Useful words to talk about Daily Routine



Useful words to talk about Daily Routine

Useful words to talk about Daily Routine


Useful words to talk about Daily Routine

Linking word for Daily Routine

First, Then, After that, Before, Sometimes, usually, oten. finally, genrally


Daily Routine

On weekdays, I wake up at 5 in the morning and on weekends ' I wake up at 7

I stay in bed for about 5 minites before I get up.

Right After waking up, I drink warm water

I get up at quater past 5

Then I go to washroom, I wash my face and brush my teeth.

Then i Freshen up

After that  I do yoga for about 45 miniutes

After that I do som exercise,

15 Miniute after doing exercise, I have a cup of tea and make breakfast

While breakfast is cooking, I have a showe and get dressed after that i worship

First, I put some make-up on.

After that I comb my hair

After that I serve my husband breakfast and feed my duaghter

Finally I have breakfast at around 9:45

I usually watch some videos while I have my breakfast

After having Brekfast, I go to my studio

I walk to the bus Stop

I catch the bus at 9:30

Then I pay my fare and sit down

I usually drive  to work

I arrive at work at 10

As i reach the studio, I start working on my computer.

First, I check your comments and reply to them

Then I Shoot a video

Generally, I have Lunch at 2 PM

In between my work I go and check on  my daughter

Check on somebody: Jakar dekhna sab thik thak hai ya nahi

At 5Pm, I prepare some snack and hav that wih my duaughter

In the evening , I file my paper and orgnize my desk

After Finishing my office work, I go to the kitchen and cook dinner

I leave the office at 6, After reaching home I cook dinner

While dinner is cooking I tidy up the room

Tidy up-  chejo ko sametna

We all eat dinner together at 7:30 Pm

We all have dinner together at 7:30 PM

While having dinner, we catch up on our day

Catch on something = un batao ke baare me pata lagana jo aapse miss ho gayi hain

After dinner I help my daughter do her homework

After that I wash the dishes

Before going to bed, I take the rubbish out and lock the door.

Then I go to washroom and bursh my teeth

Then, I change into my nightdress

at around 10 PM, I set alarm, turn off the lights and get into bed.

Finally I put the phone to the side and go to sleep

It doesnt take my long to fall asleep

Do you fall asleep easily or take long


 I usually get up at 7 am to start my day

I take a shower every morning

I brush my teeth twice a day.

My dad helps me brush my hair

I have breakfast with a cup of tea

I go for a walk every morning

I study English every day.

I go to work at 9.45 Am

I drive to work every workday

I usually have lunch at 11 Am

Its your turn to do/Wash the dishes

Remember to take out the trash 

I play games with my friend.

I help my mother clean the house

Did you do the laundry today ?

I usually watch TV in the evening.

I make it habit to do exercise every day.

My mom cooks for us every day.

I usually have dinner around 7 PM

I do homework at night

I take a bath before sleep

I go to bed at 11 PM

I dry my hair after showering 

Have a shave before you go out

I wash my face with cold water

I take a few minute to put on makeup

I get dressed for work

I usually get up and go to bed at roughly the same time

I rarely wake up early

I turn off my alarm and roll out of bed.

Before doing exercise i warm up

I go through (check) email every morning

I drop off my kids at school every morning before heading out to work

On my way home,  I pick up groceries for the week

As soon as I'm back home, I freshen up and go for tuition classes

After cooking dinner, I clean up the kitchen and put everything away.

After a shower, I put on a profession attire to go to work

After a lond day, I take off my shoes and realx at home

Just before going to bed, I reflect on the day and what I achieved.



Useful words to talk about Daily Routine Phrasal word Part 02

I never really get up and go to bed roughly at same time my life lack regularity.

I regularly wake up at 7 am

I don't have regular routine 

I regularly have a light breakfast before heading out to college

I routinely sleep in on weekends ( Sleep in vs Oversleep)

I religiously (always) brush my teeth before breakfast

I take the school bus at 7:30 am without fail 

All the time I wake up tired, I better start sleeping on time

I habitually waste time in the morning, scrolling through my phone

Come what may, I read for ten miniute every morning

I read for ten miniutes every morning, come what may.

I make it a point the stay hydrated ofter taking short break to strech and maintain mental clearty.

I invariably have a glass of water first thing in the morning

I hit the gym on regular basis, a coupule of time during the week at the very least

Hit th gym/ go to the gym/ go down the gym



I grab a coffee

I get myself a coffee

I make myself breakfast

I have breakfast or I eat breakfast

I drink tea

I have a cup of tea

Mostly I grab breakfastand head straight to work ( go diriectly(

I frequently immerse myself in a podcast on my commute to work

Commute vs travel

From time to time I do the cooking

I occasionally get late at work and I munch something in cafeteria.

Now and then , I like to take a break form work and go for a short walk to clear my mind

I like to takebreak from work and go for a short walk to clear my mind evey now and then

In my daily routine , I Never really forget to include a moment for self-reaction

I hardly every miss my daily workout routine, even on busy day

I almost never have a heavy breakfast, opting for lighter healthier option

I enjoy cookng, but it happens on rare occassions due to busy schedule.

I engage in creative activities spordically to keep my mind fresh and inspired.

 I go for a jog in the park a few times a week to staly physically active







I wake up early in the morning

Then I freshen up

Then I Begin my day

Then I go to my my bedroom

Then I change

after that I go to morning walk

Then I walk a Little there

I do exercise

The  I get back to home

Then I take a cup of coffee and read newspaper

Then I get ready


Part 03

I wake up at 6 o'clock. 

I turn off my alarm. 

I get up at/around 6:30 (six-thirty). / I get out of bed at/around 6:30. / I roll out of bed at/around 6:30 (colloquial). 

I open/pull back the curtains (to let the sun in). / I open the blinds. 

I open/close the window(s). 

I make my/the bed. 

I stretch. / I do some stretching/stretches. 

I meditate. / I do some meditation. 

I do some light exercise. / I do some breathing exercises. 

I work out. / I go to the gym. / I do my morning workout.


I check my phone/email/messages/texts. 

I go to the bathroom. 

I wash my face. / I splash some water on my face. / I wash up. (Meaning, "I was my face and hands" in North America.) 

I moisturize. 

I wash my hands. 

I take/have a shower.

I dry myself off. (Meaning I dry my body with a towel.)

I dry my hair. 

I put on my makeup. 

I brush my teeth. 

I floss (my teeth). 

I brush my hair. / I comb my hair. 

I get dressed. / I put on my clothes. 

I get (myself) ready for the day.

I go downstairs. / I go upstairs. / I go to the kitchen.

I put the kettle on (for tea/coffee). / I turn the kettle on. 

I make (myself) some tea/coffee. / I pour myself a cup of tea/coffee. 

I turn on the radio. / I listen to the radio. 

I listen to a podcast. / I listen to some music. / I listen to an audiobook.

I turn on the TV. 

I prepare breakfast (for my family).

I have/eat (my) breakfast. 

I call my mom/dad/[other significant person]. 

I prepare my lunch (for the day / for work). / I prepare my kids' lunches. / I pack my lunch. 

I pack my stuff/bag/workbag/backpack/briefcase/etc.

 I put on my shoes. (Or, "I put my shoes on.")

 I put on my jacket. 

I put my stuff on (to leave the house). 

I go to work/school. (You can "work from home" or "work in an office/a restaurant/a bank/etc.") / I head off to work/school. / I head out to work/school.

I leave the house at/around 7:30 (seven-thirty). 

I drop off my kids/son/daughter at school. / I drop off my kids/son/daughter at the bus stop.

 I walk/drive to work. / I take/drive my car to work. 

I go to work on foot. / I go to work by car/bus/train/subway/etc. 

I walk to the bus stop. 

I catch the bus/train at/around 7:50 (seven-fifty). 

I get to work at/around 8:30 (eight-thirty). / I arrive at work at/around 8:30. 

I start work at/around 8:45 (eight-forty-five). 

I work from 8:45 until noon. 

I take/have my lunch break. / I go for lunch. / I go on my lunch break. / I have lunch. 

I go out for lunch at/around noon. 

I go back to work. 

I work from noon until 4pm (four P.M.). 

I finish work at/around 4 (o'clock). / I stop working at/around 4 (o'clock). 

I leave the office/store/building/factory/restaurant/etc. at/around 4. 

I do some groceries. / I go grocery shopping. / I pick up some groceries. / I go to the grocery store. 

I get home at/around 5 (o'clock). / I come back home at/around 5 (o'clock). 

I pick up my kids/son/daughter from school. / I pick up my kids/son/daughter from the bus stop. 

I make/cook dinner. / I prepare (or "prep") dinner. 

I have/eat dinner (with my family). 

I do/wash the dishes. 

I do the laundry. / I fold the laundry. / I put the laundry away. 

I clean up the kitchen. 

I do some housecleaning.

I take out the garbage/recycling/compost. 

I go for a walk. / I take a walk. 

I go for a run. / I go for a jog. / I go jogging. 

I play with my kids/son/daughter/pet(s)/etc. 

I spend time with my family/pets/dog/wife/husband/partner/kids/son/etc.

I do my homework. 

I call my friends/family/etc. 

I play (around) on my phone. 

I watch TV.

I relax on the couch. 

I read a book. / I read a book (on my e-reader/Kindle/Kobo/etc.)

 I go to the gym. / I go to the store/bank/etc.

I go to a restaurant. 

I practice English. / I study English. / 

I work on my computer/laptop. / I do some work on my computer/laptop. 

I write in my journal. 

I do some exercise. / I exercise. 

I go to my friend's house. 

I walk my dog. / I go for a walk with my dog. / I take my dog out (for a walk). 

I feed my pet(s)/dog/cat/fish/etc. 

I relax. / I take it easy. 

I take a shower/bath. 

I brush my teeth. 

I put on my pajamas. 

I get ready for bed. 

I close the curtains. / I close the blinds. 

I open a window. / I open/close my/the window(s). 

I go/get to bed at/around 10pm (ten P.M.). / I (try to) go/get to sleep at/around 10pm. 

I read in bed until I fall asleep. 

I set my alarm (if necessary). 

I turn on some music. 

I fall asleep at/around 10:30 (ten-thirty).

Present Simple Tense Question



Hi. How are you?


What's your name?

My name is...

Where do you live?

I live in...


Where were you born?* (This is not a present simple question, but it's an essential question for beginners to learn.)

I was born in...

How old are you?

I'm [number] (years old).

When is your birthday?

My birthday is on [date]. (example: "My birthday is on June twenty-fifth.")

Do you have any siblings, or are you an only child?

I have [number] brother(s)/sister(s).

I'm an only child.

What time do you usually go to bed?

I usually go to bed at/around...

What time do you usually wake up (in the morning)?

I usually wake up at/around...

What do you do? / What's your job?


I'm a/an/the...

Where do you work? / Where do you go to school?

I work at/for [name of your company].

I go to [name of your school].


What do you like to do in your free  time? (Or, "spare time")

In my free time, I like to...

In my free time, I like [verb+ing]. (Both forms are correct and used)

What's your favourite sport/book/movie/food/show/place/restaurant/band/etc.?


Do you eat meat? (follow-up questions: Are you a vegetarian/vegan?)

Yes, I do.

No, I don't.

Do you have any allergies?

Yes, I do. I'm allergic to...

No, I don't. / I'm not allergic to anything.

Are you hungry?

Yes, I am.

No, I'm not.

Are you tired?

Yes, I am.

No, I'm not.

Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have a/an [animal/pet].

No, I don't.

Let's go!

Do you work out?



How much sleep do you usually get?

Do you still carry cash? (cash = physical currency/money)

What kind of music do you like listening to?

Where do you go if you want peace and quiet?

How do you get to work/school?

What's your favourite ice cream flavour?

When is the best time to visit [name of a city, your hometown, etc.]?

How much water do you usually drink every day?

Who's your favourite person in the whole world?

How much money do you usually spend on food every week?

Are you busy today? / What do you have to do today?

What time do you usually have dinner?

Do you have any bad habits?

What is something you should do every day but don't?

What is something you eat almost every day?

Is there something you only do once a year?

How often do you go out to eat?

What's your daily routine?

What do you usually do on weekends?

Do you listen to any podcasts?

What's your favourite fiction genre (thriller, horror, romance, drama, sci-fi, fantasy, etc.)?

Do you have a YouTube channel?

How many apps do you think you have on your phone?

How often do you check your email?

How much time do you spend on your phone every day?

What's the best thing and worst thing about social media?

How often do you go to the movies? (Or, "the (movie) theatre")

How much walking do you do every day? Do you have a step counter?

Do you prefer relaxing or adventurous vacations?

Do you prefer working at home or working at the office?

What's your favourite season? Why?

How many languages do you speak?

What's your hometown like? (Or, "Tell me about your hometown.")

Do you know any good places to eat around here?

What time do stores usually close in your area/city/town?

What's your favourite city in the world? Why?

Do you like playing video games, card games, or board games? If so, what are some of your favourites?

What takes a long time but is usually worth it in the end?

Do you know any jokes?

What's your favourite kind of day? (rainy, sunny, windy, cloudy, stormy, etc.)

What's something you want to do this week/month/year?

Do you have any long-term goals?

What's a food combination you like that other people might find weird?

Do you have any role models in your life?

What motivates you?

What makes you happy?

Who's the most creative person you know?

Do you have any strange talents?

What makes you feel old when you think about it?

Can you draw?

Can you play any musical instruments?

Which chores are you responsible for in your house?

What is something you are really bad at?

What's the most boring sport to watch? What's the most exciting?


What are you scared of?

What's a subject you'd like to study in more detail?

Is there anyone in your life who inspires you?

Are you a social person, or do you prefer to keep to yourself?

What's the capital city of your country?

Are you good at multitasking?

Agree or disagree: We should rely more on translators and interpreters instead of expecting people to learn English.

Who makes you laugh?

Do you think better in the morning, afternoon, or evening?

Do you think you sleep enough?

Which day of the week is your least favourite?

What's your favourite day of the week?

What do humans need to be mentally healthy?

Do you believe one person can make a difference in the world? How?

Do you prefer to talk or text?

Do you think it's possible for someone to always do their best?

What do you like to do on Friday nights?

What time do you usually finish school/work?

How much energy do you have these days?

What's the most expensive thing you own?

What is something you sometimes worry about?

Where does your extended family live? Do any of your family members live in other countries?

Agree or disagree: In general, people are kind.

What are some things people aren't allowed to do at your job/school?

What is a public behaviour that really turns you off? (repels or disgusts you; makes you react in a negative way) 

What's the best way to learn a new skill?

What's something you usually try to avoid?

Are dress codes in workplaces important? Are there any benefits to dress codes?

What do you miss about being a child?

What are three things you hope to accomplish this year?

Who is the most organized person you know?

Is it okay for companies not to pay their interns/voluntary workers?

Are you a coffee drinker?

How do you cope with stress? (cope = deal with, handle, manage)

Daily Activities In The Morning:

On Weekdays I usually wake up at 8 am.

I stay in bed about 10 minutes before I get up.

I wash my face and take a shower.

Then I dry and comb my hair.

I have a breakfast at around 8.30.

After breakfast I brush my teeth.

I put on make up.

I get dressed.

I leave home at around 8.50.


I take a bus to work.

I arrive work at around 9.30.

I have a cup of coffee while I read the newspaper.

Then I check my emails and file my papers.

I usually make some telephone calls.

Then I report to my boss.

At around 1 pm I have lunch.I usually work on the computer.

I have afternoon tea at around 4 pm and eat some snacks.

 I leave work at 5.30.

I take a train and go to the gym before I go home.

I work out for almost an hour.

I arrive home at around 7.30. 

I get undressed.

I take a bath.

I get into my pajamas and take the rubbish out.

If I don't feel so tired I cook dinner.

I have dinner at around 9.

I relax on my couch and watch TV.

I wash the dishes and feed my dog.

I lock the door and brush my teeth.

At around 11.30 I set the alarm and read a book for about 30 minutes.

Then Finally at around 12 pm I turn off the lights and go to bed.

On Saturdays, I usually go grocery shopping early in the morning.

I do the washing and hang the clothes out to dry.

I water the garden and wash my car.

Then I do the ironing.

At night, I go out with my friends and have some fun .

On Sundays I go to temple in the morning.

Then In the afternoon, I go to the mall by my car and do some shopping.

Then I usually hire a movie and watch a movie

Before I go to bed I make sure that I recharge my cellphone and meditate to reduce the stress I get during the week.

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