal– relating to marriage or the relationship between a married couple

Compunction- reluctance

Vaguely– in a way that is uncertain

Forthcoming– about to happen or appear

Trapeze– a horizontal bar hanging with two ropes and free to swing, used by acrobats in a circus

Homilies- sermon; lecture

Bare – empty

Countermovement – a movement or other action made in opposition to another.

played into their hands – to do something that one does not realize will hurt oneself and help someone else

Hues– complexion

Surmise– guess; suspect

Bafflement– confusion, bewilderment

Stephen — that was his name.

Pursuit – hobby, activity

Genius – an exceptionally intelligent person

Persevering– continuing in a course of action despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Drudge – a person made to do hard menial or dull work.

Manuscript– an author’s handwritten or typed text that has not yet been published

Literati- well-educated people who are interested in literature.

Sneaking into– doing something in a secretive or stealthy way

Forbidden– not allowed; banned.

 Poets and Pancakes Word Meaning MP Board Solution

 pancake (पैन्केक) = make-up for face, चेहरे का सौन्दर्य प्रसाधन। 

brand (बैंड) = a particular type of something, विशिष्ट

make-up (मेक-अप) = cosmetics, अंगराग । 

material (मटिरियल)= substance, पदार्थ, सामान

truck loads (ट्रक लोड्ज़) = large quantity, भारी मात्रा। 

bought (बॉट) = purchased, खरीदा । 

upstairs (अप्स्टे अज़) = on the upper floor, ऊपर की मंजिल ।

believed (बिलीव्ड)= had faith in, विश्वास करते थे । 

stable (स्टेबल) = a place where horses are kept, अस्तबल। 

dozen (डॅज़न) = twelve in number, दर्जन । 

brief (ब्रीफ) = small, संक्षिप्त, छोटी । 

besides (बिसाइड्ज़) = apart from, के अलावा । 

battle (बैट्ल)= war, युद्ध, लड़ाई । 

remote (रिमोट) = far away, सुदूर, दूरवर्ती। 

corner (कॉन) = कोना । 

maiden (मेडन) = girl, लड़की ।

 salon (सलॉन) = a hair dressing shop, बाल काटने की दुकान

angle (एंगल) = direction, कोण, दिशा

incandescent light (इन्केन्डसन्ट लाइट) = very bright light, बहुत तेज प्रकाश, तापदीप्त प्रकाश। 

fiery (फाइअरि) = looking like fire, आग जैसी, अग्नि सदृश । 

misery (मिज़रि) = difficulty, कठिनाई, परेशानी। 

subjected (सब्जेक्टिड) = exposed to, affected by, प्रभावित ।

headed (हेडिड) = presided, ‘मुखिया थे । 

succeeded (सक्सीडिड) = followed (by), उत्तराधिकार प्राप्त किया । 

assisted (असिस्टिड) = helped, सहयोग किया, मदद की। 

usual (यूशुअल) = general, सामान्य, आम । 

integration (इन्टिग्रेशन) = union, एकता

gang (गैन्ग) = दल । 

nationally integrated make-up men = राष्ट्रीय एकता में बंधे मेकअप करने वाले लोग।

decent (डीसेन्ट) = nice, उत्तम, बढ़िया । 

hideous (हिडिअस) = ugly, unpleasant, भद्दा, असुहावना। 

crimson (क्रिमज़न) = deep red, गहरा लाल ।

hued (ह्यूड) = coloured, रंग लिये हुए । 

monster (मॉन्स्टॅ) = ghost, demon, प्रेत, दैत्य । 

potions (पोशन्ज़) = क्रीम, जादू से भरा तरल पदार्थ। 

lotions (लोशन्ज़) = liquids used for skin, hair etc, लोशन

indoor (इन्डोर) = inside, भीतर । 

was shot = शूटिंग होती थी । 

outdoor (आउटडोर)= outside, बाहर । 

presentable (प्रजेन्टेबल) = looking clean and attractive and suitable to be seen in public, दर्शनीय ।।

strict (स्ट्रिक्ट) = tough, कठोर । 

hierarchy (हाइअराकि) = order, पदानुक्रम । 

maintained (मेन्टइन्ड) = kept, पालन किया जाता था, बनाये रखी जाती थी । 

comedian (कमेडियन) = jester, जोकर । 

giant (जाइन्ट) = huge, विशाल । 

vessel (वेसल) = pot, बर्तन । 

slap (स्लैप) = to spread something on a surface in a quick, careless way, पातना पर (यहाँ) थपथपाना |

pore (पोर) = small holes in the skin, रोमछिद्र । 

star actor = उत्कृष्ट अभिनेता । 

screen writer = पटकथा लेखक |

 lyrics (लिरिक्स) = songs, गीत। 

bit (बिट) = a very small part, थोड़ा, टुकड़ा । 

exactly (इग्ज़ै ट्ल ) = fully, पूरी तरह । 

hope (होप) = आशा

screen (स्क्रीन) = पर्दा।।

cubicle (Pract) = a small room that is made by separating off part of a larger room, बड़े कमरे में विभाजन कर बनाया छोटा कमरा, कोठरी । 

french windows (फ्रेन्च विन्डोज़) = one of a pair of glass doors that open onto a garden or balcony, stout et quid and art pitst opal दरवाजा । 

tear (टेअर) = फाड़ना । day in and day out (Idiom) = every day for a long period of time, बहुत देर तक प्रत्येक दिन, दिनभर । 

next to nothing (Idiom) = लगभग शून्य, कुछ भी नहीं । 

likewise (लाइक्वाइज़) = the same way, इसी तरह |

occupation (ऑक्यपेशन) = trade, व्यवसाय, काम । 

barge (बा:ज) = enter, प्रवेश करना । 

deliver (डिलीवर) = make, देना । 

extended (एक्स्टे न्डिड) = lengthy, लम्बा। 

enlighten (इन्लाइटन) = give knowledge, ज्ञान प्रदान करना । 

literary (लिटररि) = related to literature, साहित्यिक । 

talent (टेलन्ट) = skill, प्रतिभा । 

barber (बॉबः) = one who cuts hair, नाई । 

pervert (पव:ट) = wicked person, कुमार्गी, धूर्त ।

ability (अबिलिटि) = skill, क्षमता ।

have a hand = being involved, भाग लेना। 

flop (फ़्लॉप) = unsuccessful, असफल । 

sense (सेन्स) = understanding, समझ । 

loyalty (लॉयलटि) = faith, वफादारी । 

identify (आइडेन्टिफाई) = to share the feelings of somebody else, किसी की भावनाओं को समझना, तादात्म्य स्थापित करना। 

creativity (क्रिएटिविटी) = skill, रचनाशीलता । 

advantage (अड्वान्टिज) = benefit, फायदा, लाभ । 

tailor-made (टेलों मेड) = extremely fit, पूरी तरह उपयुक्त । 

inspired (इन्स्पाइअर्ड) = encouraged, प्रेरित किया जाना ।

commanded (कमान्डिड) = आदेश दिया जाना । 

cub (कब) = baby tiger, चीते का बच्चा । 

tend (टेन्ड) = to take care of, देखभाल करना । 

lovingly (लविन्गग्लि) = affectionately, प्यार के साथ। 

pouring (पॉ:रिंग) = overspilling, उड़ेलते हुए । 

affection (अफेक्श न) = love, प्यार । 

victim (विक्टिम) = prey, शिकार । 

offspring (ऑस्प्रिन्ग) = children, बच्चे । 

effective (इफेक्टिव) = impressive, प्रभावशाली

enough (इनॅफ)= sufficient, पर्याप्त । 

alternatives (आलट नेटिव्ज़) = options, विकल्प। 

definition (डेफिनिशन) = explanation, परिभाषा ।

separate (सेपरेट) = different, अलग । 

certainly (स:टन्लि) = surely, निश्चय ही। 

capable (केपेब्ल) = able, समर्थ

complex (कॉम्प्लेक्स) = complicated, जटिल । 

deliberately (डिलिबरेट्लि) = knowingly, जानबूझकर। 

address (अड्रेस)= to say something directly to somebody, सुनाना। 

poetry (पोइट्री) = a collection of poems, काव्य । 

masses (मैसिज़) = common people, आम आदमी।

overshadowed (ओवॅशैडोड) = outdid, दबा दिया । 

dwarfed (ड्वॉ:फूट) = belittled, कम कर दिया । 

achievement (अचीवमन्ट) = works, उपलब्धियाँ । 

critics (क्रिटिक्स) = analysers, समालोचक । 

composed (कम्पोज्ड) = wrote, लिखा । 

several (सेवरल) = a number of, कई। 

truly (ट्रलि) = सचमुच । 

original (अरिजनल) = written by the artist, मौलिक । 

folk (फ़ोक) = belonging to common people, लोक । 

refrain (रिफ्रेन) = the part of a song that is repeated after each verse, गीत में टेक जो प्रायः प्रत्येक छंद के अंत में दोहराई जाती है ।

diction (डिक्शन) = the choice and use of words in literature, शब्द चयन । 

sprawling (स्पॉ:लिंग) = spread in an untidy way, अव्यवस्थित। 

novel (नॉवेल) = a long story, उपन्यास । deftly (डेट्ल ) = skilfully, चतुराई के साथ । etched (एच्ट) = उकेरा गया । character (कैरक्टें) = persons described in a story, पात्र ।

quite (क्वाइट) = बिल्कुल । 

recreate (रिक्रिएट) = to remake, पुनः रचना करना। 

mood (मूड) = state of mind, मन:स्थिति । 

manner (मैनॅ) = the manners, हाव-भाव । 

amazing (अमेज़िंग)= surprising, आश्चर्यजनक । 

aspire (अस्पाइों) = hope, आशा करना। 

lead (लीड) = main, प्रमुख । 

subsidiary (सब्सिड्यरि) = assisting, सहायक । 

performed (पफॉ:म्ड)= did, किया

genuine (जेन्यूइन) = true, वास्तविक, सच्चा ।

came across = (जो) संयोग से उससे मिलते थे । 

acquaintances (अक्वेन्टन्सिज्) = known persons, परिचित लोग । 

seemed (सीम्ड) = appeared, दिखाई दिया। 

conscious (कॉन्शस) = aware, जांगरूक। 

feed (फीड) = give food, भोजन कराना । 

support (सपॉ:ट) = help, समर्थन करना । 

enemies (एनमीज़) = foes, दुश्मन, विरोधी । 

intimate (इन्टिमेट) = close, घनिष्ठ

improvident (इम्प्रॉविडन्ट) = फिजूलखर्ची ।

demeanour (डिमीन्ों) = the way that somebody looks or behaves, रूप और आचरण ।

resemble (रिज़ेम्ब्ल ) = to look like someone or something, सदृश होना । 

sycophant (सिकफन्ट) = a person who falsely praises someone, चापलूस

readiness (रेडिनिस) = a willingness, तत्परता । 

direst (डाइरिस्ट) = most horrible, सर्वाधिक भयानक ।

 attendance rolls (अटेन्डन्स रॉल्ज़) = sheets on which presence is marked, उपस्थिति पत्रक । 

group (ग्रुप) = to place in a group, समूह में शामिल करना । 

comprising (कम्प्राइजिंग) = consisting of, से बना होना, शामिल होना। 

assembly (असेम्ब्लि ) = group, समूह । 

officially (ऑफ़िशलि) = in an authorised way, आधिकारिक तौर पर । 

legal (लीगल)= related to law, वैधानिक ।

adviser (अडवाइज़र) = one who advises, सलाहकार । 

referred to (रेफ़र्ड टु) = gave reference, संदर्भित किया, के बारे में बताता। 

temperamental (टेम्परमेन्टल) = whimsical, तुनकमिजाज । 

blew over (ब्ल्यु ओवर) = भड़क उठी । 

stunned (स्टन्ड) = in awe, सन्न । 

quietly (क्वाइट्लि) = calmly, चुपचाप, शान्तिपूर्वक |

equipment (इक्विप्मन्ट) = device, यन्त्र । 

pause (पॉज़) = to stop, ठहरना । 

breath (ब्रेथ) = air taken in, साँस । 

played back the recording = रिकॉर्ड को पुनः चालू कर दिया या बजा दिया ।incriminating (इन्क्रिमिनेटिंग) = making someone seem guilty, दोष दिखाने वाला ।

unmentionably (अनमेंशनब्लि) = unworthy of mentioning, अकथनीय रूप से । 

foul (फाउल) = wrong, गलत । 

tirade (टाइरेड) = long angry speech, क्रोधपूर्ण भाषण । 

struck dumb (स्ट्रक डम) = unable to speak, अवाक । 

countryside (कन्ट्रीसाइड) = village, देहात ।

precede (प्रिसीड) = to be before something, पूर्व में होना । 

sophistication (सोफ़िस्टिकेशन) = fine behaviour, नजाकत, परिष्कृत व्यवहार

catapulted into (कैटपुल्टिड इन्टु) = thrown into, फेंकी गई। 

recover (रिकवर) = heal, उबरना । 

terror (टेरर) = fear, भय, डर । 

brief (ब्रीफ) = small, संक्षिप्त ।

unwittingly (अन्विटिंग्लि ) = foolishly, मूर्खतापूर्ण तरीके से । 

brought about (ब्रॉट अबाउट) = made something happen, (घटित) किया । 

slightly (स्लाइट्लि) = a little, जरा-सा

oversized (ओक्साइज्ड) = big, बड़ा, ढीला । 

clumsily tailored (क्लाम्जिलि टेलर्ड) = बेढंगे तरीके से सिला हुआ I

cold logic (कोल्ड लॉजिक) = uninteresting reasoning, उबाऊ तर्क । 

dreamer (ड्रीमॅ) = visionary, स्वप्नद्रष्टा । 

coat of mail (कोट ऑव् मेल) = कवच । 

neutral (न्यूट्रल) = impartial, तटस्थ । 

raw (रॉ) = unripe, कच्चा । 

stock (स्टॉक) = material, माल । 

instance (इन्स्टन्स) = example, उदाहरण।

 haunt (हॉन्ट) = often visited place, अक्सर भ्रमण का स्थान, अड्डा । 

excellent (एक्सीलन्ट)= very nice, बहुत अच्छा । 

mess (मेस) = a place where meals are served, भोजनालय । 

supply (सप्लाई) = give, देना (यहाँ) उपलब्ध होना

meant (मेन्ट) = had something as purpose, के लिए था, मतलब था । 

prohibition (प्रॉहिबिशन) = ban, पाबन्दी

satisfying (सेटिस्फाइंग) = giving pleasure, आनन्ददायक, सन्तोषजनक। 

barring (बारिंग) = leaving, छोड़कर, सिवाय

radiate (रेडिएट) = reflect, प्रदर्शित करना ।

leisure (लेश्ज़र) = free time, खाली समय । 

pre-requisite (प्रि-रिक्विज़िट) = pre-condition, शर्त, पहली जरूरत । 

faintest (फ़ेन्टस्ट) = remotest, थोड़ा-सा भी । 

appreciation (एप्रीसिएशन) = understanding, समझ। 

averse (एवर्स)= opposite, प्रतिकूल, विरोधी । 

term (ट:म) = word, शब्द 

communism (कॉम्युनिज्म) = a political movement, साम्यवाद |

communist (कॉम्युनिस्ट) = one who believes in communism, कम्यूनिस्ट, साम्यवादी।

godless (गॉड्लस) = without god, ईश्वरविहीन । 

filial (फ़िलिअल) = connected with the way children behave towards their parents, बच्चों सम्बन्धी । 

conjugal (कॉन्जगल) = related to marriage, वैवाहिक । 

compunction (कम्पंक्शन) = a guilty feeling about doing something, ग्लानि । 

cause (कॉज़) = create, पैदा करना ।

spread (स्प्रेड) = to cover a large area, फैलाना । 

unrest (अनेस्ट) = dissatisfaction, असन्तोष, अशान्ति। 

violence (वाइलन्स) = hurting someone, हिंसा । 

innocent (इनसन्ट) = not guilty, निरपराध। 

ignorant (इग्नरन्ट) = without knowledge, अज्ञानी। 

notion (नोशन) = idea, विचार। 

prevail (प्रिवेल) = exist, होना । 

float about (फ्लोट अबाउट) = be talked about, चर्चा में होना। 

vaguely (वेग्लि) = dimly, अस्पष्ट रूप से । 

khadi-clad (खादी-क्लेड) = wearing khadi, खादी पहने हुए । 

evidence (इविडन्स) = proof, प्रमाण, साक्ष्य । 

forthcoming (फोथ्कमिंग) = available, उपलब्ध rmer (वा:मर) = more caring, बेहतर गर्मजोशी वाला । 

host (होस्ट) = receiver, मेहमाननवाज मेज़बान । 

circus (स:कस)= सर्कस। 

trapeze (ट्रपीज) = a wooden or metal bar hanging above, झूला (सर्कस में) ।

aquaintance (एक्वन्टन्स)= familiarity, परिचय, जान पहचान ।

professional (प्रफेशनल) = trained, प्रशिक्षित  

over and over again = बार-बार, अनेक बार 

plain (प्लेन) = honest and direct, सीधा । 

homilies (होमिलीज़) = moralizing discourse, नैतिक शिक्षा। 

costume (कॉस्ट्यू म) = dress, वस्त्र-सज्जा । 

first-rate (फस्ट-रेट) = first class, अति उत्तम । 

terribly (टेरब्लि) = extremely, बहुत अधिक ।

impressed (इम्प्रेस्ट) = influenced, प्रभावित । 

bare (बेअर) = empty, खाली । 

background (बैक्ग्राउण्ड) = backside of the stage, स्टेज का पीछे का भाग । 

curtain (क:टन) = पर्दा । 

tune (ट्यून) = लय । 

flute (फ़्ल्यू ट) = a musical instrument, बाँसुरी । 

counter-movement (काउन्टॅ-मूवमन्ट) = विरोधी-आन्दोलन । 

played into their hands = उनके हाथों में खेल गए थे अर्थात् उनके प्रभाव में आ गए थे। aspect (एस्पेक्ट)= पक्ष । 

enterprise (इन्ट:प्राइज़) = organisation, संगठन ।

buzz (बज़) = make sound, बजना । 

editor (एडिटॅ) = one who edits, सम्पादक । 

reception (रिसेप्शन) = welcome, स्वागत

publication (पब्लिकेशन) = the act of printing, प्रकाशन

initiative (इनिशटिव) = starting something, पहल

surmise (स:माइज़) = guess, अन्दाजा । 

well-informed (वेल इन्फॉम्ड) = knowledgeable, पढ़ा-लिखा ।

very English = सच्चा अंग्रेज कवि । 

battling (बैटलिंग) = fighting, लड़ते हुए (यहाँ) पर अनेक पंखों की तेज हवा को झेलते हुए

obvious (ऑब्विअस) = clear, स्पष्ट

precious (प्रेशस) = (किसी विचार पर जोर देने के लिए इस शब्द का प्रयोग होता है) यहाँ इसका अर्थ है- पूर्णरूपेण । 

peppered (पेपअड) = sprinkled with pepper, मिर्च मसाले लगे हुए

democracy (डेमोक्रसि) = people’s rule, प्रजातन्त्र। 

spoke (स्पोक) = said, बोला । 

addressed (अड्रेस्ड) = said directly to, सम्बोधित किया । 

dazed (डेज्ड) = surprised, चकित, स्तब्ध ।

audience (आ:डयन्स) = those who listen to, श्रोता। 

accent (एक्सन्ट) = way of speaking, लहजा । 

defeated (डिफीटिड)= पराजित किया । 

attempt (अटेम्ट) = प्रयास। 

dispersed (डिस्प:सड्) = scattered, तितर-बितर हो गए । 

utter (अटॅ) = complete, पूरा

bafflement (बफलमन्ट) = confusion, किंकर्तव्यविमूढ़ता । 

simplest (सिम्प्ले स्ट) = सर्वाधिक सरल । 

least (लीस्ट), कम से कम। 

afforded (अफा:डिड) = gave, देता था । 

possibility (पॉसिबिलिटि) = likelihood, सम्भावना । 

cultivating (कॅल्टिवेटिंग) = developing, विकसित करना । 

pretty (प्रिटि) = much, काफी ।

felt (फेल्ट) = realised, महसूस किया । 

sheer (शिों ) = utter, पूर्ण

incongruity (इनकॉन्ग्रूइटि) = irrelevance, असंगति, बेतुकापन। 

thrill (थ्रिल) = excitement, उत्तेजना

travails (ट्रेवेल्स) = pains, कष्ट। 

remained (रिमेन्ड) = kept, रही। 

unexplained (अॅनिक्स्प्ले न्ड) = that which is not explained, अबूझ, अवर्णनीय ।

mystery (मिस्ट्रि) = secret, रहस्य।

 prose writer (प्रोज़ राइटर) = गद्य लेखक

admit (अड्मिट) = accept, स्वीकार करना। 

conviction (कन्विक्शन) = idea, विचार

grow (ग्रा) = increase, बढ़ना । 

stronger (स्ट्रॉन्गर) = more powerful, अपेक्षाकृत ताकतवर .

pursuit (पस्यूट) = job, काम-धंधा ।

genius (जीनिअस) = highly intelligent, प्रतिभावान ।

patient (पेशन्ट) = having endurance, धैर्यवान । 

persistent (पसिस्टन्ट) = firm, दृढ़ । 

persevering drudge (पॅसिविअरिंग ड्रज) = a person persisting in any purpose, उबाऊ काम करने वाला व्यक्ति । 

shrunken (मॅन्कन) = reduced in size, सिकुड़ा हुआ

rejection (रिजेक्शन) = not being accepted, मंजूर न होना । 

slips (स्लिप्स्) = chits of paper, पर्चियाँ

enclosing (इन्क्लोजिंग्) = attaching, साथ जोड़ना

postage (पोस्टेज) = tickets etc. टिकट इत्यादि

manuscript (मन्यूस्क्रिप्ट) = a handwritten copy, पाण्डुलिपि ।

published (पब्लिश्ट) = प्रकाशित किया । 

tiny (टाइनि) = small, छोटा । 

insignificant (इन्सिग्निफ़कन्ट) = unimportant, महत्त्वहीन । 

contest (कॉन्टेस्ट) = competition, स्पर्धा । 

periodical (पिरिऑडिकल) = magazine, पत्रिका | c

ommodity (कमॉडिटि) = material, वस्तु, माल । 

literati (लिटराटि) = people who enjoy literature, साहित्य प्रेमी । 

considerable (कॅन्सिडरब्ल) = enough, पर्याप्त । 

entrance (इन्ट्रन्स) = a test, परीक्षा। 

signboards (साइन्बॉ:ड्ज़) = boards to inform people, साइनबोर्ड ।

sneaking (स्नीकिंग) = to slip, खिसकना। 

forbidden (फॅबिडिन) = prohibitted, मना किया हुआ, निषिद्ध। 

degrees (डिग्रीज़) = levels, स्तर

untouched (अन्टॅच्ट) = that have not been touched, अनछुए । 

sealed (सील्ड) = closed, बन्द किया । 

envelope (एन्वलप) = लिफाफा

discover (डिस्कवर) = find out, ढूँढना । 

reel (रील) = film, फिल्म की रील ।

.  reduced (रिड्यूस्ट) = decreased, कम किया । 

attracted (अट्रैक्टिड) = pulled, आकर्षित किया । 

attention (अटेन्शन) = mind, ध्यान । 

pile (पाइल) = stack, ढेर । 

elegant (एलिगन्ट) = very nice, शानदार । 

origin (ओरिजिन) = the starting point, मूल बिन्दु । 

front (फ्रन्ट) = सामने |

paper back (पेपर बैक्)= a book with thick paper cover, जिल्दयुक्त पुस्तक । 

connection (कनेक्शन) = relation, सम्बन्ध । 

revolution (रेवलूशन) = upheaval, क्रान्ति । 

picked (पिक्ट) = took, लिया। 

eminent (ऍमिनेन्ट) = chief, प्रमुख, प्रसिद्ध 

men of letters (मेन ऑव लैट:ज) = scholars, विद्वान

disillusioned (डिसलूश्जन्ड) = निराशाग्रस्त।

assumed (अज़्यूमड्) = took, ले लिया । 

tremendous (ट्रिमेन्डस) = great, जबर्दस्त I

significance (सिग्निफ़िकन्स) = importance, महत्त्व । 

lit (लिट) = lighted, जलाया । hazy (हेज़ि) = not clear, अस्पष्ट, धुंधला । 

illumination (इल्यूमिनेशन) = light, प्रकाश । 

failed (फ़ेल्ड) = did not succeed, असफल हो गया।

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