Going Places Word Meaning : A.R Barton


 Going Places Word Meaning : A.R Barton

Going Places Word Meaning : A.R Barton


Going Places Word Meaning : A.R Barton

Boutique: a small shop selling fashionable clothes

Earmarked: set aside, reserved

Melancholy: sad

Sophisticated: worldly, Cosmopolitan

Decent: adequate

Scooping: here, eating

Grimy: dirty, soiled

Sighed: breathe out

Stooped: shoulder bent forward

Incongruity: inappropriate

Crooked: bent

Cluttered: untidy, litter

Kneeling: be in a position in which body is supported by knees.

Tinkering: repairing

Apprentice: learner

Suspected: guess, think

Outlying: distant place

Fascination: captivation

Perhaps: maybe

Exotic: foreign, nonnative

Longed: wish

Affections: fondness, love

Forbade: ban, prohibit

Instinctively: without conscious thought

Cape: wrap, stole

Applause: clapping

Frowning: annoyed

Component: part, piece

Cradled: hold

Abruptly: suddenly

Arcade: Gallery

Chastened: subdue, humble

Grunt: a low rough noise

Wriggled: twist, turn

Disdain: scorn, disrespect

Reverently: with deep respect

Distractions: diversion, disturbance

Grimaced: angry

Inaudible: unheard

Prodigy: a young person with exceptional qualities

Strings: here, group

Jeered: tease someone

Apparently: seemingly, evidently

Dragged: pull

Unlikeliest: unexpected, doubtful

Pilgrimage: religious journey, but here their devotion towards football match

Mates: friends

Hesitant: undecided

Ecstatic: joyful excitement

Nosey: curious

Startled: sudden shock

Frowned: angry

Glared: stare angrily

Gawky: graceless

Row: here, so much noise

Chuffed: cheerful

Misery: discomfort

Hushed: quiet

Canal: waterway

Wharf: dock

Muffed: messed up

Solitary elm: single tree (elm is a tall tree)

Elapsed: pass, go by

Pangs: sharp pain

Despondent: disheartened

Resignation: departure, leaving

Envisage: predict

Crumbling: broken

Reddening: blush

Freckled: pale/brown spot on skin

Exposing: uncover

Gazelle: An Asian-African antelope

Melodious: musical

Lumbering: moving in awkward way

Hovered: fly

Momentarily: briefly

Thunderous: so strong like thunder of cloud

Eruption: explosion

Exultant: overjoyed

Approbation: Approval, acceptance

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